‘The Good Place’ 3×01/3×02 Review: What We Owe to Each Other

HOLY FORKING SHIRT BALLS. We’re back! And with that I mean not only is the show back, but the team is back together again! It only took a one- hour premiere and some pretty crazy spirals and ups and downs…

The Good Place, or the Art of Choosing Happiness

I, like most of you reading, started watching The Good Place for the twist. Thankfully, I didn’t know what the twist was – I’m so sad for all of you who went into this spoiled – but I knew there…

Kirby Howell-Baptiste is Headed to ‘The Good Place’

We gotta say, we’re loving what The Good Place is doing this hiatus, casting wise. EW is reporting that Kirby Howell-Baptiste, who starts as Elena on the BBC drama Killing Eve, as well as HBO’s Barry and Netflix’s Love, has been…

‘The Originals’ 5×13: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of “When the Saints Go Marching In”

The Originals series finale titled “When the Saints Go Marching In” was more disappointing than The Vampire Diaries series finale, which was a clusterfuck, while somehow managing to flip the bird at Haylijah and Klaroline shippers that have been following their…

The Good and the Bad of 2×09 of ‘Famous in Love’

The penultimate episode of the second season of Famous in Love gave me what I’ve been asking for since the second season started. I wanted more character-driven stories and less overt Hollywood drama. This week delivered. Let’s get into all…

‘Supernatural’ 13×23 Season Finale Review: “Let the Good Times Roll”

Lucifer proves that he’s not changed AT ALL (shocker alert), Dean accepts Michael into his body, and Jack continues being the nougat son we all know and love. Let’s dive into Supernatural’s “Let the Good Times Roll.’ Fuck Yeah, Michael…

The Good and the Bad of 2×08 of ‘Famous in Love’

This episode did exactly what I want the show to do more often. It focused on the characters and their lives and the ways they interact with each other. There were mentions of scripts, parties were held, photoshoots were done,…

The Good and the Bad of 2×06 of ‘Famous in Love’

I actually enjoyed this episode of Famous in Love. It felt more character driven, and maybe that’s because Locked is finally wrapped. That movie has taken up our favorite characters’ lives since the very beginning, so now we get to…

‘Famous in Love’ Season 2 Premiere: The Good, The Bad, and The WTF

Now I will be the first to tell you that I am a huge fan of Famous in Love. I don’t do the reviews for it normally, but am taking care of the first 3 weeks, as our normal writer…

‘Supernatural’ Review 13×14: Good Intentions

Jack Kline starts on his first journey to kill a big bad like his big brothers do every Thursday night in Supernatural’s “Good Intentions.” And we’re so proud! In addition, Castiel strikes out from his family and does the unthinkable…

‘Supergirl’ 3×12 Roundtable: “For Good”

We’re back with another Supergirl roundtable! This episode, ironically titled, “For Good,” once again had Lena “struggling” with her Luthor side, which we haven’t seen before, ever. (*rolls eyes*). It also had a lot more James, cause hey, now that…

‘Supergirl’ 3×12 Review: For Good

When Alyssa asked me to write this Supergirl review I immediately said yes, because friendship, and then I said ugh because I will admit Supergirl and I have been having issues and I haven’t been exactly keeping up with it.…

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Roundtable: The Good, The Bad and the Ships

It’s been almost a month since Star Wars: The Last Jedi premiered. We’d had time to process. We’d had time to re-watch. We’ve (presumably, at least), come to terms with our feelings.  And we’re ready to articulate them for you.…

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Review: More than Just Good Fun

It will surprise no one to hear that Thor: Ragnarok is, all in all, a really funny movie, one that, to be honest, skews more Guardians of the Galaxy than previous Thor offerings. That’s, after all, the Marvel brand. They…

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Roundtable: The Good, the Bad and the Incest

Another season of Game of Thrones is in the books – and we certainly have a lot of feelings to unpack. From the good (it was about damn time, Jaime, it was about damn time) and the bad (Cersei being…

‘iZombie’ 3×13 Season Finale Review: Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2

iZombie’s “Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2” has completely changed the show and set it on a path that I’m thrilled to be finally on. The people of Seattle know about zombies and nothing will ever be the same again.…

‘iZombie’ 3×12 Review: Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1

The pieces of a very complicated puzzle are finally starting to fall together in iZombie‘s “Mr. Goodbrain,” Part 1. Liv’s zombie face on the cover of a newspaper combined with the explosion at the party will help tip the scales towards…

Supernatural 12×13 Review: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of ‘Family Feud’

Supernatural‘s ‘Family Feud’ was a filler episode that needed more Winchesters and less MacLeod reunion. What should’ve been a turning point for Crowley, Rowena, and Gavin, fell flat and left us not caring at all for the fiancee’s ghost or…

Timeless 1×16 Review: This is Not Goodbye

And not just because I refuse (though I refuse, I refuse, I refuse), but because it’s not fair. And okay, sometimes life is not fair. Sometimes television is not fair. But, in this day and age, especially with what’s going…

The “Good” Part of Saying “Goodbye” To The Vampires Diaries

When I was a child, I asked my Mom once what it meant when we said “goodbye” to people. I didn’t understand the concept, because where was the good in saying bye. After all in life the people that we…

Fear the Walking Dead 2×08: The Good, Bad & Ugly of Grotesque

Nick goes on an existential journey covered in blood in Fear the Walking Dead‘s mid-season premiere titled ‘Grotesque’. And while we missed Madison, Alicia, Victor, Chris, and Travis dearly, it was good to see the lengths this survivor is willing to…