‘Deadly Class’ Season 1 Finale Review: “Sink with California” Was a Shit Show

The Deadly Class season one finale left us SCREAMING, HOLLERING, AND WONDERING WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT! Because we have to get a second season. We have to get more of Marcus, Maria, Saya, Billy, Petra, Willie, and…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×09 Review: ‘Songs About Texas’

The great thing about Roswell, New Mexico is that it never takes an episode off. There’s never an episode that feels like filler. It’s a nonstop rollercoaster of emotions and revelations that always seem to take you by surprise —…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×14 Review: ‘A Kiss From A Rose’

You’d think that at some point I’d stop being surprised by Shadowhunters. I’m not even sure I’m surprised right now. I’m disappointed, yes. I had hoped this show would take a different direction with the various storylines it has introduced…

Queerly Not Straight: It’s Not a Shame When Someone Comes Out as Gay

SARAH DUNN/CONTOUR In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.)…

‘Arrow’ 7×16 Review: ‘Star City 2040’

When Arrow delivers episodes that manage tell compelling stories that thrill and excite and provide hope for stability on this show, episodes like “Star City 2040,” my instant reaction is to embrace it. But then logic kicks in, and I’m…

‘Supergirl’ 4×15 Review: ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou’

I’ll be the first to say that Supergirl has been declining over the past couple of seasons. Declining in terms of finding an effective storyline and declining in terms of my attentiveness. But that all might’ve changed (and I stress…

Lifestyle Lift: 4 Apps You Can Use to Make the World Greener

Being Eco-friendly has never been more popular and we want to take advantage of that trend to protect our planet. That’s why every single day more Apps are being developed to make the world Greener. Today I want to share…

Netflix Orders ‘The Babysitters Club’ To 10 Episode Series

You know how there are things in life that you want people to enjoy, but in a way you hope that they never happen, because if they do it could destroy the thing that you loved? That’s how I feel…

‘American Gods’ 2×02 Review: “The Beguiling Man”

American Gods is slowly but surely making us fall in love with Laura Moon and Mad Sweeney in “The Beguiling Man.” We could resist. I could resist…but I won’t. There’s a spark there, a bond, that I don’t think I’ve…

‘The Blacklist’ 6×11 Review: “Bastien Moreau (No. 20)”

I’ve tried to keep the intensity of my personal feelings about the events of this season out of these posts, but I can’t do it anymore. This episode was the final nail in the coffin. I am absolutely furious with…

5 Hilarious Moments from ‘Supernatural’s “Peace of Mind”

Supernatural‘s “Peace of Mind” sees Sam & Castiel stumbling upon a Pleasantville situation & Sam into a ponytail, glasses, and cardigan! And yes, things aren’t perfect and Sam’s got deeper issues that made him fall easily into Pleasantiville life. But…

‘Captain Marvel’ Roundtable: Higher, Further, Faster

There was something particularly striking about watching Captain Marvel, something inspiring, something powerful. In lieu of a review, we thought we’d allow our writers to give their opinion on this film, what it feels like to see someone like Carol…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 6×10 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Gintars”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “Gintars” saw the arrival of Nikolaj’s weird as hell father and the disappearance of Terry’s eyebrows and sanity because of his obsession with the mites/tiny buggers that live on us without our knowledge. I mean, I’m with you…

NCISLA: A Densi Celebration

We haven’t been shy about how excited we are that Kensi and Deeks are finally getting married on NCIS: Los Angeles. I mean, we’ve only been waiting for this since somewhere around the end of season 3, right? (One might…

Netflix Canceled ‘One Day At A Time’ and then tried to Gaslight us

Yesterday was a hard day. It was heard to hear that Netflix had decided not to move forward with season 4 of One Day At A Time, and it was hard to see them gaslight us by blaming it on…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×09 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Kids of the Black Hole”

Deadly Class‘ “Kids of the Black Hole” saw the divide between Maria & Saya widening because of a young man (Talk about predictable), the death of Master Lin’s wife, and the kickoff to the shit show of epic proportions that…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×16 Review: “Failure is an Orphan”

This week, the return of a fan-favorite writer brought back a focus on family, the end of a tiresome plot, and the introduction of a Killer Frost who watched Avengers: Infinity War and realized Wong had the right idea all…

My First Sports Love: The Detroit Red Wings

This is an entry in Fangirlish’s What Sports Mean To Me series, where our writers discuss memorable sports moments and how sports have impacted their lives. We all remember our first sports love. It was the moment when sports became more than…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×08 Review: “Barely Breathing”

Roswell, New Mexico‘s “Barely Breathing” saw the rise of the MVP known as Michael Guerin, Alex standing up to the dumpster fire that is his father, and a race against time to save Isobel from a body that has turned…

The Ship Debate: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Edition

To ship or not to ship. That’s a debate we’ve had for many years, about many shows, many couples. And even though we here at Fangirlish agree on many things, we don’t agree on everything, and one of the things…

Movies We Can Watch on an Endless Loop

That part of your mattress that has become a mold in the very shape of your body, your stretched out yoga pants or university sweats, your go to snack-you know, the life comforts that call your name? What’s a girl…