Read An Exclusive Excerpt From Perfect by Cecelia Ahern (#CONTEST)

Books. We love them. They are like food for our soul. We devour them. We can’t get enough of them. You may remember last year, we were all about Flawed, but Cecelia Ahern. Yes, we were drawn in by the…

The Walking Dead 7×10 Review: New Best Friends, Reunions, and Junkyard Zombies

I’m going to be real with you here The Walking Dead family…’New Best Friends’ is my favorite episode of Season 7, hands down! The Walking Dead has suffered greatly in the past couple seasons by separating our survivors and making us wait…

Arrow 5×12 Roundtable: 'Bratva'

Arrow returned to Russia in its episode titled “Bratva,” which reminded us that Original Team Arrow is the heart of Arrow and played with our emotions as we ponder whether Arrow can truly redeem itself this season. Our Fangirlish writers…

The Blacklist 4×13 Review: ‘Isabella Stone’

“Isabella Stone” promised to be an action packed episode. and it did not disappoint. I was worried that Isabella Stone would just be a throw away villain easily defeated by Red, but she actually lived up to the hype. If…

Timeless 1×14 Review: We’re Family Now, Just Accept It

It’s silly, but as I started writing this review, it struck me that there’s just two more episodes left of Timeless, two more episodes of Rufus’ wit, of Wyatt’s protectiveness, of Lucy’s resourcefulness, of the family that they’ve managed to…

Arrow 5×11 Review: 'Second Chances'

Arrow’s prevailing theme in its episode titled “Second Chances” was all about giving people another chance to redeem themselves where they’ve gone wrong. I mean as far as hitting episodic themes and proverbial themes on the head, this episode definitely…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×09 Review: 'Raiders of the Lost Art'

As Legends of Tomorrow time jumps to Tuesdays, the mid-season premiere made it damn clear that the first half surge of Legends is something that’s no aberration. This show has established itself as one of the more solid DC Comics…

Supergirl 2×09 Review: 'Supergirl Lives'

Supergirl has easily been the best of the DC Comics shows on television this season, and it’s obvious why. The sophomore CBS transfer has embraced the very best that the show has to represent, while also introducing additional elements that…

Supernatural Trailer: Blood, Mayhem, and the Importance of Winchesters

Supernatural‘s post-production team has released a beautifully crafted trailer titled “See No Evil” overflowing with blood, mayhem, and copious dialogue teasing the importance of our beloved Winchesters. The Winchesters aren’t just your ordinary vampire, werewolf, ghost killing hunters. They’re essential to…

The Blacklist 4×11 Review: ‘The Harem’

Last night’s episode, “The Harem” was underwhelming to say the least. The group of female thieves were completely irrelevant, and it wasn’t even really a compelling case episode. There were a couple good exchanges of dialogue between characters, but almost…

Kami Garcia and Jonathan Maberry Discuss Their Favorite X-Files Episodes

It’s Tuesday, so you know what that means – new books. Releasing today are two books that any X-Files fan needs to get their hands on – The X-Files Origins: Agent of Chaos and The X-Files Origins: Devil’s Advocate. We…

Rogue One Review: A New (New) Beginning

How does it feel, someone was asking their companion as I left the movie theater, to know that the entire galaxy was saved because of a woman? I didn’t hear the answer, but I have mine – pretty damn good.…

27 Female TV Characters Who Were a Force of Nature in 2016

Being a woman is not easy. Not even in TV-Land. In fact, we could even say “especially” not in TV Land. Everything is, after all, magnified. The characters we see on the screen are us (with stylists and better outfits),…

BROTPs That Ruled 2016

As fans, we tend to focus a lot on the romance in movies, books and TV shows. But sometimes, it’s the friendships that provide the most heartwarming moments and, let’s be honest, the most solid relationships. Even if your OTP…

DC Crossover Event Roundtable: Discussing the Epic Team-Up With Arrow, Flash, Supergirl & Legends

This year’s DC Crossover Event upped the stakes and the shows as the worlds of Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow collided in a thrilling four-night event. Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah are breaking down everything…

Fangirlish End of the Year Lists: Our 12 Favorite Movies of 2016

Narrowing down favorite movies is no easy feat. We know that we haven’t seen every movie out there. We know that favorite movies are a very person decision. So we’re not putting these in any order – we’re giving you…

‘Pitch’ Roundtable: Why FOX Should #RenewPitch

Ever since its pilot, Pitch has been one of our favourite shows here at Fangirlish. For some of us – namely, the sports fans – it’s been a dream come true, combining female empowerment with a critical and accurate look at…

Arrow 5×04 Roundtable: 'Penance'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, and Nora discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow’s fourth episode of season 5, Oliver and Lyla set off on…

Supernatural 12×1 Review: Keep Calm and Carry On

Family, grounded relationships, and a unique balance between drama and humor. Supernatural has never been better! It’s season 12 premiere “Keep Calm and Carry On” showed us and any doubters out there that Supernatural still has what it takes to…

Conviction 01×01 Review: 'Pilot'

I have been known to say I would watch anything that Hayley Atwell stars in just to get a glimpse of her, and this is what prompted my watching of the pilot of Conviction, eager to see how she will…

Spotlight on: Once Upon A Captain Swan Podcast

The summer hiatus is hard and cruel, especially for ardent fans of TV.  We strive to find other ways to entertain ourselves, to get our fix. And, if you’re a Once Upon A Time fan, and more specifically, a Captain…