Keys in Hand: Saudi Women and Driving

(As a note: Saudi women here refers to both Saudi-born women and women living in Saudi Arabia) Over the years, Saudi Arabia has been under immense pressure to lift the ban on women driving through the kingdom. After protests, imprisonments,…

Between the Lines: Yet Another Feminist Rant

Perhaps since the beginning of cinema, the calling for better representation of women on screen has been loud and insistent. In recent years, the box office has seen movies featuring women outearn those that feature men, and the industry as…

How to Do Fandom 101: A Guide for Show-Runners, Authors and Fans Alike

Yes, I wrote what I wrote, and yes, I really do think we need a guide, of sorts. Not a comprehensive one, because a) I don’t have time for that and b) I don’t know everything and c) there are…

Fandoms and Misogyny: From Supergirl to Outlander

I’ve been thinking about this subject a lot lately, especially after the flack Melissa Benoist caused for using a line from the show to make an equivalence suggesting that losing her boyfriend (Mon-El), felt to Kara like losing her entire…

Can Does Not Equal Should – Why Not All Art Should Be Produced

I can’t believe I’m having to dive into this conversation when, presumably, we’re all adults here – or at least the reading comprehension of one – but this needs to be said, so I will say it. We have probably…

A History of Hate (And What We Can Do About It)

On December 24, 1865 the Ku Klux Klan was founded in Tennessee as an extremist, hateful reaction to what many in the news now willingly and ignorantly report as “economic anxiety.” This was a period of southern reconstruction following the…

Why Are Diverse Shows the First to Get Axed?

It’s the age-old question – or fine, it’s not, but it’s at least the new question being asked every year, without fault, as we look at what Pilots get made, what gets ordered to series, what is given full-season orders,…

Hold the Floor: How the AHCA Wants to Kill You

Some of you may know that Democrats are currently holding the floor in the Senate, in an effort to get the GOP to talk about their proposed healthcare bill that will cut insurance to some 23 million Americans. Some of…

When Your President Doesn’t Believe in Science, Reason, or Community

Well, in the let’s fuck with an already fucked up climate news that has an iceberg the size of Delaware ready to break off from Antarctica, unprecedented global warming that will flood our coasts and dry up our farms, and…

This Is Nothing New – Tribalism Has Been Here All Along

As the current U.S. presidential administration continues to create a circus out of the judicial process and quietly (and not so quietly) strip away personal liberties and the transparency of the press, I have alternated between indignant, angry, sad, overwhelmed,…

How to Be An Ally And Use Google – AKA, A Tale of How Not To Be an Asshole

There is a trend of entitlement on Twitter (and lots of other places, but let’s focus there) that revolves around this one simple phrase: “Explain to me why this is.” Now, this might not be an insidious thing on the…

Forgiveness Is A Choice We Define

I’d like you all to get on the galloping trope-horse with me for a second to talk about something that I think is the definition of poor writing. It’s not only poor writing, but it reinforces unhealthy behavior and outdated…

Art vs Artist: Where Do We Draw The Line?

Brie Larson refused to clap for Cassey Affleck as he was awarded his Oscar this season, and the world exploded in a series of back and forth re-tweets and think-pieces as everyone tried to figure out the right stance on…

'Chicago P.D.': The ABCs of Linstead

You don’t know chemistry and passion until you meet Chicago P.D.’s Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay, the dynamic duo that swooped in unexpectedly and has stolen our hearts forever. Linstead have shown us that not only is it possible to…

Live and Let Live: Thoughts on Fandom and Acceptance

Let’s take a minute and talk about fandom. We (otherwise known as fans) rally around a show, or a movie, or a band in the way that we rally around all causes. The implicit humanness of the stories, the music,…

Supergirl: Why Karamel is My Favorite Ship on TV Right Now

You don’t choose the ship; the ship chooses you. That’s the motto I live and die by. It’s also the motto that describes my love for Supergirl’s Kara and Mon-El – who have the sweetest ship name in the existence…

The Chastity Belt of Horror

Sex is a killer. No, not killer as I like to think in the fun, sweaty, panting, orgasm way, but a thing in which the next victim is chosen for the sacrifice of serial killers, psychopaths, and bad TV writers…

5 Reasons You Should Tell Your Self-doubt to Fuck Off

It is a universally acknowledged truth that self-doubt is an unwanted and unexpected intruder in our daily lives. It wraps itself around us like cling wrap from hell, sucking away our confidence in our own abilities, the love of others,…

Equality is Intersectional and I Believe in It

I believe in intersectional feminism. I believe that my privilege is less than a white man’s and greater than a person of color’s, not in fairness, or on purpose, but because systemic conditioning and media saturation has created an environment…

The Progressive Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

The Incomplete Yet Ultimate Guide To Surviving This Political Shit Storm! In no way is this list exhaustive. It is a beginner’s introduction to what you can expect as the world comes to a screaming halt one Cheetos not-president at…

Where’s The Rune To Fix A Broken Fandom?

The Mortal Instruments. Shadowhunters. I was once told that the way to write journalistic essays was to keep your emotions out of things. But when you are writing about fandom, the truth is – it’s fueled by emotion. Everything that…