‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 7 Things We Can’t Stop Talking About From “Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?”

There was a lot to unpack from this week’s episode of Roswell, New Mexico, but then again, it feels like there always is. But that’s why we’re here, to unpack it all for you, to discuss, to give this show…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×13 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Goldfaced”

There is something just so irresistibly endearing about Barry Allen. Is it his boyish charm? His optimism and utter faith in people? The fact he wears his hero’s heart on his sleeve? A few days ago, I would have agreed…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×04 Review: “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?”

This week’s Roswell, New Mexico, titled “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone” saw Liz Ortecho doing what she wants, when wants, with whomever she wants. It’s a liberating and powerful stance to take at the beginning of your show and…

‘Legacies’ 1×09 Review: Dream Warriors

This episode of Legacies brought together all of my favorite things (minus the absence of the twins). It had romance, action, feminism, comedy, and so on. It was creepy and intriguing. I was grossed out at the true face of…

What Outlander did Wrong in Season 4, and What it Needs to do in Season 5

It’s funny to think that we’ve been here for almost five years. And by here, I mean, here, as fans of this show, here, as people who are watching an adaptation, with the good and bad that entails. Some of…

‘The Blacklist’ 6×05 Review: The smoking gun

So Red’s trial is over, and surprise surprise the court didn’t rule in his favor. Red is now facing the death penalty, all thanks to Liz. What’s so cold blooded about this is that Liz knew exactly what to point…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 8 Things We Can’t Stop Talking About in “Tearin’ Up My Heart”

Another week, another episode of Roswell, New Mexico to break down, reassess, and rehash with some of our favorite moments of The CW drama. “Tearin’ Up My Heart” saw the ups and downs of various relationships, ranging from Alex &…

Shadowhunters releases first trailer for season 3B

It’s almost that time of year again. After a very long hiatus, Shadowhunters returns for its final season on February 25th. Freeform has just released the very first trailer for the new half-season. As expected, it’s… a bit of a mess.…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×12 Review: Bittersweet “Memorabilia”

Wait. What…what is that? An episode of The Flash that has a strong plot, gives Iris and Nora both decent point of view, clears up some potential plot holes, and actually manages to make the villain interesting mid-season? Where has…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×03 Review: “Tearin’ Up My Heart”

Ah, NSYNC. I guess you really did say it best. It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you But when we are apart, I feel it too And no matter what I do, I feel the pain With or…

‘Supergirl’ 4×11 Review: ‘Blood Memory’

I’ve got a love/hate relationship with Supergirl this season. On one hand, I love how they’re tackling realistic politics in the Children of Liberty storyline. Not to mention the introduction of Nia Nal, who’s been a breath of fresh air. On the…

‘Roswell, New Mexico” 1×02 Roundtable: “So Much For The Afterglow”

We love Roswell, New Mexico so much, we’re giving everyone on the Fangirlish staff a chance to talk about it! We’re also giving you a chance, if you want. That’s right, if you want to participate in one of these…

‘Outlander’ 4×13 “Man of Worth” Review: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF

We’ve reached the end of another season of Outlander, a season of high highs and low lows, a season where, at times, the show broke mercifully away from the books, and yet in so many important things, it stuck very…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’: 8 Things We Can’t Stop Talking About In “So Much For The Afterglow”

While we’ve only been treated to two wonderful hours of Roswell, New Mexico, it’s already a show that is on my must-watch shows every week. Ships with the kind of chemistry that can ignite a fire, complex characters we’ve still…

‘The Good Place’ Season 3 Finale Review: Here We Go Again

Except, it’s not the same, is it? Except, we go into Season 4, into whatever’s coming, with something we didn’t really have before. And no, I’m not talking about the tears rolling through my cheeks as I write these words…

‘The Flash’ 5×11 Review: “Seeing Red” or Seeing Meh?

Do you ever come across an episode of television that is so “middle of the road” that you don’t really know what to say about it? Not so fantastic that you want to talk about its wonderful nuances. Not so…

‘Roswell’ 1×02 Review: There Are Many Sides To The Same Story

Everyone has a story. The way that we all tell our stories is different. Some of us will never tell our stories. Some of us will never know all the facets of our story, even though we helped write it.…

‘The Gifted’ 2×13 Review: Together

The Gifted Season two has been a roller-coaster of emotions, and I’m not saying that entirely as a compliment. The show has delivered episodes that have had us at the edge of our seat, barely breathing, and it has also given…

‘Supergirl’ 4×10 Review: Well, This Is A Game Changer

Supergirl returned with a midseason premiere that forever changed the course of the season. One decision — an unnecessary one, if you ask me — set an unexpected course for the backhalf of season four where once again Kara’s emotional…

‘Outlander’ 4×12 “Providence” Review: The One Where We Are Bored

Liking a show doesn’t mean being blind to it’s faults, and reviewing a show often means having to look at it from a place of nitpicking instead of a place of just enjoying it. As such, I’m often noticing tiny…

‘The Blacklist’ 6×04 Review: “The Pawnbrokers”

Never has it been more apparent than in The Blacklist episode “The Pawnbrokers” that James Spader is the driving force behind the show. It was an incredibly engaging episode and that’s all thanks to him. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing…