‘Legends of Tomorrow’ SDCC 2017 Interview: Phil Klemmer Previews Anachronisms in Season 3

When it comes to time travel, Legends of Tomorrow is one of those shows that has embraced the fun element while also delivering some really great emotional moments to give audiences a connection with these characters. It was something that…

‘Will’ 1×05: Affairs, Crazy As F*ck People, Heartbroken Women, and Chaos

Here’s the thing about Will – we love it, but we have to admit – that we expected something more. Then again drama of those days isn’t the same as it is now. Same way 700 years from now, the…

Chicago P.D. 4×18 Review: 'Little Bit Of Light'

Chicago P.D. can do it all. It can deliver thrilling cases that leave your head spinning while also touching your heart, making you laugh, and making you feel like someone is pounding on your heart with a hammer. That was…

Supergirl Roundtable: Why We Love Mon-El (& Karamel)

Supergirl has introduced several new, integral characters in its sophomore season all of which have their own unique personality and contribution to this season and Kara’s story. But perhaps the most controversial of the new characters is Chris Wood’s Mon-El,…

Supergirl 2×09 Review: 'Supergirl Lives'

Supergirl has easily been the best of the DC Comics shows on television this season, and it’s obvious why. The sophomore CBS transfer has embraced the very best that the show has to represent, while also introducing additional elements that…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×11 Review: “You Wish”

It’s no secret that Chicago P.D. has been one of those shows that can push the envelope. There are just come cases that are that insane. There are just some revelations that are too crazy to not contemplate to the…

Game of Thrones 6×10 Roundtable ‘The Winds of Winter’

And that’s it …Game of Thrones season 6 has come to a close, and what an ending that was. What a season that was. It had everything, heartbreaking deaths, unexpected returns, expected returns, breakout characters, and, of course, the revelation…

‘The 100’ 3×11 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Nevermore’

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from ‘The Conjuring 2’ Trailer

As if the first movie wasn’t scary enough. Here’s comes The Conjuring 2, the movie guaranteed to make us jump out of our seats.