10 POC Authors to Check Out Right Now

I read a lot, and I go to a lot of book conventions. One thing that I have noticed when attending these conventions is that there aren’t too many authors of color floating around. Another fact which I am ashamed…

5 Netflix Animes to Binge Watch this Summer

Anime is, without a doubt, one of those things that people seem to be a bit apprehensive about watching. A lot of us didn’t have any issues watching Dragon Ball Z or Sailor Moon during our school years. In fact,…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×02 Review: A Tale of Three Love Stories

Winter is here, and with it comes the army of the dead, we only have four more episodes left of Game of Thrones, and I can  – and should – legitimately spend every single second of this review talking about…

‘American Gods’ 2×04 Review: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”

911? Yes, I’d like to report a crime. Bilquis, Mr. Nancy, and Mr. Ibis have stolen the show on American Gods and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same! *listens to operator* Of course this is serious and important…

The Most Powerful Force of DCTV? Licensing.

“The series should just leave the comics storylines to the comics and do their own thing.” “Arrow could change canon! Why doesn’t The Flash?” “Superman should show up more often on Supergirl!” Spend any time around the fandom and you’ll…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’: Season 2 review and Season 3 Wishes

Sophomore slump is a term used by TV insiders which refers to a show that goes into it’s second season and, naturally, gets into a slight dip in quality. It does happen to some shows sometimes (some would put The Flash‘s…