Bravo’s Imposters Will Make You Think Twice About Falling In Love

Bravo’s Imposters will make you think twice about getting married. Seriously. Like you think that you know someone and then they clean out all your money, credit, and dig up dirt on your family in order to make you not…

Turning the Pages Review: Did I Mention I Love You? by Estelle Maskame

OUR BLURB: Before you know it, you’ve turned the pages and the book is over – and that’s not a bad thing. You will be rooting for Eden, praying for Tyler, and championing them both in a book that  just won’t…

Have You Seen The Latest Promo for Famous in Love?

If there is any show that we are looking forward to it would have to be Famous in Love. We’re addicted to Rebecca Serle’s books and having seen the pilot – it’s just amazing. By the time that you get…

Arrow 5×10 Roundtable: 'Who Are You?'

After a month hiatus that left fans grappling with the implications of Arrow‘s mid-season finale, Arrow returned with a winter premiere that showed progress and felt promising. We finally got some closure on Laurel’s “return,” which wasn’t even a return…

Arrow 5×10 Review: 'Who Are You?'

There was a defining moment in Arrow’s mid-season premiere where Felicity was having a conversation with Black Siren about how Oliver was trying to save her. Because he couldn’t save their Laurel. How this was his chance for redemption. And…

‘Timeless’ 1×12 Review: For You, A Thousand Times Over

This phrase from “The Kite Runner,” by Khaled Hosseini kept playing in my mind over and over again as I watched the episode. It’s not a romantic phrase, or at least, it’s not used in that context in the book…

Younger: 5 Reasons We Are Team Josh

We’ve already covered why we are Team Charles, but hey – that doesn’t mean that we don’t realize just how great Josh is. We love Josh. We feel bad for Josh and all the things that he has gone through.…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×11 Review: “You Wish”

It’s no secret that Chicago P.D. has been one of those shows that can push the envelope. There are just come cases that are that insane. There are just some revelations that are too crazy to not contemplate to the…

Thank You, Carrie Fisher, For Being A Mental Health Advocate

I was never much into Star Wars as a kid. It was a “boys” thing and I really didn’t have the patience for those kind of things. I was too busy with my Barbie dolls and my play makeup to…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Roundtable: “Wish You Were Here”

That was a tad …anticlimactic? I mean, I see what you were going for, Once Upon A Time. Especially if I tilt my head to the side and sort of squint. Which kinda means you didn’t quite hit the mark…

How To Handle The Holiday Season If You Are A Grinch

It’s December. That means that it’s the time of year where we are all supposed to be merry and jolly, accept the fact that we’re going to eat 20 pounds of sugar, and someone is going to get us some…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Review: “Wish You Were Here”

What ifs seem to be all the rage these days. Earlier this week Arrow took us to a dream world that was altogether too perfect. Today, Once Upon A Time attempted to do the same. Both shows sent a message,…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×08 Roundtable: “I’ll Be Your Mirror”

So, Henry has grown up. That’s about the only thing that we learned from “I’ll Be Your Mirror.” That and Rumple’s an asshole, but I’m pretty sure we knew that. This is just like the 290472782372th confirmation. And yes, there’s…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×08 Review: “I’ll Be Your Mirror”

Love is weakness, Cora said once, a long time ago, but a show like this never forgets. And when I say it doesn’t forget, I mean it never loses an opportunity to prove that phrase wrong – again and again…

7 WTF Moments from Supernatural’s “The One You’ve Been Waiting For”

From Dean saying no to pie, to Hitler jumping around like an energetic pre-schooler, Supernatural‘s “The One You’ve Been Waiting For” was chock-full with WTF moments. This episode goes to show you that no matter how serious of a situation something…

Frequency: The Art of Appreciating What You Have

I came into Frequency totally unprepared. I’d never seen the movie that inspired it, didn’t know any of the actors, and was totally devoid of 90’s nostalgia – or so I thought. My only interest in the show, and in…

Supergirl 2×05 Review: Embrace Who You Are

One of the most important lessons one can learn in life is to never be sorry for who you are. While you might feel like your differences are singling you out, they’re actually defining what makes you the unique individual…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 “Heartless” Review: When You Believe

There can be miracles when you believe. And yes, I just sang that at the top of my lungs. I’m a Disney girl, through and through. But hey, it fits. Belief is a very important thing. In fact, you could…

Rape is Not Your Plaything – How TV Contributes to Rape Culture

Let’s talk about consent. More to the point, let’s talk about consent and rape as it is portrayed in media. Rape has come into the spotlight several times in big ways this past year – mainly in the awful stories…

The Walking Dead 7×01 Review: The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be

The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere titled “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” was bold, horrifying, a tour de force by Negan and the rest of the cast. Every single actor was so immersed in what they were…

Arrow 5×03 Review: Trust Your Team

Trust is the key fundamental in any successful relationship. Without trust, what do you have? What can you accomplish? What is at stake? In “A Matter of Trust,” Oliver Queen had to confront this issue of trust in terms of…