‘Agents of SHIELD’ 5×03 Review: “A Life Spent”

“A Life Spent” was a improvement over the premiere, but when it comes to this season of Agents of SHIELD so far… my feelings is that I’m not feeling it all the way yet. I respect that SHIELD is taking…

‘Supernatural’ 13×09 Review: The Bad Place

Supernatural’s “The Bad Place” had Jack return to the picture, proved that Mary was alive to the Winchesters, and set up the final pieces for the arrival of Wayward Sisters. This mid-season finale also set us, and the Winchesters, on an uncharted path…

‘The Gifted’ 1×09 Review: Do you think you’re what they say you are?

Yes, that’s a Jesus Christ Superstar reference. Because, why not? And also because “outfoX” has left me in such a good mood, I want to sing. And that’s not even because absence makes the heart grow fonder or whatever. It’s because,…

'Crisis on Earth-X' Roundtable

This year’s DCTV mega crossover was the network’s biggest and most controversial to date. Our favorite characters from across the Arrowverse came together for Barry Allen & Iris West’s wedding. But things went from good to bad to worse when…

‘Blindspot’ 3×05: Review: “This Profound Legacy”

Blindspot has blown our minds once again! “This Profound Legacy” was so awesome! I don’t know how they do it, but every episode is an adventure and a roller coaster of emotions. The action and the emotional part find a perfect balance…

‘Supernatural’ 13×08 Review: The Scorpion and the Frog

Supernatural’s “The Scorpion and the Frog” introduced us to the weird/relatable Alice and showed how far Sam & Dean are willing to go to find Jack. This episode also reminded us of how far this show has come since Dean’s time…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 45: Holiday Special 2017

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

Legends of Tomorrow 3×08 Review: “Crisis on Earth-X” Part 4

Not going to lie, not a lot happened in this final episode of the mega crossover “Crisis on Earth-X.” (Read the Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 reviews here).  Oh sure, there was a massive battle between the heroes…

‘Arrow’ 6×08 Review: Crisis on Earth-X Part 2

Fair warning, this is going to be a rant. This Crisis on Earth-X has earned it. Trust me, I really wish I could be writing something else. I wish I could be rejoicing at the annual crossover, one of my…

‘Supergirl’ 3×08 Review: ‘Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1’

As far as crossovers go, in just the first hour of this year’s four-part mini movie, I have full confidence in saying this is my favorite crossover yet. Wedding bells in the air for WestAllen. Olicity cuteness and angst. Karamel…

What We’re Looking Forward To In The Arrowverse Crossover

Four shows. Heroes by the dozen. Two weddings – and a funeral. The producers of Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow have promised a crossover event that’s not just four television shows tied together, but a four-hour movie…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×07 Review: “Welcome to the Jungle”

Let’s be real for a moment. The fun thing about time-travel is, of course is the ability to go anywhere in time. Julius Caesar? No problem! Meet Abe Lincoln? Cool Beans! The 2004 Oscars? Okay, weird choice, but why not?…

‘The Brave’ 1×09 Fall Finale Review: Improvise

“There is no mission weighed as carefully or subjected to as much scrutiny as the one we are tasked with today…the targeted killing of another human being.” Forty-plus days; that’s how long we have to wait to see what happens…

‘The Gifted’ 1×08 Review: The End Justifies The Means

I have two questions for The Gifted. No, actually, I have like 45 questions, but I only have two really important ones that, with two episodes till the end of the season, I need the show to answer right now.…

‘Supergirl’ 3×07 Review: ‘Wake Up’

Supergirl has proven time and time again that the strength of its show lies not in the super powered abilities of its hero, but in the super powered abilities of the heart, which delivers emotional hours that bring us some…

Hook, Mon-El and Felicity: Ship Bias or Actual Problematic Characters?

To ship or not to ship, to like a character or not like a character. Sometimes, the two are intertwined. And yet, sometimes, the writers make characters into people you absolutely can’t root for, and that colors your idea of…

‘Supernatural’ 13×06 Review: Tombstone

Supernatural’s “Tombstone” saw Team Free Will reuniting, Dean letting out his inner fanboy, and Jack making a mistake in his eagerness to help the Winchesters. Our nougat loving Nephilim has enough angst in him to most certainly be part of…

‘Arrow’ 6×06 Review: ‘Promises Kept’

If there’s anything I dislike on television it’s when shows sometimes forget who their characters are. Where their thoughts, actions, and feelings don’t match the overall character. This was an issue in last week’s episode of Arrow, “Deathstroke Returns,” and…

We’re Breaking Down Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’

You know that we were going to need to break down Reputation, because we can’t get enough of this album. We can all agree that it’s so strong that it leaves you knowing that Taylor has grown, evolved, and is…

‘Supergirl’: The Importance of Mon-El’s Ongoing Evolution

As a viewer, I yearn for characters that are flawed. I yearn for characters that have made mistakes yet have made the decision to not let those mistakes define them. I yearn to watch these characters evolve into the people…

‘Supergirl’ 3×06 Review: ‘Midvale’

Early on in Supergirl’s first season, I was searching for something to connect to. Sure, I had the badass, empowering female superhero. But I also craved a relationship to connect with. Usually those tend to be romantic-based because that’s what…