‘The Good Place’ 4×10 Review: A Problem of Justice

Throughout the entirety of The Good Place, but particularly this season, with a new experiment, with the knowledge that the point system doesn’t work, we have been dealing with the same issue: humans evolve, they change, and they get better.…

‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Review: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I have so many mixed feelings about this movie. I’ve taken some time to digest it, I’ve discussed my thoughts with several people, and yet …I’m still struggling with how to put into words how I feel. Did I love…

‘The Good Place’ 4×08 Review: We Could Have Had it All

The Good Place does this thing, every season, where they move the plot along much faster than you thought they were going to, and all the sudden it’s episode 8 and you’re like wait, we’re getting the answer to the…

‘The Good Place’ 4×07 Review: Let’s Talk About Chidi

The Good Place‘s “Help is Other People” marks the midway point of this, the final season of the show, and there’s a lot we could discuss at this point, from the messaging (which remains on point), to the way these actors…

‘The Good Place’ 4×06 Review: Be Better, A Chip Driver Mystery

The Good Place’s “A Chip Driver Mystery” not only manages to move the plot forward – with John finally in on Jason’s secret, and absolutely everyone, from Simone to Chidi, and even Tahani, ready to call Brent out on his…

‘The Good Place’ 4×05 Review: Change is Your Friend

What is good? What is bad? What is growth? The Good Place, as always, manages to tackle all these existential questions, while still making us laugh. “Employee of the Bearimy” is yet another episode where this show takes the time…

‘The Good Place’ 4×03 Review: On The Right Path?

The Good Place’s “Chillaxing” hits us where it hurts the most, by putting the focus once again on the people we already care about, instead of dudebro Brett or the new faces we’re having trouble connecting with. In other words,…

‘The Good Place’ 4×01 Review: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

It feels hard to believe that this is it, the final season of The Good Place is here, and we’ve already watched an episode  of it (ironically titled “A Girl From Arizona”). Someone save us from having to exist in…

‘Undone’ Season One Review: The Good, The Amazing, and the Mesmerizing

This isn’t your average review. Personally it was like none that I’ve ever written. Why? Because everything that I had to say about Amazon Prime’s Undone was positive. Seriously. Every single thing that happened on this show blew my mind…

‘Carnival Row’ Season 1 Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

From Orlando Bloom’s Philo carrying Carnival Row in his lithe but strong arms to Imogen & Agreus being my surprise OTP, there’s plenty to talk about, break down, and explore when it comes to this Amazon Prime show. In this…

‘The Rook’ Season 1 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

From the women of The Rook to the pace and the differences between the Checquy and the Lugat, we’ve got plenty to discuss when it comes to season one of the Starz series. Now that it’s over and we’re sitting…

‘Pearson’ 1×06 Review: Same old, Same old

At some point, Pearson is going to have to make a choice. For me, right now, after “The Donor,” that choice is clear: Dump Bobby Novak. And I don’t even mean dump him completely as in fire the actor, he…

‘The Rook’ 1×08 Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of the End

The Rook season one finale set Myfanwy free from her past, Linda Farrier on an unexpected path to protect EVA’s, and Monica in an unpredictable and dangerous situation similar to Myfanwy’s in episode one. All together, this finale delivered on…

‘Pearson’ 1×04 Review: Building on Something Good

For three episodes, we’ve sorta dangled on the edge of a precipice, ready to fall in love with Pearson completely and irrevocably. “The Deputy Mayor” does nothing to push us off the cliff, but it doesn’t exactly drag us back,…

‘Suits’ 9×04 Review: Kiss Our Ass, Or Kiss Our Asses Goodbye

If you’d asked me last year what was going on, why Suits wasn’t taking the plunge with Darvey, I would have probably gone on a rant about male showrunners, but in the end, I would have probably landed on: they…

‘Stranger Things’ Season 3: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Stranger Things season 3 is the best season out of all the others and is the result of careful planning and wonderful storytelling. From Steve Harrington continuing to be the best mom to El and Max having the kind of…

Sam Claflin Boards The ‘Enola Holmes’ Adaptation

I was never one for mysteries. Anything Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes never made me want to pay attention. I was never one that cared about solving mysteries, unless it was how so and so developed abs that I couldn’t…

‘The Blacklist’ Season 6 Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Season 6 of The Blacklist was a wild ride from start to finish. We had the fallout from Liz’s big betrayal of Red, a new government conspiracy leading all the way up to the President, Mozhan Marno’s exit from the…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×10 Review: “Good Will Hunting”

Typically Whiskey Cavalier is the type of show you watch when you’ve had a bad day, or when you need a pick me up. This is, after all, a light show, one that makes fun of itself more often than…

‘American Gods’ 2×08 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Moon Shadow”

If there’s anything that American Gods “Moon Shadow” left us with it’s a desperate need to see more of the characters we have fallen in love with over two seasons. In the season two finale Shadow Moon and Laura Moon…

‘Supernatural’ 14×19 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Jack in the Box”

Supernatural’s “Jack in the Box” felt like a cluster fuck of disappointment that we don’t need considering this is the penultimate episode. After spending ages grounding Jack and making sure that we know how good of a person and nephilim…