‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 Roundtable: “The Other Shoe”

Well, that was a good episode, wasn’t it? The flashbacks were engaging, the present stuff was interesting, moving and it gave the actors a chance to show their range. Oh, yes, and the Evil Queen and the Not-so-evil-stepsister’s outfits slayed. There’s…

‘Pitch’ 1×04 Review: ‘The Break’

Tonight’s episode of Pitch proved to me why this show can appeal to non sports fans while being basically a dream come true to people who like sports. It’s about baseball, yes, but it’s not just about the games themselves.…

Once Upon A Time Roundtable: “The Savior”

Here we go again! Season 6 of Once Upon A Time got under way last Sunday, and it feels like there’s a lot to discuss, a lot to fret over, and even a lot to be hopeful about.  Which is…

Once Upon A Time Preview: Seeing Double, New Arrivals and The Path of True Love

Once Upon A Time season 6 premieres this Sunday (finally!), and before it does, let’s take a moment to recap all we know about the new season. And speculate, of course. What’s the hiatus without a little speculation? Because, hey…

Spotlight on: Once Upon A Captain Swan Podcast

The summer hiatus is hard and cruel, especially for ardent fans of TV.  We strive to find other ways to entertain ourselves, to get our fix. And, if you’re a Once Upon A Time fan, and more specifically, a Captain…

How to Deal with a Man Who Tries to Talk to You While You’re Wearing Headphones

There is no animal more ridiculous than a man who feels he may very well not be the center of the universe. Being ignored is a sad state for many of these fickle creatures – for when you aren’t paying…

Captain Nemo coming to ‘Once Upon A Time’

Well, it looks like Captain Hook will not only be the only person in OUAT land to carry that particular title, because yes, Oncers, Captain Nemo is coming! Faran Tahir has been cast to play the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea…

5 Things We Want To See from Once Upon A Time Season 6

Fall TV is almost here. A little over a month away. In a month or so, we’ll have new episodes of Once Upon A Time. We’ll see the Evil Queen again, join Emma as she discovers that being a the…

Avengers: Infinity War Will Be One Movie

The Avengers’ Infinity War will only take one film to solve it seems. Disney confirmed on Friday that its latest installment of The Avengers, titled Avengers: Infinity War won’t be two films like previously noted rather just one film. Avengers:…

Black Panther Cast Revealed at SDCC

And the news keeps streaming in from San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) and Marvel Studios decide to make an entire event of it at Hall H with presentations around some of their upcoming films – including Black Panther. They first…

Did You Catch the Teaser for Descendants 2?

Anyone else super excited for The Descendants sequel? We know we are. Look – we may be grown women, but it doesn’t mean that there is not the Disney Channel kid still living inside of all of us. We aren’t…

MTV Fandom Awards Preview: Best New Fandom

When it comes to fandoms the best ones are those that possess passion, commitment, and make their voices heard in a positive manner. While fandoms exist far and long throughout entertainment, there are some fandoms that have joined the game…

Star Wars: Rogue One: Five Things We Hope to See at SDCC

Though a Star Wars: Rogue one appearance has yet to be confirmed for San Diego Comic-Con (pretty please, we’re begging), Star Wars does have a long history with SDCC, so despite rumors to the contrary, we expect it to be…

Julie Andrews Is Coming To Netflix (And We’re Not Talking In Mary Poppins)

With the sequel to Mary Poppins coming out next year, Julie Andrews has been on my mind. The original Mary Poppins has been a life long inspiration – because she is just that fabulous. Andrews is coming to Netflix –…

MegaCon: Our Five Favorite Panels Featuring DC and Marvel Television

Another year of MegaCon Orlando has come and gone, but this year was one for the ages. With the plethora of fans cosplaying and interacting with their favorite stars to the stars that took the stage to talk with fans…

99 Not So Deep Thoughts From ‘Outlander’ 2×05, “UNTIMELY RESURRECTION”

1 – In the opening credits – I want my hair to sway in the wind like Claire’s does. 2 – Still can’t get over how these opening credits makes me want to get up and dance around like a…

My Fandom: ‘Once Upon A Time’ (around the world)

Fandom is a funny place. It’s also a wonderful place, a scary place, a life-changing one. Anyone who hasn’t experienced the sense of community, the belonging, will never be able to understand what it means to share something you love…

‘Once Upon A Time’ Review 5×18 “Ruby Slippers”

Well, color me surprised. And excited. I didn’t have high hopes for this hour. Not because I have anything against Ruby, Mulan or Dorothy in particular, but because after a few episodes of a whole lot of Rumbelle, Zelena and…

There’s Going To Be A New ‘Indiana Jones’ Movie Starring Harrison Ford

OMG all the feels are coming out – because there is going to be a new Indiana Jones movie. And as this was announced, all I could think was how will The Big Bang Theory handle this news. (Sorry, I…

‘Once Upon A Time’ Review “Labor of Love”

Sometimes an episode will give you what you want. More often than not, if the writers hit the spot, however, an episode will give you what you need. And that’s exactly what Once Upon A Time did in “Labor of…

New Trailer for ‘Finding Dory’ Tugs at the Heart

“I miss them,” Dory says. And yes, the waterworks have started to fall. I am not ashamed that I cry like a baby at trailers. Hey – 9/10 it’s the best parts of the movie wrapped up into under 2…