Younger Review 3×01: “A Kiss Is Just A Kiss”

With Fall TV back, we’re ready for our lives to be reprioritized and our rear ends to take a seat on the couch Sunday through Thursday night. One of the shows that we were looking forward to the return of…

5 Things You Didn’t Notice in The Walking Dead Trailer “Secrets”

So what if I sat down and played the latest The Walking Dead trailer titled “Secrets” (AVAILABLE HERE) over and over again. I was trying to uncover secrets/moments missed by all that fancy editing. I have succeeded and bring you…

Younger Version of Obsidian coming to Legends of Tomorrow

Hello again Obsidian! We shouldn’t even be surprised. This is a time-travel show, after all. TVLine is reporting that actor Dan Payne has been cast to play the young version of Obsidian. This version will, chronologically, appear first on the show…

How to Deal with a Man Who Tries to Talk to You While You’re Wearing Headphones

There is no animal more ridiculous than a man who feels he may very well not be the center of the universe. Being ignored is a sad state for many of these fickle creatures – for when you aren’t paying…

Nine Things You Didn’t See from the Once Upon A Time Cast at SDCC

Yes, you’ve seen the videos of the panel. The cast of Once Upon A Time was as delightful as ever, Yvette Nicole Brown fangirled for all of us and the good questions were asked. But being there was a completely…

Did You Catch the Teaser for Descendants 2?

Anyone else super excited for The Descendants sequel? We know we are. Look – we may be grown women, but it doesn’t mean that there is not the Disney Channel kid still living inside of all of us. We aren’t…

If Barry Allen Was Your Baby Daddy…

If Barry Allen was your baby Daddy, you’d have your house baby proofed from day one – because daddy moves too fast to be denied. You’d hate him because he’d do stuff before you could even think to ask, but…

What Line From The Hunger Games Books Resonated With You?

“She has no idea, the effect she can have.” Maybe I missed it in the movies and it’s there – but I don’t recall Peeta uttering the iconic line. It was a line in the books that made me start…

Soon You Can Catch Up With Gilmore Girls On Netflix

Lauren Graham is preparing us for what is yet to come. As you know, a revival of Gilmore Girls on Netflix has been in the works and is due to come to Netflix later this year. Have you seen Gilmore…

You Had Us At Mindy Kaling and Helena Bonham Carter!

After really disliking the Ocean’s franchise – I didn’t think I would ever say that I am looking forward to watching Ocean’s 11. But then they announced the female cast reboot and I was intrigued. I think it’ll be great…

Binge Watching vs. Weekly Episodes: What Do You Prefer?

From watching a TV show live to binge-watching, fans consume television in so many different ways. Binge-watching seems to be a lot of people’s go to choice. Not having to wait week after week for an episode is a dream…

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Poldark

Summer is here. With it’s arrival comes the dreaded realization that your favorite shows have ended. Don’t enter panic mode just yet. Poldark will save you! This BBC production, spanning eight episodes, tells the story of Ross Poldark and his return…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 5×22 &5×23 Review: “Only You” & “An Untold Story”

And, so it ends. When the episode is fresh it’s always hard to reflect back on the entire season, to try to connect the dots. So I’m not even going to try. In a week or two, I can look…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×15 Review: 'Destiny' [Seize Your Destiny]

While DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has most times been infuriating with the persistence of certain storylines, it’s penultimate episode returned to what made me care about this show in the first place: the characters. In “Destiny” our team fought to…

What’re You Reading: Damien Darhk from ‘Arrow’
Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps and…
What’re You Reading: Simon Lewis From ‘Shadowhunters’

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps and…

What’re You Reading: Octavia Blake from ‘The 100’

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides,…

‘The Flash’ 2×17 Review: ‘Flash Back’ (aka What Not To Do When You Time Travel)

When it comes to moving on it’s often easier said than done. There’s a certain weight and pain that comes with leaving behind a part of yourself in order to embrace what’s next in your life. Most of the time…

What’re You Reading: Cat Grant from ‘Supergirl’

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps…

What’re You Reading: Felicity Smoak from ‘Arrow’

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps…

What’re You Reading: Jessica Jones from 'Marvel's Jessica Jones'

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides,…