‘Fear the Walking Dead’ 3×06 Review: ‘Red Dirt’

Fear the Walking Dead gives us an hour that ultimately lives in the shadow of the previous episode. The latest episode entitled “Red Dirt,” is a pretty slow hour for the series that deals with the consequences of the previous…

‘The X Files’: Why Every Show Needs a Diverse Writers Room

The X-Files has never been a truly diverse show — in front or behind the cameras. And yet, it felt like this was the time, like we’ve finally gotten to a point where that could change, where our favorite show…

'Arrow' Season 5 Review: Even Adrian Chase Couldn’t Save This Disaster

Nothing could’ve prepared me for Arrow’s fifth season. Arrow has always been that one show I never have to worry about. Even in its imperfections, Arrow has always managed to deliver on what its promised; to do right by its…

‘The Night Shift’ 4×02 Review: ‘Off The Rails’

In “Off The Rails” tonight, we found out that Jordan’s news was just as bad as we thought. We lost the leader of our night shift family, Topher. In the last minutes of the episode, Julian (Paul’s father) received a…

‘Game of Thrones’ Brings Winter to San Diego Comic Con

Winter is coming to San Diego Comic Con. In the least surprising news ever, Game of Thrones will return to the convention for 2017, with a full-panel and some off-site fun. The panel, which will once again take place in…

‘iZombie’ 3×13 Season Finale Review: Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2

iZombie’s “Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2” has completely changed the show and set it on a path that I’m thrilled to be finally on. The people of Seattle know about zombies and nothing will ever be the same again.…

‘Fear the Walking Dead’ 3×05 Review: ‘Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame’

After last week’s Daniel-centric episode, Fear the Walking Dead heads back to The Otto Family Ranch as Madison ventures outside with Troy to find the downed helicopter. Fear the Walking Dead has started to find its footing this season, however certain storylines…

My Giant, Emotional Farewell Letter to ‘Pretty Little Liars’

On June 8, 2010, I sat on my couch in my living room waiting for a new show to begin on ABC Family. In the early days of Twitter, I became enthralled with the concept of a show reaching out…

‘The Night Shift’ 4×01 Review: ‘Recoil’

The Night Shift finally returned in “Recoil,” with it’s usual dramatic flair. Tempers were running hot as almost every doctor and nurse dealt with a problem of their own. Paul still refused to come back to work at San Antonio…

‘Fear the Walking Dead’ 3×04 Review: ‘100’

Last week, Fear the Walking Dead brought back Daniel in a definite jaw-dropping reveal. After seemingly blowing up in a fire, everyone believed Daniel didn’t survive. Fear the Walking Dead‘s latest episode “100” shows what Daniel has been up to since the…

‘American Gods’ Season Finale Review: Come to Jesus

The Old Gods have acquired a queen and finally set the stage for the beginning of the war against the New Gods in American Gods Season 1 Finale “Come to Jesus.” While it isn’t the strongest episode of the season, it…

‘Famous In Love’ 1×08 Recap: ‘Crazy Scripted Love’

After all of the secrets that have been revealed and the alliances that have formed over the past few weeks, I was very curious about where this week would pick up. This week’s episode doesn’t even pick up in real…

‘The Walking Dead’: The ABCs of Gleggie

It’s hard to find the light in the midst of so much darkness, but The Walking Dead manages to give us this with Glenn and Maggie. Gleggie has been a staple couple on the show since season two and even though…

'Arrow' 5×23 Roundtable: 'Lian Yu'

While Arrow has been a disappointment for the majority of season 5, these last several episodes of the season has shown us that Arrow is still capable of solid storytelling and beautiful character exploration. After five seasons telling how Oliver…

'Arrow' 5×23 Review: 'Lian Yu'

Let’s take a look at this week’s DCTV season finale recap: Supergirl, breaks Kara’s heart (and ours) by sending Mon-El away. The Flash, sends Barry away. Arrow, leaves the fates of the entire core cast minus Oliver Queen up in…

‘iZombie’ 3×08 Review: Eat a Knievel

iZombie has a problem. A major one. (Not Lilywhite). A problem that has been looming over the show since episode one of season 3 and is still going strong in ‘Eat a Knievel.’ That problem is Liv and the fact…

'Arrow' 5×22 Roundtable: 'Missing'

Arrow has proven that it’s capable of redemption, which has been the case with these last several episodes of season 5, which has felt like the season 5 we were promised. Arrow‘s penultimate episode touched on all of the things…

'Supergirl' 2×22 Review: 'Nevertheless She Persisted'

If there’s one thing that you should know about Kara Danvers, it’s that she’s one of the strongest heroes in this DCTV universe. And I’m not referring to physical strength. I’m referring to the emotional strength that she has that…

‘Supernatural’ Season 12 Finale Review: Who We Are & All Along the Watchtower

Supernatural delivered a shocking amount of twists and turns where they cleared house, killed a bunch of people (some we love & some we hate), and gave us all the family feels we could muster in the Season 12 finale.…

‘The Walking Dead’: The ABC’s of Richonne

Every good story needs a romance. No matter if it’s action, mystery, or a drama, romance is part of the human condition. We crave it. We write fiction about it, create art for it, and form communities around it. Zombie…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” 4×22 Review: “World’s End”

Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD has been the best of the series’s run especially with its “Agents of HYDRA” arc. It has been almost perfect from the writing to the performances. One fear, however, in a season this good is…