‘Shadowhunters’ 2×04 Review: ‘Day of Wrath’

I went into episode four, Day of Wrath, with more hope than I’ve had about Shadowhunters in a very long time. This was the first episode with the new show-runners, who I’d heard pretty good things about. I wasn’t expecting…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×12 Review: “Sanctuary”

If there’s one thing you can expect from Chicago P.D. it’s that its storylines are much more than they appear to be. When you think you’ve got it all figured out, you soon learn that you weren’t even close. The…

Timeless 1×11 Review: ‘The World’s Columbian Exposition’

What we wouldn’t have given a month ago to have access to the Time Ship in order to travel forward a month and get our beloved Timeless back. There’s been a serious piece of my heart missing with Timeless on…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×03 Review: ‘Parabatai Lost’

Remember episode three of the first season? I’m not trying to bring up bad memories, I promise. I know nobody could ever forget the total shitshow that was 1×03, or the controversy and drama that arose from it. The point…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×11 Review: “You Wish”

It’s no secret that Chicago P.D. has been one of those shows that can push the envelope. There are just come cases that are that insane. There are just some revelations that are too crazy to not contemplate to the…

Life Lessons From Trailers: Snatched Edition

We aren’t surprised that any Amy Schumer movie is one our list of movies that we can’t wait to see. Team Amy Schumer with Goldie Hawn and yes – it’s like take all my money. Cause it just seems like…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×02 Review: ‘A Door Into the Dark’

Is it too early to say I’m optimistic? It’s no secret that I was not a big fan of Shadowhunters season 1, aside from a select few storylines. And though the season two premiere showed a lot of promise, that…

Chicago P.D.: 5 Questions We Have Heading Into Season 4B

Chicago P.D.’s winter hiatus has had us begging to be locked up for the second half of what’s been a thrilling fourth season. The midseason finale previewed a lot of new change ahead in the new year, from Antonio moving…

Fangirlish Writers Talk What Carrie Fisher Meant to Them

This year at New York Comic Con, Alyssa and I were standing backstage with a YA author, waiting for her car to arrive. We were talking about the panel that we had all attended earlier in the day and about…

Life Lessons From Trailers: Why Him? Edition

No will ever be good enough for you, according to your father. Your Dad wants the best for you. We can appreciate that. We can appreciate the fact that a father just wants to love you, be there for you,…

Spoiler Free Review of Shadowhunters Season 2 Premiere

With every new season of any show, comes the possibility for change. I’ve seen a lot of change coming to Shadowhunters and I’d be lying to you if I didn’t say that we (Fangirlish) were welcoming it with open arms.…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Roundtable: “Wish You Were Here”

That was a tad …anticlimactic? I mean, I see what you were going for, Once Upon A Time. Especially if I tilt my head to the side and sort of squint. Which kinda means you didn’t quite hit the mark…

An Open Letter to Comic Book Fans

Hello, hello. I’d ask how you are, but you’re probably fine. Better than fine. You’re seeing your favorite characters come to the screen, be it in TV or movies, and you’re pumped. It’s a good thing. Even if they don’t…

BROTPs That Ruled 2016

As fans, we tend to focus a lot on the romance in movies, books and TV shows. But sometimes, it’s the friendships that provide the most heartwarming moments and, let’s be honest, the most solid relationships. Even if your OTP…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×08 Review: Time is Precious

Legends of Tomorrow has easily been my second favorite of the Arrowverse shows this season just behind Supergirl. It’s because the show has managed to find what makes it work and expand upon it and find out what hinders it…

‘Pitch’ 1×09 Roundtable: ‘Scratched’

Here at Fangirlish, we are absolutely smitten with FOX’s new baseball drama Pitch. A hopeful, empowering story with phenomenal production value, lots of positive representation and an entire cast of relatable characters, it stole our hearts in episode one and still…

Arrow 5×09 Review: Unintended Consequences

Arrow writers, You have failed this audience. This season of Arrow has been disappointing and agitating to say the least. But silly me to have some hope heading into the mid-season finale that perhaps would jumpstart a better second half.…

‘Pitch’ 1×09 Review: ‘Scratched’

I want to say that last night’s episode of Pitch was one of my favourites all season. It kind of was. I loved it, up until the very end. Scratched was emotional, it resonated with me personally, the characters were all…

‘Pitch’ 1×08 Roundtable: ‘Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects’

Here at Fangirlish, we are absolutely smitten with FOX’s new baseball drama Pitch. A hopeful, empowering story with phenomenal production value, lots of positive representation and an entire cast of relatable characters, it stole our hearts in episode one and still…

Arrow 5×07 Roundtable: The Season So Far

This season of Arrow has been a whirlwind to say the least. A whirlwind as in a horrific storm that has terrorized our television experience or a terrible alien-induced nightmare that reigns supreme. Kind of like what awaits Oliver Queen…

The Flash 3×08 Review: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Aliens? ALIENS? You’d think that the premise that a species of aliens known as The Dominators coming to take over Earth would make this latest Arrowverse crossover ludicrous. But surprisingly ludicrous works especially when you have a group of heroes…