Arrow Isn't Arrow: Our Writers Weigh In

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. Following Arrow‘s fifth episode, “Human Target,” our writers had a lot to…

The Flash 3×04 Roundtable: 'The New Rogues'

A new season of The Flash means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Flash episode. In The Flash‘s fourth episode of season 3, two new Rogues arrived in…

Timeless 1×03 Review: The Right Side?

In just three episodes, NBC’s Timeless has managed to capture my heart and mind as it weaves a character-driven time travel story that delivers twist after twist each week. Every week is essentially a new mini movie where audiences are…

Arrow 5×02 Roundtable: Discussing 'The Recruits'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow’s second episode of season 5, Oliver welcomed three new recruits…

‘Pitch’ 1×04 Review: ‘The Break’

Tonight’s episode of Pitch proved to me why this show can appeal to non sports fans while being basically a dream come true to people who like sports. It’s about baseball, yes, but it’s not just about the games themselves.…

Supergirl 2×01 Review: A New Chapter Begins

As Supergirl made its big transition to The CW, Kara Danvers also began her new journey this season as she battled with balancing life as Supergirl and Kara Danvers, as well as welcomed her famous cousin, Superman, to National City…

Arrow 5×01 Review: Moving Forward

Heading into its season five premiere, Arrow has been touted as going “back to basics” in terms of tone. That was certainly evident in “Legacy,” which included direct callbacks to the pilot (including Oliver being tied up, casually untying himself,…

25 Times This Year Ryan Reynolds Made Us Want to Up Our Twitter Game

If you are talking about people who are doing Twitter right, the first person that springs to my mind is Ryan Reynolds. He’s got this persona that tells people off in the funniest and kindest way. His humor is just…

Totally Drunk Movie Reviews: How to Be Single

Let’s be honest – the fact that there needs to be a movie to teach you How to be Single is some seriously fucked up shit. If you don’t know how to be alone you’ve got more issues than this…

Roman Crazy Is The Romance Book We Didn’t Know We Needed

  Love. No matter which way you slice it, at times it’s the hardest thing in the world and at times it’s the easiest. It’s a mixture. It’s part of the reason that I am a huge fan of Christina…

Shadowhunters: Our 12 Hopes for Season 2

As avid fans of Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, we’ve been missing the lovable cast of Freeform’s Shadowhunters following its first season finale. Luckily Freeform saw potential in the show and answered fans’ desires to bring Shadowhunters back for a…

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Review: A Bumpy Freshman Season Full of Promise

With a crop of superhero shows popping up throughout the major networks, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow looked to forge its own unique path as it brought together heroes and villains for the ultimate super team-up. Legends relied heavily on its…

Game of Thrones 6×08 Roundtable “No One”

We’re getting close to the end, people. And we’re both scared and excited. Though mostly scared. Vaguely nauseous even. Because Game of Thrones is known for going all out in the last two episodes, and there’s been plenty of happiness…

‘The 100’ 3×16 Finale Review: Perverse Instantiation Part Two

The 100 “Perverse Instantiation Part Two” marks the death of ALIE, the scourge that has plagued the Grounders and Skaikru for ages, and the start of a new path of our heroes. No longer will they just stand back and let…

Exclusive Interview with Kingdom’s Joanna Going

Joanna Going is not one of those actresses who likes to be typecast. Well, unless you want to typecast her as a beautiful, diverse actress. She is as likely to inhabit the role of First Lady Tricia Walker in Netflix’s…

The Myth of Fanservice

I contemplated starting this piece with a definition. We can’t talk of a subject we don’t understand, after all. I decided against it for one particular reason: we all think we know what fanservice is all about. Not only that,…

‘Supergirl’ Season Finale Review: ‘Better Angels’ (aka A Hero’s Sacrifice)

In a world where there are many people that seek good above evil and justice above vengeance, what defines a hero? In Supergirl’s first season finale, Kara found herself amidst a reality where the citizens of National City were under…

‘Supergirl’ 1×19 Review: ‘Myriad’ (aka Hope Trumps Fear)

When it comes to Supergirl, I continue to be surprised by a show that’s able to so brilliantly capture heroism and humanity within its titular hero, as well as the people that stand beside her and fight the evil that…

‘Shadowhunters’ – Let’s Talk About the “Clace” Issue

When it comes to the relationships in Shadowhunters, it’s been very hit-and-miss. For the most part, the friendships have been compelling, entertaining and believable, from the Lightwood siblings to Clary and Simon to the new and refreshing duo of Clary…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×11 Recap: ‘Blood Calls to Blood’

In its eleventh episode, Shadowhunters brought a combination of storylines that were not in the books at all and storylines that were in the books but not exactly as they were presented in the show. This episode was supposed to be…

Jason Rothenberg Addresses Lexa Death on ‘The 100’

Let’s be honest…the reaction to Lexa’s death on The 100 has had some undesirable consequences for showrunner Jason Rothenberg. He’s lost thousands of followers, received targeted hate, and questions from passionate fans who were hit hard by her passing. In…