‘Blindspot’: Season 2 Review

The wait has almost come to an end, Blindspot fans! IT’S ONLY ONE DAY AWAY! One day! After so much waiting it seems hard to believe that we’ve finally made it …but we have! As an appetizer before the new…

'Supergirl' 3×03 Review: 'Far From The Tree'

By Alyssa Barbieri and Lissete Lanuza Saenz You know that America’s Next Top Model gif, the one where Tyra Banks is screaming WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU? That was us, Supergirl. That was us.…

‘Outlander’ 3×06 Review: “A. Malcolm”

I’m writing this from beyond the grave because yes, like most of you predicted, Outlander‘s Print Shop episode killed me. The 20 year reunion between Jamie and Claire was everything I could’ve hoped for as a book reader, as a TV…

Between the Lines: Fandom Call Out Culture

The problem with us, as beings with some kind of moral consciousness, is that we think our morality is better than everyone else’s. Whether we mean to or not, we stand taller when we feel as though somebody made a…

Walk the Wyatt Way, With Respect – An Ode to Timeless’s Wyatt

Inevitably when you have a character who was ex-special forces, military down to the bedrock of their life experiences, and living on in the wake of a dead spouse, you have a fractured, damaged, alpha man who is equal parts…

Between the Lines: Stepping Away from the Fray

A sub-clause of being born in the 21st century is that we are, whether we like it or not, constantly bombarded with tragedy on a large scale. Massacres, bigotry, and radical injustice are tweeted past our eyes every hour of…

The Emmy’s And Sean Spicer

The reason that we hold our media to such a high standard is because our films and television shows have the power to be subversive, start conversations, and create a status quo that can be seen in trends, in who…

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Roundtable: The Good, the Bad and the Incest

Another season of Game of Thrones is in the books – and we certainly have a lot of feelings to unpack. From the good (it was about damn time, Jaime, it was about damn time) and the bad (Cersei being…

Fanexpo Toronto 2017 Day 2: Game of Thrones, Cosplay, and More

Fanexpo Toronto is a cornucopia of all things fandom. Sci-fi, horror, anime….celebs, photo ops and panels. No matter your preference, you will find it here, and it an endless supply of awesome. Taking in day 2 of the annual event…

‘Game of Thrones’ 7×07 Review: Bring Down the Wall

Did you read that like the song? Tell me you read that like the song. That’s about the only thing that’s going to make this shit storm of a season finale of Game of Thrones feel better. And I mean…

‘Game of Thrones’ 7×06 Review: It’s the End of the World as We Know It

Holy … You can imagine what comes after that. Because what other way is there to start this review? No, really, what other way is there? It’s not that we loved Viserion – he was named after Dany’s jackass brother,…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×09 Review: Forever Mine Nevermind

Wynonna Earp‘s ‘Forever Mine Nevermind’ reminded us how much of a badass Wynonna is, how fragile some relationships are, and how this little family is fighting to stay on top of things and united in a world just frothing at…

‘Game of Thrones’ 7×03 Review: Ice and Fire

Well, Olenna Tyrell is gone. I saw that one coming. She confessed to killing Joffrey before she died, and in death, she still somehow fucked over Cersei, who nonetheless seems to be on the winning streak to end all winning…

‘Outlander’ At SDCC 17: Dancing, The Print Shop and An Epic Surprise For Fans

To say that Outlander’s return to San Diego Comic Con reduced me to a puddle of emotions would be an understatement. After missing SDCC last year, Outlander roared back to San Diego with one of the most highly anticipated panels and booths…

‘The Bold Type’ Roundtable: Feminist AF and We Are Obsessed

We’re committed. We’re all about The Bold Type. You know we’ve committed to a show when we’re wanting to talk about it so much that we do a round table. Jane, Kat, and Sutton are our spirit animals and we…

‘The X Files’: Why Every Show Needs a Diverse Writers Room

The X-Files has never been a truly diverse show — in front or behind the cameras. And yet, it felt like this was the time, like we’ve finally gotten to a point where that could change, where our favorite show…

'The Flash': The ABCs of WestAllen

Barry Allen and Iris West are synonymous with endgame. While that’s certainly proven true in the comics, it wasn’t always a guarantee on The Flash. Certainly, it was the intention. But as writers, you have to learn that if something…

In Defense of Fanfiction

In recent conversations, I’ve found myself defending how important fanfiction is to the fandom experience, and why I find myself on Archive of Our Own at four in the morning. The thing with fanfiction is that if you don’t know…

Hold the Floor: How the AHCA Wants to Kill You

Some of you may know that Democrats are currently holding the floor in the Senate, in an effort to get the GOP to talk about their proposed healthcare bill that will cut insurance to some 23 million Americans. Some of…

'Arrow' 5×23 Roundtable: 'Lian Yu'

While Arrow has been a disappointment for the majority of season 5, these last several episodes of the season has shown us that Arrow is still capable of solid storytelling and beautiful character exploration. After five seasons telling how Oliver…

How to Be An Ally And Use Google – AKA, A Tale of How Not To Be an Asshole

There is a trend of entitlement on Twitter (and lots of other places, but let’s focus there) that revolves around this one simple phrase: “Explain to me why this is.” Now, this might not be an insidious thing on the…