‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×12 “Murder Most Foul” Review: Drama for the sake of …drama?

You almost had it, Once Upon A Time. Before the last few seconds of this episode, I was ready to crown this the best episode of Season 6. After all, it was entertaining, the message was on point and yet,…

Arrow 5×15 Roundtable: ‘Fighting Fire With Fire’

Arrow continues to disappoint in its fifth season with the latest installment coming in “Fighting Fire With Fire,” where we learned Prometheus’ (not-shocking) identity, Thea was sent away, and Oliver became even more annoying than he ever has been. Our…

Supergirl 2×15 Review: 'Exodus'

Television, like the various arts, is a form of expression. It’s a way to express our feelings, our views, and our beliefs. And no DC Comics show – or most shows for that matter – have managed to use their…

The Walking Dead 7×12 Review: Say Yes (to Richonne)

The Walking Dead’s ‘Say Yes’ was a love letter to Richonne with a clear message. A) Richonne is endgame and B) Pain is on its way and it’s name is ‘death’! So sit back, relax, and enjoy all the happy…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×11 Review: “Tougher Than The Rest”

When we last left Emma (and Regina), they were watching their one chance to go back to the world they belong in disappear, and they were confronted with ghosts of the past – in the form of Robin.  But, of…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×16 Review: “Emotional Proximity”

One of the most beautiful things about television – and the arts in general – is the power that they command when it comes to emotions. Emotions are the foundation of the very lives we lead. Everything we do is…

Ten Ways To Make It Through This Epic #Droughtlander

Drought-lander: /drout,landər/  noun: a prolonged period of time without new episodes of Outlander. noun: an exceptional amount of time to not see Jamie and Claire Fraser A few weeks ago, Outlander fans were given the sad news that the show would not return…

Arrow 5×15 Review: 'Fighting Fire With Fire'

As a prelude to my latest Arrow review, I shall warn thee that this review will be a roasting. In an episode aptly titled, “Fighting Fire With Fire,” there was an overarching theme about what happens when you play with…

Supergirl 2×14 Review: 'Homecoming'

When it comes to television superhero shows are my kryptonite. Even when I feel angry and utterly distraught (Arrow, not Supergirl), I still end up coming back for more expecting some semblance of redemption. I guess that mindset stems from…

Chicago P.D. 4×15 Review: ‘Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will’

When it comes to violence and murder, it’s very easy for good people to find themselves on the wrong side of the law. That’s where we found one father in Chicago P.D.’s latest hour as he solicited a murder of…

The Flash 3×13 Review: 'Attack on Gorilla City'

While I come to these DC Comics shows for the characters that give me a reason for watching, that doesn’t mean that I can’t just appreciate a good ol’ fashioned comic book storyline that brings Flash lore to life. We’re…

Timeless 1×16 Review: This is Not Goodbye

And not just because I refuse (though I refuse, I refuse, I refuse), but because it’s not fair. And okay, sometimes life is not fair. Sometimes television is not fair. But, in this day and age, especially with what’s going…

The Walking Dead 7×10 Review: New Best Friends, Reunions, and Junkyard Zombies

I’m going to be real with you here The Walking Dead family…’New Best Friends’ is my favorite episode of Season 7, hands down! The Walking Dead has suffered greatly in the past couple seasons by separating our survivors and making us wait…

Arrow 5×13 Review: 'Spectre of the Gun'

Gun violence is by and far one of the most important issues and pressing concerns around the world. It’s definitely an issue that needs to be addressed whenever possible and wherever it makes sense. It’s definitely a discussion that needs…

Arrow 5×12 Roundtable: 'Bratva'

Arrow returned to Russia in its episode titled “Bratva,” which reminded us that Original Team Arrow is the heart of Arrow and played with our emotions as we ponder whether Arrow can truly redeem itself this season. Our Fangirlish writers…

The Walking Dead: 10 Favorite Moments from ‘Rock in the Road’

The Walking Dead‘s ‘Rock in the Road’ feels like the mid-season premiere we deserved after all the pain of the first half of season 7. There’s hope and promise for a better life for Rick & Co. that isn’t full…

30 Moments That Prove Linstead Are Couple Goals in ‘Chicago P.D.’

There’s no better holiday for fans of a ship than Valentine’s Day, which is basically a celebration of love. So when it comes to compiling lists to celebrate those great love stories, celebrating Linstead was an obvious choice. While it…

Supernatural 12×11 Review: Regarding Dean Winchester, The Hero

Part of me still doesn’t understand how Supernatural has the power to make us laugh, cringe, cheer, and cry all in one episode. ‘Regarding Dean’ did just that. Again. After 12 seasons. This ability to balance such complex genres has…

Arrow 5×11 Roundtable: 'Second Chances'

Arrow set its sights on its new Black Canary in its episode titled “Second Chances,” which reminded us that everyone is capable of redemption and starting over with Team Arrow. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah are…

Timeless 1×14 Review: We’re Family Now, Just Accept It

It’s silly, but as I started writing this review, it struck me that there’s just two more episodes left of Timeless, two more episodes of Rufus’ wit, of Wyatt’s protectiveness, of Lucy’s resourcefulness, of the family that they’ve managed to…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×06 Review: ‘Iron Sisters’

I didn’t have high expectations for Iron Sisters, the sixth episode of Shadowhunters season 2. But as I’ve learned over my one year of watching and writing about this show, the lower my expectations, the better the show is probably…