‘Bluff City Law’ 1×10 Review: “Perfect Day”

I’m not going to lie, the beginning….no, 90% of this season finale for Bluff City Law was on point. We had our dream team fighting the good fight, and making people’s lives better. We even had a couple tense moments…

‘Supernatural’ 15×06 Review: “Golden Time”

Supernatural’s “Golden Time” saw the return of fan favorite Shoshannah Stern aka Eileen, and not just for a couple seconds as a ghost. She was resurrected, gave us all the feels, and reminded us of how badass this woman truly…

‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Changed The Game In A Good Way

We’ve shared how much we enjoyed Terminator: Dark Fate on a few different levels but there is definitely more to unpack. We’re going to tell you what we loved about this movie but, beware, there will be spoilers! Sarah and…

‘Arrow’ 8×05 Review: “Prochnost”

Welcome one more week to another Arrow review!  “Prochnost” is a very complete and rounded episode, that gave us a trip to Russia, a reunion with an old friend and many feelings brought to the surface, as well as revealed…

‘His Dark Materials’ 1×03 Review: “The Spies”

His Dark Materials “The Spies” saw our Lyra growing up way to fast and Mrs. Coulter spiraling into a quiet and brutal anger that honestly is quite frightening and deadly. Combine that with a Gypsy community that is being persecuted…

‘The Walking Dead’ 10×07 Review: “Open Your Eyes”

With the winter finale creeping up next Sunday, this week’s episode of The Walking Dead revealed a lot of secrets setting up for a fall out of epic proportions. “Open Your Eyes” had characters doing just that, sometimes with deadly…

Fanfic Friday: Top 10 Tony Stark Survives Fanfics to Help you Live in Denial

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Look, Disney Plus is now out, and our Avengers: Endgame feelings are coming back. Mine, if you recall, were very much of the THIS IS BULLSHIT HOW COULD YOU KILL TONY vibe,…

‘Atypical’ Season 3 Review: Moral Quandaries

If you haven’t watched Atypical yet and are wondering if you should, I can answer as Sam would throughout Season 3 – it’s not a quandary at all. Though the Netflix show is about a young adult on the autism…

4 Favorite Moments from ‘Batwoman’s “I’ll Be Judge, I’ll Be Jury”

From Sophie calling out Kate for being Batwoman to Mary sassing the hell out of people and proving that she’s the best thing since sliced bread, join us for our favorite moments from Batwoman‘s “I’ll Be Judge, I’ll Be Jury.”…

‘The Walking Dead’ 10×06 Review: “Bonds”

Everyone was throwing up on The Walking Dead this week – and for once it wasn’t because of the Whisperer’s outfit of choice. Dante said it best about the superflu going through Alexandria – “Simple shit can suddenly become a…

‘Legacies’ 2×04 Review: “Since When Do You Speak Japanese?”

Legacies is seriously one of the best shows on TV at the moment, and this episode is proof of it. Legacies Season 2 Episode 4 “Since When Do You Speak Japanese?” is one of the best episodes of the season,…

‘Arrow’ 8×04 Review: “Present Tense”

Welcome back one more week to Arrow! “Present tense” is one of the best episodes of the entire show, and one of my favorites. The emotional background they have shown us in this episode has been deep, real, raw, and…

‘The Walking Dead’ 10×05 Review: “What It Always Is”

A lot was going on in this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, but Negan was clearly the star of the show. Within the fandom, there are genuinely two sides on Negan – those who love him and feel he…

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Alyvia Alyn Lind Talks Growing Up in the Apocalypse on Daybreak

Growing up is hard. Growing up at the end of the world is even harder. That’s just what 12-year-old Angelica has to do in Netflix’s new series Daybreak. We got a chance to speak with Alyvia Alyn Lind, who plays…

‘The Walking Dead’ 10×04 Review: “Silence the Whisperers”

Alexandria may seem like the idyllic post-apocalyptic community in The Walking Dead, but we saw this week that there are assholes everywhere. This week’s episode, titled “Silence the Whisperers” was directed by none other than our dearly Abraham himself –…

‘Arrow’ 8×02 Review: “Welcome to Hong Kong”

Welcome back to Arrow! This week, “Welcome to Hong Kong” introduces us to an episode full of winks to season 3, with Felicity increasingly present in Oliver’s life, and a sample of the emotional development of the characters during these…

5 Spoiler-Free Reasons You Should Watch Netflix’s ‘Daybreak’

From the tribes to the friendships, there’s plenty to love when it comes to Netflix’s new series Daybreak. It stars Colin Ford, aka young Sam Winchester from Supernatural, as a high school outcast who finds his tribe at the end…

‘Batwoman’ 1×03 Review: “Down, Down, Down”

Batwoman’s “Down, Down, Down” was a reminder of a lot of things. One, it was a reminder to us as the audience that Alice is a liar. No matter how much she pushes back on her sister, the truth is…

The Final ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Trailer is Here

So, the one question I have is, did you watch football to catch it live or did you just wait for it to pop up online? Watching football is anything but a chore for me, but I understand it is…

‘Supernatural’ 15×02 Review: “Raising Hell”

Supernatural’s “Raising Hell” gave me all the guest stars my little #SPNFamily loving heart could handle. On top of that it gave me more Dean and the struggles that he’s working through while trying to control God’s fuck up. It…

‘Arrow’ 8×01 Review: “Starling City”

Welcome one more year to Arrow! With “Starling City” we find ourselves at the beginning of the end. The end of a journey in which we have accompanied Oliver Queen in his ups and downs. The way to start this…