Gillian Anderson Talks a Fun Season 11 of ‘The X-Files’

Gillian Anderson has embodied Dana Scully in such a way for so long that, despite the fact that she’s been anything but quiet the last few years, most of us tend to identify her with the character she made iconic.…

Chris Carter and Mitch Pileggi Discuss Season 11 of ‘The X-Files’

The cult classic turned ratings juggernaut thanks to a healthy serving of nostalgia and the explosive chemistry of its stars, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny, The X-Files returns to our TV screens tomorrow for a 10-episode season 11. We had…

Sofia Carson Is Guest Starring on ‘Famous in Love’

We totally love Famous In Love. We admit that we’ve had a hard time following the filming this season, because we keep waiting to see Rebecca Serle on set and you know how we feel about the possibility of authors…

12 of the Best TV Moments of 2017

For all the heartbreaking and tear inducing moments outlined in our previous article, there are just as many uplifting, beautiful, blissful moments that take our breath away. This year most definitely didn’t disappoint and gave fans some amazing on-screen moments…

Top 21 TV Ship Moments of 2017

We talked ships that made our hearts full before, but right now we want to get more specific, we want to talk moments – those scenes that made our hearts beat faster, our breaths catch and our eyes water. Those…

‘Agents of SHIELD’ 5×04 Review: “A Life Earned”

So, how about that ending? Yes, Fitz is back! For all of season 5 so far, many fans (like me) we’re wondering if we were going to get to see Fitz in the future as well. At first, I thought…

Our Favorite Female Friendships of 2017

2017 is coming to an end! Time flies, we’re already in December and just five minutes ago we were trying to cross out some goal of the usual list that we do every year – and almost never fulfill. But…

The Best and Worst of DCTV This Season

Since we’re about halfway through the current seasons of the DCTV shows, it seems a good time to reflect on the best and worst each show has had to offer this year. Well, the second worst, at least. The worst…

John Green’s ‘Turtles All the Way Down’ Optioned For Film

Are we shocked that another John Green book has been optioned? Nope. We kinda always figure that would happen. Especially when we’re read Turtles All the Way Down and we know that it’s unlike anything that John has ever written.…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×09 Review: “Beebo, the God of War”

Let me get personal with you for a minute, and how it relates to the end of this episode of Legends. A while back, my dad died of a heart attack. I was there when it happened. Tried CPR, praying,…

'Crisis on Earth-X' Roundtable

This year’s DCTV mega crossover was the network’s biggest and most controversial to date. Our favorite characters from across the Arrowverse came together for Barry Allen & Iris West’s wedding. But things went from good to bad to worse when…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×08 Review: Bravery or Stupidity?

You know when you’re watching a TV show and you catch yourself thinking, yeah, this sort of thing ONLY happens on TV? That was me at several points during this otherwise enjoyable episode of Designated Survivor. Because really, Mr. President,…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 45: Holiday Special 2017

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

‘The Flash’ 4×08 Review: ‘Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3’

There aren’t enough good things that can be said about this year’s Arrowverse mega crossover. From my favorite ships journey to marriage to new relationships to the importance of heroes masked or not to the family that has been created…

First ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer Debuts

It’s been nice to know you. We’re now dead. The new Avengers: Infinity War trailer has killed us. We don’t even have words for what the actual movie will do. Because this feels like an end in a way, doesn’t…

‘After’ Film Finally Gets It’s Director…and We’re Pretty Excited!

Attention all Afternators! This is not a drill! It feels like we have been waiting for more news on the film adaptation of Anna Todd’s uber popular After for ages. The story that practically broke the internet launched a career…

‘Supergirl’ 3×07: “Wake Up” Roundtable

We’re back with another Supergirl roundtable! Just in time for Mon-El’s grand and emotional return, which brought all the angst and all the questions. We’d be lying if we said we weren’t heartbroken. But then again, this is the kind…

‘Supernatural’ 13×07 Review: War of the Worlds

Supernatural “War of the Worlds” had less war and more set up for what Michael is to do if he steps into our world and takes over this paradise. We didn’t see Jack for a second *sob* and only briefly…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 44: Thor Ragnarok

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

‘The Brave’ 1×09 Fall Finale Review: Improvise

“There is no mission weighed as carefully or subjected to as much scrutiny as the one we are tasked with today…the targeted killing of another human being.” Forty-plus days; that’s how long we have to wait to see what happens…

Hook, Mon-El and Felicity: Ship Bias or Actual Problematic Characters?

To ship or not to ship, to like a character or not like a character. Sometimes, the two are intertwined. And yet, sometimes, the writers make characters into people you absolutely can’t root for, and that colors your idea of…