‘Wynonna Earp’ Season 3 Finale Sees the Heir Turn Into a Champion

The Wynonna Earp season 3 finale gave us a Wynonna that we’ve never seen, confident as fuck about her capabilities in saving her sister, her friends, and the town of Purgatory. She’s lost everything. But that hasn’t pulled her down…

‘The Gifted’ Season 1 DVD Review

I don’t usually get DVD’s anymore. Does anyone? The answer to that is probably no. Unless you’re a real big fan of something, you just stream the thing. And even if you’re a big fan, you probable, well …stream the…

Queerly Not Straight: The Fragility of Heterosexuality in the Face of Bert and Ernie

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 3×10 Review: The Other Woman

Anna Silk’s guest appearance on Wynonna Earp‘s “The Other Woman” made me forget what show I was watching. No lie. It also felt like I was watching the holy trinity of the women that I love and worship when Kevin,…

‘Fierce Fairytales’ by Nikita Gill Reinvents Classic Fairytales in the #MeToo Era

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘Sierra Burgess Is A Loser’ Exclusive Interview: Kristine Froseth Previews Important Message of Self-Empowerment in New Netflix Rom-Com

When it comes to movies that are as important as they are entertaining and heartwarming and just plain swoon-worthy, no one is doing it better than Netflix. Just three weeks after its uber hit To All The Boys I’ve Loved…

'Hush, Hush' Movie Casts Nora & Patch

When it comes to Young Adult film adaptations, we’ll never stop wanting or supporting the live-action adaptations of some of our YA favorites. Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush, Hush has been one of my old favorite YA supernatural romances that possessed a female lead…

Abigail Spencer To Star In Hulu’s ‘Revival’

We’re not happy over the ending of Timeless, as you all know. But with it ending we know that we are going to follow the stars of it where ever they go next. Abigail Spencer has booked her next gig…

Four Shows To Help You Survive Until The New TV Season

It’s August and summer is almost at a end. We’ve all been here, where we ask ourselves: “When does the new TV season start??” Then when you see the answer is mid- to late September or early October (thanks CW),…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 3×05 Review: Jolene’s Baked Goods Bring All the Earps to the Yard

Jolene’s cupcakes, pies, and baked goods brought all the Earps to her yard in Wynonna Earp‘s “Jolene.” With the way that those baked goods were looking on our TV’s, we really aren’t surprised that Wynonna & Co. fell under Jolene’s…

Queerly Not Straight: 9 LGBT Superheroes That Came Before Ruby Rose’s ‘Batwoman’

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community. Welcome to Queerly Not Straight! Enjoy and leave a comment below if…

'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' Interview: Director Susan Johnson Discusses Bringing Jenny Han's World to Life

When it comes to book-to-movie adaptations, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is near the top of my list. For when you talk about a movie being faithful to the source material, you’re talking about the film having the same beating…

‘The 100’ 5.x12 Review: End Book One

“End Book One” with those words the fifth season of The 100  came to a close. The season itself was at times not my favorite but all in all was very solid and did an amazing job of turning some…

‘The Walking Dead’ SDCC Interview: Rick Grimes is Going to Die Sooner Than Expected

We’re gonna be honest with you, ok? You deserve that. We all deserve that after watching The Walking Dead for 8 years. After San Diego Comic Con, after The Walking Dead conference and panel, we’re pretty sure Rick Grimes is…

‘The Darkest Minds’ Movie Review: A Faithful Adaptation with Heart

The most important thing that a movie can do when it’s adapting a book is capture the spirit of the source material. We all know that when we say we want a “faithful adaptation” we don’t mean a scene-be-scene carbon…

‘Wynonna Earp’ SDCC Interview: Dominique Provost-Chalkley & Katherine Barrell Talk Wayhaught and Season 3

Wynonna Earp isn’t just the little show that could and did surpass the expectations of those who were ready to write it off as a Jessica Jones wannabe. It’s a show where women aren’t limited by the conditions of their…

‘The Originals’ 5×12 Review: “The Tale of Two Wolves”

The Originals penultimate episode, “The Tale of Two Wolves,” broke my heart and stitched it back together with the realization that Elijah will be the one to take his brother’s place when the time comes for Klaus to die. This…

‘Hot Summer Nights’ Exclusive: Alex Roe Discusses Core Dynamics in this Coming-of-Age Story

Much like it says in the title, Hot Summer Nights, at its core, is a good ol’ summer flick that manages to weave complex and compelling character dynamics with the tone of a 90s flick that’s one hell of a…

‘The 100’ 5×11 Review: ‘The Dark Year’

Woah boy, The 100 returned this week with its penultimate episode of the season, “The Dark Year,” and it was something. I was pretty hard on Octavia last week, wondering how she had become what she is now and suggesting…

‘Arrow’ SDCC Interview: Stephen Amell Previews a Very Different Oliver Queen in Season 7 Premiere

When you’ve been a superhero with a secret identity for as long as Oliver Queen has been on Arrow, it was only a matter of when that secret identity was going to be outed. But while other heroes’ real identities…

A ‘Famous in Love’ Soundtrack: The Final Season

The actual soundtrack of the second and final season of Famous in Love is fantastic in its own right. This is another soundtrack for fans of the show to check out. It contains some songs that could have popped up…