‘Shadowhunters’ 3×09/3×10 Review: ‘Familia Ante Omnia’ & ‘Erchomai’

The first half of Shadowhunters season 3 ended tonight, and it was… not what I expected it to be. Is that a good thing? I’m not sure. Honestly, I was kind of happy with the way things were going, and…

'Supergirl' 3×18 Review: Follow Your Heart

Honestly, I don’t know what it is about DCTV shows when it comes to seriously delivering at the end of their seasons, but Supergirl is really starting to deliver near the end of its third season after a somewhat lackluster…

‘Timeless’ 2×09/2×10 Review: Save Rufus, Save the World

I tried not to make that joke. I really, really did. But here I am. Ten episodes later. Ten brilliant, amazing episodes later, and I just want…more. I want Timeless to save the world, or at least my world. Yeah,…

‘Timeless’ 2×08 Roundtable: “The Day Reagan Was Shot”

Timeless is good all the time, and Timeless moves us all the time, but this episode was, if possible, more emotional, more important and more poignant than most Timeless episodes. And we, of course, have a lot to discuss! Joining…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×08 Review: ‘A Walk in Darkness’

These last few episodes of Shadowhunters season 3 have been underwhelming, but I didn’t hate A Walk in Darkness. On the contrary, I actually thought it one was done pretty well. It made me feel things, and in this case I’m not talking…

Laura Benanti Cast In Season 5 Of ‘Younger’

We’re suckers for Younger and can’t wait for the season premiere. It feels like this season it’s going to be about Liza trying to find her relationships and how to maintain them in the midst of keeping her lie. Which…

‘Timeless’ 2×07 Roundtable: “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” Part 2

Yes, we’re back again, because, as always, we just had way too many feels for one roundtable post. But hey, that’s the beauty of Timeless. May it never become the kind of show that doesn’t give us feels. The End.…

‘Timeless’ 2×07 Roundtable: “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” Part 1

Elementary, Sherlock Holmes would say. Timeless delivered, once again, not just with a gem of an episode, but with a feminist tour de force, and we can’t help but feel happy that we get to experience this show every week,…

‘American Gods’ Starts Production on Season 2

Starz announced through their American Gods twitter that the show has started production and is set to return in 2019. After much speculation about the direction of the show, especially after the departure of the EP’s and key actors, it…

Blake Lively Unfollows Husband, Deletes Instagram Posts, and Makes Us Wonder If Love is Dead

In a world where celebrity accounts get hacked a dime for a dozen, it’s easy to look at Blake Lively’s recent Instagram activity and wonder what the hell is going on! Recently, she unfollowed her husband Ryan Reynolds, deleted all…

'Supergirl' 3×16 Review: Speak Your Truth

Oh, how life imitates art. Especially when it comes to the Supergirl fandom.Just as the Supergirl fandom has differing opinions — which can amount to personal insults — Kara and Imra found themselves confronted with opposite ideologies when it came…

‘Timeless’ Takes Television Beyond The Idiot Box

It’s an interesting coincidence that this week’s suffragette episode of Timeless comes just days after the death of Schoolhouse Rock! songwriter Bob Dorough. One of his iconic songs was “Sufferin’ Till Suffrage,” with the memorable line, “Those pilgrim women who…

‘Timeless’ 2×06 Roundtable: “The King of the Delta Blues”

Here we are again, Timeless fans, ready to discuss the good, the bad, the music and the Lyatt of the latest episode of our favorite show. This week we had a chance to see Connor Mason shine, and let’s just…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×18 Review: Women CAN Support Women

It’s getting increasingly harder to rank the latest Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes from funniest to least funniest. This second half of season five has been so steadily hilarious, the lines begin to blur when we try and figure out which, exactly,…

‘Timeless’ 2×05 Roundtable: “The Kennedy Curse” Part 2

What is this, you ask? More Timeless feels! Well, yes – we have so many of those the roundtables are two parters now! What can I say, that’s what this show does to us, and we’re not even sorry. Don’t…

‘Timeless’ 2×05 Roundtable “The Kennedy Curse” Part 1

Do you have feels? We have feels! About Jessica, about young JFK, about Lyatt, about Riya and yes, about Agent Christopher. But this is what roundtables are for. To let out all the feels. To help us process before the…

Kristin Cavalarri Is Returning To Reality TV

Kristin Cavalarri is fierce. She’s strong. She’s also one of my favorites from Laguna Beach and The Hills. I love that no nonsense, don’t give a fuck attitude that she’s always had. I have also loved the fact that she’s…

Fandom Entitlement: Who Owns the Story?

I wrote before about how fandom can become a negative place when fans confuse the fictional story with behind-the-scenes reality. This week, I want to write about another dark side of fandom: fan entitlement. This tends to rear its ugly…

‘The Originals’ 5×01 Review: “Where You Left Your Heart”

The Mikaelsons push the bounds of “Always and Forever” in The Originals season 5 premiere, titled “Where You Left Your Heart.” For 7 years they have been apart; Hope seperated from her mother, Klaus off God knows where, Rebekah and…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 57: The Ultimate MCU Ranking

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…

‘Timeless’ 2×04 Roundtable: “The Salem Witch Trials” Part 2

As always, we had way too many feels for just a one-part Timeless round-table, so here we go again. We still have to talk Jiya, Riya, our favorite scoundrel Flynn, and yes – Lyatt! You think we were really gonna…