‘Once Upon A Time’ 5×19 Review “Sisters”

I’m going to try something new this week. Mostly, because this episode was all about Regina/Cora/Zelena, but also because, well new is fun. And this is, quite possibly, the last we will ever see of Cora. And you can say…

Shadowhunters: The Highs and Lows of Season 1

The first season of Shadowhunters has just wrapped up, and despite a few problems, it’s safe to say that, ratings-wise, it was a success. The show has already been renewed for a second, 20 episode long season, and many fans are…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×13 Recap: ‘Morning Star’

The season finale of Shadowhunters had a lot of book fans nervous. With the promise of a massive plot twist that wasn’t in the books, there was a sense of impending doom. How badly would Shadowhunters screw up the story?…

‘The Flash’ 2×17 Roundtable: Discussing “Flash Back”

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of The Flash and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 17…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×12 Recap: ‘Malec’

Malec was, without a doubt, the most anticipated episode of Shadowhunters since the moment the episode title was revealed. When Magnus and Alec first met, I was blown away by the chemistry between the actors, and extremely excited to see…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 5×12 Panel: “Souls of the Departed”

Hello, Oncers! We’re back. This IS a post-episode panel. We have stuff to talk about! That’s, of course, good news. We’ve missed our show. I’ve missed it. But, on the flip side, that also means pain is coming our way.…

‘The Flash’ 2×14 Roundtables: ‘Escape from Earth-2’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of The Flash and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 14…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×06 Recap: ‘Of Men And Angels’

I want to love Shadowhunters, I really do. After episodes four and five showed considerable improvement, I had hope that the show might eventually come into its own and improve. I’m still holding on to that hope, because the show…