Arrow 5×16 Roundtable: 'Checkmate'

Arrow might’ve just begun its path to redemption in “Checkmate,” where Prometheus emerged as a worthy adversary for Oliver, where Felicity got deeper with Helix, and where Oliver was abducted by his foes. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, and…

The Darkest Minds Finds Its Clancy in Patrick Gibson

If there’s one Young Adult book to film that I’m most anticipating it’s by far FOX’s The Darkest Minds, which center around some strong, young protagonists that are literally fighting for their lives in a dark dystopian world. Thus far…

Supergirl 2×15 Review: 'Exodus'

Television, like the various arts, is a form of expression. It’s a way to express our feelings, our views, and our beliefs. And no DC Comics show – or most shows for that matter – have managed to use their…

Supergirl 2×14 Review: 'Homecoming'

When it comes to television superhero shows are my kryptonite. Even when I feel angry and utterly distraught (Arrow, not Supergirl), I still end up coming back for more expecting some semblance of redemption. I guess that mindset stems from…

Chicago P.D. 4×15 Review: ‘Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will’

When it comes to violence and murder, it’s very easy for good people to find themselves on the wrong side of the law. That’s where we found one father in Chicago P.D.’s latest hour as he solicited a murder of…

Arrow 5×14 Review: 'The Sin-Eater'

Well, that was surprisingly not terrible. Especially given what it looked like Arrow was setting up. But that doesn’t mean it was good either. When a show that has generally been known for its smarts – at least in the…

The Flash 3×13 Review: 'Attack on Gorilla City'

While I come to these DC Comics shows for the characters that give me a reason for watching, that doesn’t mean that I can’t just appreciate a good ol’ fashioned comic book storyline that brings Flash lore to life. We’re…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×12 Review : “Camelot 3000”

This week’s Legends of Tomorrow sends us to the time of King Arthur and his men of the Round Table. I love these type of stories and this was no exception. Sword fights, causal flirting and mind control leads to…

Timeless 1×16 Review: This is Not Goodbye

And not just because I refuse (though I refuse, I refuse, I refuse), but because it’s not fair. And okay, sometimes life is not fair. Sometimes television is not fair. But, in this day and age, especially with what’s going…

Supergirl 2×13 Review: ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk’

Love was front and center in this week’s Supergirl, where Kara found herself the object of a crazy man’s affections and dealing with her new romance with Mon-El while Alex and Maggie conquered their first fight together. While Supergirl has…

‘Arrow’: 37 Moments That Remind Us Why Olicity is Endgame

There’s no better holiday for fans of a ship than Valentine’s Day, which is basically a celebration of love. And there are so many beautiful love stories to celebrate. But my personal favorite has and will always be Arrow’s Oliver…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×11 Review: ‘Turncoat’

Legends of Tomorrow sends us back to 1776 this week and indirectly are able to save the world from losing “Hamilton: The Musical” forever. Oh and also the United States of America is saved as well but that’s besides the point.…

Supergirl 2×11 Review: ‘The Martian Chronicles’

Immediately following Supergirl’s latest hour I said to myself: “Damn, that was a good episode.” Because it really was. At this point it’s not even surprising how Supergirl manages to so flawlessly weave together beautiful emotion stories within the high…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×10 Review : “The Legion of Doom”

Legends of Tomorrow has had a strong second season and “The Legion of Doom” keeps the streak up. A super-villain team-up dominates the episode but we do get some other moments with Stein and his daughter and a very surprising ending involving…

The Flash 3×10 Review: 'Borrowing Problems from the Future'

While The Flash had been a letdown for me early on in this current third season, the season finale was a game changer in every sense of the word. It was a game changer plot wise, as well as hype…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×12 Review: “Sanctuary”

If there’s one thing you can expect from Chicago P.D. it’s that its storylines are much more than they appear to be. When you think you’ve got it all figured out, you soon learn that you weren’t even close. The…

The 15 Celebrities Of 2016 That Keep Us Talking

When you have to narrow down celebrities to a list for the year – you wonder – what are you narrowing them down for? The best? The worst? Well, whether it be good or bad – here’s 15 that kept…

27 Female TV Characters Who Were a Force of Nature in 2016

Being a woman is not easy. Not even in TV-Land. In fact, we could even say “especially” not in TV Land. Everything is, after all, magnified. The characters we see on the screen are us (with stylists and better outfits),…

DC Crossover Event Roundtable: Discussing the Epic Team-Up With Arrow, Flash, Supergirl & Legends

This year’s DC Crossover Event upped the stakes and the shows as the worlds of Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow collided in a thrilling four-night event. Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah are breaking down everything…

‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ Review: “Spring”

After sobbing through Richard’s funeral in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’s “Winter,” “Spring” is one of the more uplifting portions of the revival. While this episode deals with Lorelai and Emily continuing to work through their issues, and…

The Crown Episode 1: Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown

Buckingham Palace. Now I don’t know about you, but I have always been intrigued by what lies behind the gates. Maybe that’s why I was willing to sit down for 10 hours and not move as I watched every episode…