‘Supergirl’: 9 WTF Moments from ‘Stand and Deliver’

While some people may be getting over Supergirl’s political storyline this season, I continue to find myself compelled and sickened — in a good way, because it addresses real issues — with how this show is handling this Civil War.…

‘Blindspot’ 4×14 Review: “The Big Blast From The Past Episode”

Blindspot is back from hellatus! The truth is that we missed the show, and we were not disappointed. “The Big Blast From The Past Episode” is an episode where the past and the future are interwoven more than ever. The…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×15 Review: ‘King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd’

On this week’s episode of The Flash, a talking shark in pants took on a psychic gorilla. Meanwhile, Joe West returns looking refreshed and rejuvenated to have some wonderful moments with Cecile and Iris, S.T.A.R. Labs becomes a little Shape…

‘Legacies’ 1×11 Review: Everyone Is Slug Drunk

This episode of Legacies was full of magic and music! I do wish we could have seen more of that incredibly adorable unicorn, rather than having to deal with those creepy slugs or parasites or whatever they want to be…

‘Legacies’ 1×10 Review: It’s Lizzie’s Show Now

It’s Lizzie Saltzman’s Legacies now and you’re just watching it. From Jenny Boyd (who portrays Lizzie) doing the “Previously on Legacies…” voice over to the title card making it as obvious as possible, everything was all about Lizzie this week.…

‘Blindspot’ 4×13 Review: “Though This Be Madness, Yet There Is Method In’t”

We’re here, blindspotters! Episode 4×13, entitled “Though This Be Madness, Yet There Is Method In’t” has been a cocktail of tension, fear and feelings brought to the surface. In the moment when everything seems lost, that’s when real feelings come…

‘The Flash’ 5×14: Cause and – Cause and – Cause and XS

This week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Cause and XS” had a marked lack of Barry and filled the time with a little Groundhog Day inspiration. (As I understand it, filming happened around the period of Grant Gustin’s wedding.) Rumor has…

'Roswell, New Mexico' 1×05 Review: Secrets, Secrets, Secrets (Are Revealed)

How far would you go to keep a secret? Would you keep up a false persona for your entire life to protect yourself and those you love? Would you lie to those you love the most in order to protect…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×13 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Goldfaced”

There is something just so irresistibly endearing about Barry Allen. Is it his boyish charm? His optimism and utter faith in people? The fact he wears his hero’s heart on his sleeve? A few days ago, I would have agreed…

‘Legacies’ 1×09 Review: Dream Warriors

This episode of Legacies brought together all of my favorite things (minus the absence of the twins). It had romance, action, feminism, comedy, and so on. It was creepy and intriguing. I was grossed out at the true face of…

‘Blindspot’ 4×11 Review: “Careless Whisper”

Welcome, blindspotters! After a mini hiatus, Blindspot is back with “Careless Whisper.” It’s a transitional episode, although with important touches for everything that comes, but in general, the axis on which the episode turns feels too disconnected from the other…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×12 Review: Bittersweet “Memorabilia”

Wait. What…what is that? An episode of The Flash that has a strong plot, gives Iris and Nora both decent point of view, clears up some potential plot holes, and actually manages to make the villain interesting mid-season? Where has…

‘Supergirl’ 4×11 Review: ‘Blood Memory’

I’ve got a love/hate relationship with Supergirl this season. On one hand, I love how they’re tackling realistic politics in the Children of Liberty storyline. Not to mention the introduction of Nia Nal, who’s been a breath of fresh air. On the…

‘The Flash’ 5×11 Review: “Seeing Red” or Seeing Meh?

Do you ever come across an episode of television that is so “middle of the road” that you don’t really know what to say about it? Not so fantastic that you want to talk about its wonderful nuances. Not so…

‘New Amsterdam’ 1×11 Review: ‘A Seat At The Table’

In a happy turn of events, Georgia was nowhere to be seen in this week’s episode, but this was the first time I’ve felt like they’re giving me a filler. It was still a good episode, but there just seemed…

‘The Flash’ 5×10: I Have…Questions About “The Flash & The Furious”

Sometimes shows, and especially episodes like “The Flash & The Furious,” prompt us to ask questions. They make us think about our preconceived notions of the world around us. They ask us to wrestle with our angels and demons. Or,…

‘New Amsterdam’ 1×10 Review: Six Or Seven Minutes

OMG, the new episode hit me in the FEELS multiple times! I can’t believe how far this show has come, and its characters, in only ten episodes. Before the break, Max dropped while he was out on a lake with…

Our favorite TV Shows of 2018

There’s a lot of good TV out there. No, really, a hell of a lot of good TV, trust me, someone who just had to spiral her way into somehow narrowing this list down. But narrow it I have, with…

‘Blindspot’ Mid Season Finale Review: “Screech, Thwack, Pow”

Welcome to the mid season finale of our favorite show, blindspotters! “Screech, Thwack, Pow” has been focused on Remi and her plan. Through what she has planned, we discover details that will be vital later and everything ends in a…

‘Blindspot’ 4×07 Review: “Case: Sun, Moon and the Truth”

Blindspot returned after two weeks with “Case: Sun, Moon and the Truth,” which introduced us fully into the emotional conflicts of the characters, especially when it comes to Jeller, an important focus in this episode. In addition, we discovered important…

‘The Flash’ 3×07 Review: THIS SHOW IS ABOUT FAMILY, OKAY?

I had hoped that The Flash would go from the worst episode of the season last week to one of the strongest this week. Well, I guess there’s a reason nobody says that Thanksgiving is the season for wishes to…