‘Famous In Love’ 1×04 Recap: ‘Prelude to a Diss’

Locked promotion has taken over the city as the first day of shooting commences. Paige is a bundle of nerves and it doesn’t help that Jake is still in the desert working on his script. Paige gets her first swag…

'Arrow' 5×20 Review: 'Underneath'

Arrow can be smart. Don’t let them fool you otherwise. While Arrow has acted the opposite of smart for the majority of its fifth season, it’s shown that it is capable of delivering on the aspects that work. This season…

I Am REALLY ANGRY MTV Cancelled ‘Sweet/Vicious’

It’s a Friday night in New York City and I am sitting on my bed, listening to the sounds of the air conditioner running for the first time in 8 months and trying to find the words to not be…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×18 Roundtable “Where Bluebirds Fly”

Well, who would have thought, Zelena got a redemption arc. She also got some emotional and real moments with her sister, and hey, she saved the day in the end, which I guess just proves that everyone can save the…

Supergirl: The ABCs of Karamel

Supergirl’s Kara Danvers has spent the past season focusing on embracing her heroic identity. She didn’t think it was possible to have romance and be Supergirl. She never really allowed herself to wonder about having it all, as in professional…

Timeless Roundtable: Why NBC should #RenewTimeless

There were many great new shows in the past TV season, but if there’s one that stole the hearts of us here at Fangirlish – in a rather surprising way – it was Timeless, the time-travel extravaganza with common sense,…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 2×16 Review: “Doomworld”

In TV, shows in their second seasons are always worried about the “sophomore slump”. For those wondering, that is the phrase used when a show has a subpar second season compared to its really good first season. It makes me…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×10 Review: ‘By the Light of Dawn’

I never thought I’d say this, but watching the midseason premiere of Shadowhunters, I actually envied all the show fans who hadn’t read the books. As an episode of a TV Show, By the Light of Dawn was epic. It…

The Progressive Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

The Incomplete Yet Ultimate Guide To Surviving This Political Shit Storm! In no way is this list exhaustive. It is a beginner’s introduction to what you can expect as the world comes to a screaming halt one Cheetos not-president at…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×08 Review: ‘Love is the Devil’

If I had to describe Shadowhunters in two words, they would be “wasted potential.” For a show with so much good material to draw from, it seems annoyingly tone-deaf to which book elements will translate well on screen and which…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×07 Review: ‘How Are Thou Fallen’

Slowly but surely, Shadowhunters seems to be finding its stride. In this second season, the cinematography has been good, the acting has gotten much better, the script has improved considerably since the premiere, and the plot isn’t totally dumb anymore.…

30 Moments That Prove Linstead Are Couple Goals in ‘Chicago P.D.’

There’s no better holiday for fans of a ship than Valentine’s Day, which is basically a celebration of love. So when it comes to compiling lists to celebrate those great love stories, celebrating Linstead was an obvious choice. While it…

Arrow 5×12 Review: 'Bratva'

I’ve grown accustomed to the core elements of Arrow – which have brought it to its current fifth season – being pushed to the side in favor of this “new look Arrow.” I’ve grown accustomed to tuning into Arrow only…

Arrow 5×10 Review: 'Who Are You?'

There was a defining moment in Arrow’s mid-season premiere where Felicity was having a conversation with Black Siren about how Oliver was trying to save her. Because he couldn’t save their Laurel. How this was his chance for redemption. And…

10 Reasons We Love Timeless

We feel in love with Timeless from the beginning – before that, even, as we were lucky enough to get an early glimpse at what was to become one of our new obsessions. But even then, we couldn’t have predicted…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Roundtable: “Wish You Were Here”

That was a tad …anticlimactic? I mean, I see what you were going for, Once Upon A Time. Especially if I tilt my head to the side and sort of squint. Which kinda means you didn’t quite hit the mark…

BROTPs That Ruled 2016

As fans, we tend to focus a lot on the romance in movies, books and TV shows. But sometimes, it’s the friendships that provide the most heartwarming moments and, let’s be honest, the most solid relationships. Even if your OTP…

Arrow 5×07 Roundtable: The Season So Far

This season of Arrow has been a whirlwind to say the least. A whirlwind as in a horrific storm that has terrorized our television experience or a terrible alien-induced nightmare that reigns supreme. Kind of like what awaits Oliver Queen…

Arrow 5×06 Roundtable: 'So It Begins'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow‘s sixth episode of season 5, Prometheus finally made his presence known…

Arrow 5×06 Review: The Flaw in Reinventing the Past

Following last season where the mystical reigned supreme, Arrow has been obsessed with going “back to basics,” which we assumed meant returning to its roots — the real roots. The core group of characters, balancing heart, plot, and action, and…

Arrow Isn't Arrow: Our Writers Weigh In

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. Following Arrow‘s fifth episode, “Human Target,” our writers had a lot to…