Legends of Tomorrow: Five Time Periods We’d Like to See Visited

When it comes to DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the beauty about its focal time travel element is that it allows our characters to travel to and exist within certain times. Whether that’s getting a glimpse into the future or traveling…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Dominic Purcell

Mick Rory didn’t want to be a hero. In many ways, he still doesn’t. And, yet, as Dominic Purcell tells us in this San Diego Comic-Con interview, the Mick Rory of the Pilot is nothing like the man we left at the…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Franz Drameh

Legends of Tomorrow has a distinct feel that differentiates it from its counterparts Arrow and The Flash. Of course the time travel element is significant, but it’s also the dynamic between this unlikely team that makes it uniquely compelling. One…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Victor Garber

When it comes to the many familiar faces in the superhero universe on the CW, Victor Garber is one of those names that sometimes leaves you feeling so blessed to have an actor of that caliber. Garber’s resume is impressive,…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Caity Lotz

On DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s first season, Sara Lance transitioned from the League of Assassins’ Canary to the White Canary, a hero that lives in the light. But following the death of her sister Laurel last season, Sara struggled with…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim

Last season DC’s Legends of Tomorrow introduced us to a new kind of DC Comics show on The CW – one ripe with a mixture of heroes and villains that lived in the fun of the universe. But while it…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Brandon Routh

Brandon Routh is one of those people who always comes with a smile, and always seems to put a smile on our faces. “What can I tease?” he contemplated, when we asked him to talk about Ray’s season 2 journey,…

5 Things We Learned from the Legends of Tomorrow Panel at SDCC

DC TV brought all it’s stars to San Diego Comic-Con, and the Legends of Tomorrow panel was, as always, filled with petty faces, great news and a sizzle reel that has us counting the days till it premieres. Let’s recap…

Legends of Tomorrow SDCC 2016 Sizzle Reel

The team might look a bit different, but DC’s Legends of Tomorrow promises a whirlwind of new surprises and character development in its new season. The cast and producers of Legends of Tomorrow appeared at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday where…

Legends of Tomorrow: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC

As the countdown to San Diego Comic-Con reaches the two-week mark, we can practically feel the fall television season get closer within our reach. That means that the return of time travel-happy Legends of Tomorrow is getting closer and closer…

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Review: A Bumpy Freshman Season Full of Promise

With a crop of superhero shows popping up throughout the major networks, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow looked to forge its own unique path as it brought together heroes and villains for the ultimate super team-up. Legends relied heavily on its…

Legends of Tomorrow Adds New Vixen for Season 2

Get ready to see a lot more of Vixen in live-action. The character of Vixen, who got her start on her animated series Vixen, will be joining DC’s Legends of Tomorrow when the show returns for season 2, according to…

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Finale Roundtable: 'Legendary'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down…

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Finale Review: 'Legendary' [Full Circle]

While DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has often received more criticism than praise from me – and rightfully so – the final two episodes of the season have delivered in terms of emotional satisfaction that I really enjoyed. “Legendary” proved to…

Legends of Tomorrow 1×15 Roundtable: 'Destiny'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×15 Review: 'Destiny' [Seize Your Destiny]

While DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has most times been infuriating with the persistence of certain storylines, it’s penultimate episode returned to what made me care about this show in the first place: the characters. In “Destiny” our team fought to…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’: Wentworth Miller Exits as Series Regular, Becomes Regular in DC Universe

If you’ve seen Thursday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, you know that there was a shocking development with Wentworth Miller’s character of Leonard Snart. While we won’t go into specifics for those who’ve yet to see it, Snart’s character…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 1×14 Roundtable: ‘River of Time’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×14 Review: 'River of Time' [Just Kill Savage Already]

One of the most frustrating aspects about DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has been its inability to provide consistency when it comes to the story. Something we’ve seen over these past few episodes has been a storyline dragged out for too…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×13 Roundtable: 'Leviathan'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down…

'Legends of Tomorrow' Season 2 Bringing in Two New Faces

As DC’s Legends of Tomorrow winds down its freshman season, we’re already getting teases about what to expect in season two. According to TVLine, Legends is currently casting for two series regular roles for next season that appear to be…