‘The Blacklist’ 5×06 Review: ‘The Travel Agency’

Last night’s new episode of The Blacklist, “The Travel Agency” held steady with the blacklister-centric theme, focusing on a defunct crime ring of for-hire murderers. The blacklister was a former member of this crime ring, but after a job gone…

‘Arrow’ 6×03: ‘Next of Kin’ Roundtable

Arrow is Arrow again! Hallelujah! We didn’t really think we’d be here, not after the travesty that was Season 5, but here we are and this almost feels like a celebration.  We care again! We can do something other than…

‘Blindspot’ 3×01 Review: “Back to the Grind”

The wait is over, Blindspot fans! We have already seen the first episode of season 3, titled “Back to the Grind.” What did you think ? We have many things to say! It was a very solid comeback that made…

'Arrow' 6×03 Review: 'Next of Kin'

Before you dive into this Arrow review, a disclaimer: Full-on Olicity fangirling ahead. If you don’t want to read about Olicity (mainly, among other things), turn back now. Or keep reading. Because I don’t care. This fangirl has been waiting…

‘Blindspot’: Season 2 Review

The wait has almost come to an end, Blindspot fans! IT’S ONLY ONE DAY AWAY! One day! After so much waiting it seems hard to believe that we’ve finally made it …but we have! As an appetizer before the new…

‘Blindspot’: Spoiler Roundup + Awards!

Blindspot fans have many good reasons to be happy! The countdown is running out and there are only 5 DAYS left! Are you as excited as we are? In addition, yesterday the  gala for the “Action Icon Awards” was held, with…

'Arrow' 6×02 Review: 'Tribute'

Arrow’s sixth season really feels like the beginning of a new chapter, in more ways than one. There’s a refreshing tone that seems to have covered this series like a warm blanket, as it attempts to embrace the new and…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×04 Review: ‘The Endling’

Last night’s new episode of The Blacklist “The Endling” was probably the most disturbing installment of the fifth season yet. It opened with the completely unnecessary and cruel murder of a race horse and his trainer in a barn fire.…

‘Blindspot’: 10 Moments that Shaped Roman

Roman is one of our favorite Blindspot characters and we’re thrilled to know that we will see A LOT of him during the new season of our favorite show. One of the aspects that make Roman’s character more interesting and…

‘Blindspot’: 3×01 Spoilers Roundup

In recent days it seems like Blindspot fans have had even more reasons to get excited than usual, with all the news and teases coming out about our favorite show. It’s been literally one scoop after another and although we love it because…

‘Blindspot’: Top 10 Jeller moments

What moments do Jeller fans think are the most significant and special in their relationship? Here at Fangirlish we asked ourselves this very question and we wanted to hear your opinion, so we could share our love for this fantastic…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×03 Review: ‘Miss Rebecca Thrall’

Have The Blacklist writers finally listened to fans and returned to the old style of the show that focuses on everyone in the task force and a new blacklister every week? It seems like they might have, as “Miss Rebecca…

New York Comic-Con Roundup: ‘Blindspot’

Today is our lucky day, Blindspot fans! The entire cast attended New York Comic- Con and we have a lot to share with all of you. Hold on to your hats, because there are two new trailers, some scoop from the panel,…

Exclusive Interview: “Waco” Star Sarah Minnich

We are looking forward to Spike TV’s series Waco, because it’s an important part of history. It’s one of those moments that we’re intrigued as to what happened and who the Branch Davidians were. So we were excited to talk…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×02 Review: ‘Greyson Blaise’

Wednesday’s new episode “Greyson Blaise” proved once again that The Blacklist is at its best when it focuses on blacklisters and the task force, not family drama. Pretty much everyone had equal screen time, and the entire task force even…

‘Blindspot’: 5 Things We Want to See From Patterson in Season 3

It’s almost time to start the countdown for the Blindspot premiere! We can’t believe season 3 is almost here! Is anyone else jumping from excitment like us? As always, in the final days of this hellatus hiatus, we bring you…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×01 Review: ‘Smokey Putnam’

The Blacklist finally made its return last night, with the season 5 premiere, “Smokey Putnam.” The episode opened with Red stealing cars and generally having the time of his life. Now that his criminal empire has been destroyed, a huge…

Blindspot News: Roman’s role in Season 3

We’ve got news, Blindspot fans! Martin Gero, executive producer of Blindspot, loves to give scoops ahead of our favorite show; and we love him for it, we really do. Thanks to TvLine we have new information about one of our favorites, Roman.…

Blindspot: Can Roman be Redeemed?

A question that many Blindspot fans have asked, especially after the end of season 2 is: what is the difference between Jane and Roman? Why was she able to change and redirect her life while Roman has been unable to…

ABC’s of Ships: Jeller Edition

Our love for Blindspot has survived this long hellatus hiatus, but we have to admit, we’re very anxious for it to return to our screens, we miss so much our favorite show and specially Jeller AKA that OTP that drives…

‘Blindspot’ Season 3 Promises Fulfilling Jeller

Blindspot fans are in luck! We have fresh spoilers thanks to TVLine. And special attention Jeller and Zapata/Reade fans, we have very good news for you! (To give you an idea, as a fan of these two wonderful couples I’m…