The Crown, Episode 3: It’s All In A Name

We’re on Episode 3 of The Crown and we’re drawn in. The truth is – with every episode, we start to feel more and more for Elizabeth. We couldn’t go through what she is going through. This episode has Philip…

Supergirl 2×08 Review: Life Is Too Short

As Supergirl ushered in DC’s mega crossover extravaganza it also delivered its midseason finale, which was ripe with emotion and the vey important reminder that life is too short not to take chances. Even at its worst this season, Supergirl…

‘Pitch’ Roundtable: Why FOX Should #RenewPitch

Ever since its pilot, Pitch has been one of our favourite shows here at Fangirlish. For some of us – namely, the sports fans – it’s been a dream come true, combining female empowerment with a critical and accurate look at…

The Walking Dead 7×05 Review: The Rise of Maggie Rhee

When it really comes down to it, being a leader isn’t a popularity contest or a competition to see who can one up the other with vicious lies. True leadership is the ability to lead by example with humility and…

Once Upon A Time: The End of Rumbelle

Funny, I keep thinking of Junot Diaz these days. He has a quote, from his book This is How You Lose Her that has stuck with me, through good times and bad times. It reads: ‘And that’s when I know…

Timeless 1×06 Review: Fractured, Not Broken

So, that happened. All of that. Which, to be honest, was a bit much. Is it all moving way too fast or is that just me? Can I get a moment to breathe? To enjoy my trio in, like, something…

The Walking Dead 7×04 Review: Service & Negan Mind Games 101

Negan’s special brand of mind games continued in The Walking Dead‘s “Service.” And while the Saviors first visit to Alexandria didn’t go like I expected, aka him killing someone to teach them a lesson about obedience like scared little puppies, he did…

Timeless Roundtable: Maybe We Can Change Things

Five episodes in, Timeless is already one of our favorite shows of the new season – and with the break this week, we thought it’d be the perfect time to talk about all the things we’ve loved about the show…

7 WTF Moments from Supernatural’s “The One You’ve Been Waiting For”

From Dean saying no to pie, to Hitler jumping around like an energetic pre-schooler, Supernatural‘s “The One You’ve Been Waiting For” was chock-full with WTF moments. This episode goes to show you that no matter how serious of a situation something…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 Roundtable: “Heartless”

That was a twist …wasn’t it? Maybe I’d been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe I was just too used to the Evil Queen never getting what she wanted. Either way, Once Upon A Time, six seasons in,…

Arrow 5×06 Review: The Flaw in Reinventing the Past

Following last season where the mystical reigned supreme, Arrow has been obsessed with going “back to basics,” which we assumed meant returning to its roots — the real roots. The core group of characters, balancing heart, plot, and action, and…

Frequency: The Art of Appreciating What You Have

I came into Frequency totally unprepared. I’d never seen the movie that inspired it, didn’t know any of the actors, and was totally devoid of 90’s nostalgia – or so I thought. My only interest in the show, and in…

6 Things We Loved About Netflix’s ‘The Crown’

I have always been fascinated by royalty. Sometimes I think that all little girls are – the idea of a falling in love with a Prince, becoming a Princess… it’s the age old fairytale that we somehow find ourselves wanting…

Supernatural 12×04 Review: Mary’s Presence is Already Missed

Dean’s confusion, resentment, and heartache over the departure of Mary was felt all over, in Supernatural’s “American Nightmare.” While Sam wanted to investigate the family suspected of a wrongful death, Dean wanted to give them a pass. He was so…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Roundtable: “Dark Waters”

Family is what you make of it. Family is not just the people who share your blood, but the people you love, and who love you back. That was the message of an emotional episode of Once Upon A Time…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×03 Roundtable: 'Shogun'

A new season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Legends of Tomorrow episode. In Legends of Tomorrow‘s third episode of season 2,…

Arrow 5×04 Roundtable: 'Penance'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, and Nora discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow’s fourth episode of season 5, Oliver and Lyla set off on…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Review: “Dark Waters”

Wow. Did that episode bring the unexpected feels or what? I mean, yes, we were promised Hook backstory. We weren’t promised tears, a family reunion, a Captain Cobra adventure, honesty and a realistic look at what a relationship between a…

The Flash 3×04 Roundtable: 'The New Rogues'

A new season of The Flash means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Flash episode. In The Flash‘s fourth episode of season 3, two new Rogues arrived in…

The Blacklist 4×06 Review: ‘The Thrushes’

Tonight in “The Thrushes” the moment we’ve all been waiting for happened. That’s right, they finally got Agnes back!!!!!! It feels like it’s been an eternity and a half since they first started looking for her, but Red’s work finally…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×03 Review: A Suit Does Not Make A Hero

Perhaps the most important thing that the DC Television universe has made perfectly clear is that heroes are not made because of the suits they wear or the nicknames they’re known by. The suits are made because of the men…