‘Supernatural’ 13×02 Review: The Rising Son

Supernatural’s “The Rising Son” finally cleared up why Sam is so adamant to protect Jack, in my eyes at least. We also saw Jack’s innocence. He’s just a boy who needs guidance as he comes into his powers and as…

'Arrow' 6×02 Review: 'Tribute'

Arrow’s sixth season really feels like the beginning of a new chapter, in more ways than one. There’s a refreshing tone that seems to have covered this series like a warm blanket, as it attempts to embrace the new and…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×04 Review: Who We Are

Remember when this show was about abstract politics and idealism and not about who we are as people? Yeah, I don’t either. After a season of conceptual problems, a season mostly planned in a world where Donald Trump was not…

'Supergirl' 3×01: 'Girl of Steel' Roundtable

Supergirl is back! How we’ve missed her. And this show. And the way it can emotionally compromise us even when we don’t expect the show to be able to. Like with that dream sequence. And that Alex/J’onn conversation. And the…

‘Arrow’ 6×01 Review: ‘Fallout’

There’s nothing better than a clean slate. A new season. A fresh start. Where a 3-13 season isn’t necessarily forgotten but pushed aside as optimism for redemption clings to you like a leech. The past is never forgotten, not really.…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×03 Review: ‘Miss Rebecca Thrall’

Have The Blacklist writers finally listened to fans and returned to the old style of the show that focuses on everyone in the task force and a new blacklister every week? It seems like they might have, as “Miss Rebecca…

Legends of Tomorrow 3×01 Review : “Aruba-Con”

Cleaning up messes is really tough to do. It has also been what the Legends of Tomorrow have done since they first started. Sometimes (a lot of the time) it’s the Legends own mess they have to clean up, but…

‘Supergirl’ 3×01 Review: ‘Girl of Steel’

When it comes to DC Television, there’s a unique feeling that I get when I watch Supergirl. I feel like I’m watching the This Is Us of superhero shows, if that makes sense. Not that Arrow, The Flash, or Legends…

DCTV: Triumph from So. Much. Tragedy

In anticipation of the season premieres, I’ve been going through a series rewatch of all four of the DCTV shows. In retrospect, it would have been wise to start it earlier in the summer. However, in revisiting these shows so…

Exclusive Interview: “Waco” Star Sarah Minnich

We are looking forward to Spike TV’s series Waco, because it’s an important part of history. It’s one of those moments that we’re intrigued as to what happened and who the Branch Davidians were. So we were excited to talk…

‘The Flash’ and Westallen’s Many Virtues

Take it from me – if you want to ask a Westallen fan what they love about their ship, you should have a drink and a snack on hand because it will not be a short conversation. As fans, we…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×02 Review: Re-writing the Book

In this episode Designated Survivor puts an end, of sorts, to the conspiracy that spawned the show and got us this far, and they do so in a way that reminds us that, in its best moments, this show can…

‘The Gifted’ 1×01 Review: Ohana Means Family

And, you know, family means nobody gets left behind – or forgotten. Yes, you are in the right place, I promise. This is a review for The Gifted, the new kick-ass mutant drama from FOX. Except the kick-ass mutant drama,…

‘How To Get Away With Murder’ 4×01 Review: I’m Going Away

Just when you thought everything might go back to normal, for just a minute or two, the season premiere of How To Get Away With Murder does not fail in unfolding unto you the newest mystery of this season. But…

Exclusive Interview: Luke Guldan from ‘The Good Place’

The Good Place is one of those shows that you watch when you’re feeling a bit sad, or down, the type that you know will always put a smile on your face, one way or another. But it’s not just…

Exclusive Interview with “Dear Martin” Author Nic Stone

‘Dear Martin’ is one of those books that make you stop. Stop and think. Stop and plan. Stop and …hope. It’s also the kind of book that makes you forget that you’re reading a book, not just because the words…

10 Ships We Want Back On Our TV Screens Now!

Shipping–it’s one of the best (and sometimes hardest) parts of being a fangirl. As a fan of many, many, MANY ships, there are some ships that never leave your heart. Here are 10 of our favorite ships that we miss…

ABC’s of Ships: Nathan and Haley of ‘One Tree Hill’

Nathan and Haley – their love wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. And they will forever be one of our favorites.

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Roundtable: The Good, the Bad and the Incest

Another season of Game of Thrones is in the books – and we certainly have a lot of feelings to unpack. From the good (it was about damn time, Jaime, it was about damn time) and the bad (Cersei being…

‘Game of Thrones’ 7×07 Review: Bring Down the Wall

Did you read that like the song? Tell me you read that like the song. That’s about the only thing that’s going to make this shit storm of a season finale of Game of Thrones feel better. And I mean…

‘iZombie’ Season 3 Review: Getting Lost in Brains

With such a long way to go before season 4 of iZombie premieres and San Diego Comic Con goodies and details behind us, we’re going to need something to tide us over. That’s where this season 3 review comes in! We’re going…