'Legends of Tomorrow' WonderCon Interview: Franz Drameh

On DC’s Legends of Tomorrow we have been introduced to a variety of heroes and villains that make up this legendary team hellbent on stopping the villainous Vandal Savage. One of those heroes just happens to consist of two people…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ WonderCon Interview: Ciara Renee

Kendra Saunders has had one hell of a year. The barista-turned-warrior-priestess on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has not only had to deal with her epic destiny as Hawkgirl, but also an evil psychopath hellbent on killing her in every life.…

‘Arrow’ 4×17 Review: ‘Beacon of Hope’ (And the Return of the Bee-Yotch)

When it comes to being a hero it’s far from easy. If it were easy everyone would be doing it. But it takes a special kind of person – special kind of people to embrace that life and put others’…

‘The 100’ WonderCon Interview: Devon Bostick

Deteriorating friends, drunken stupors, and suffering through loss are just a few of the things Jasper Jordan has had to endure on The CW’s The 100. It’s changed the kind of man he is and allowed Devon Bostick, the lovely…

‘The 100’ WonderCon Interview: Christopher Larkin

Every show needs comedic relief. It’s what keeps us going after blow after blow of pain, death, and misery. And for two seasons Christopher Larkin’s character Monty on The 100 has been that for us. The only problem with being the…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ WonderCon Interview: Brandon Routh

Before Ray Palmer joined the team of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow he was a man that had come back from the dead (not literally, he had just been very, very, very small) that was searching for his purpose in life.…

'Legends of Tomorrow' WonderCon Interview: Caity Lotz

When it comes to living life to the fullest, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow‘s Sara Lance brings new meaning to the phrase as she’s been brought back from the dead and is now pursuing a destiny where she helps save the…

‘The 100’ WonderCon Interview: Bob Morley

It’s no secret that we love Bellamy Blake. His smile, his connection with Clarke, and his love for his sister make him a character worth watching. But this season hasn’t been too kind to Bob Morley’s character Bellamy Blake on…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ WonderCon Interview: Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim

When we last left DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, our team of Legends had just infiltrated the controversial 1950s as part of their latest stop to track down the immortal Vandal Savage. But things didn’t exactly go to plan at episode’s…

‘The Flash’ 2×17 Review: ‘Flash Back’ (aka What Not To Do When You Time Travel)

When it comes to moving on it’s often easier said than done. There’s a certain weight and pain that comes with leaving behind a part of yourself in order to embrace what’s next in your life. Most of the time…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×12 Recap: ‘Malec’

Malec was, without a doubt, the most anticipated episode of Shadowhunters since the moment the episode title was revealed. When Magnus and Alec first met, I was blown away by the chemistry between the actors, and extremely excited to see…

‘The 100’ WonderCon Interview: Eliza Taylor

The 100‘s Clarke Griffin has learned some tough life lessons since her disappearance into the woods all those months ago. She’s learned the world is bigger than she ever thought, that lose can happen at any time (looking at you…

‘Supergirl’ 1×18 Review: ‘World’s Finest’

When it comes to the vast world of superheroes in this DC television world it’s too good to pass along an opportunity for a crossover of epic proportions. We saw that when Arrow and The Flash joined forces first last…

‘The Walking Dead’ 6×15 Review: ‘East’

Carol’s not going to die. Daryl’s not going to die. Glenn…well he might die. In the penultimate episode of The Walking Dead, titled “East,” we were treated to a small (yes, I said small) dose of panic in preparation for…

‘Shadowhunters’ Wondercon Interview: Alberto Rosende and Emeraude Toubia

Alberto Rosende and Emeraude Toubia are two of our favorite people to interview – because the two of them – well their chemistry is undeniable. They are a breathe of fresh air and their smiles and laughter capture us at…

‘Shadowhunters’ Wondercon Interview: Ed Decter, McG, and Isaiah Mustafa

There is a lot to be said about Shadowhunters – but when it comes down to it – these are the people that make the decisions. Ed Decter – the showrunner and McG makes decisions about the way that the…

'The Flash 2×16 Roundtable: Discussing 'Trajectory'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of The Flash and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 16…

'Supergirl' 1×17 Roundtable: Discussing 'Manhunter'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Supergirl and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 17 of…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 5×14 Panel: “Devil’s Due”

Hello, Oncers! We got the good and the really, really bad this week, or so it seems. Not only was Captain Swan reunited (can I get a Hallelujah?), but we also got to see Rumple in his full Rumpleness.  But,…

The Appeal of Grounded Superheroes on Television

Television has flourished during the height of the superhero genre that has brought a variety of different superheroes to life for a vast audience that has embraced their stories. Whether it’s the traditional superpowered heroes like The Flash or Supergirl…

The 100’s Jason Rothenberg Addresses Fans in Personal Letter

The 100‘s showrunner Jason Rothenberg has addressed fans once again about the tragic passing of Commander Lexa (played by Alycia Debnam-Carey.) This time around he took a more personal turn and posted a letter on Medium that acknowledged how much…