‘Pitch’ 1×07 Roundtable: ‘San Francisco’

Here at Fangirlish, we are absolutely smitten with FOX’s new baseball drama Pitch. A hopeful, empowering story with phenomenal production value, lots of positive representation and an entire cast of relatable characters, it stole our hearts in episode one and still…

Arrow 5×06 Roundtable: 'So It Begins'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow‘s sixth episode of season 5, Prometheus finally made his presence known…

Timeless 1×06 Review: Fractured, Not Broken

So, that happened. All of that. Which, to be honest, was a bit much. Is it all moving way too fast or is that just me? Can I get a moment to breathe? To enjoy my trio in, like, something…

Kensi Blye and The Powerful Case of Disability Representation

Do you know what’s rare in modern television? Showing a disability story honestly. Too often writers gloss over the negative feelings disabled people may have as they struggle with the traumatic incident that put them in the wheelchair, don’t show…

Pitch 1×06 Roundtable: ‘Wear It’

Here at Fangirlish, we are absolutely smitten with FOX’s new baseball drama Pitch. A hopeful, empowering story with phenomenal production value, lots of positive representation and an entire cast of relatable characters, it stole our hearts in episode one and still…

Frequency: The Art of Appreciating What You Have

I came into Frequency totally unprepared. I’d never seen the movie that inspired it, didn’t know any of the actors, and was totally devoid of 90’s nostalgia – or so I thought. My only interest in the show, and in…

6 Things We Loved About Netflix’s ‘The Crown’

I have always been fascinated by royalty. Sometimes I think that all little girls are – the idea of a falling in love with a Prince, becoming a Princess… it’s the age old fairytale that we somehow find ourselves wanting…

Supergirl 2×04 Review: Aliens Among Us

Supergirl is my fun, relaxing show. And by fun and relaxing I mean, a lot of bad stuff still happens – this is DCTV, after all. There are battles to be fought, lessons to be learned. But, for some reason,…

7 Things We Loved About The Walking Dead’s “The Well”

Welcome to The Kingdom in The Walking Dead’s “The Well”! This local post-apocalyptic renaissance fair, includes attractions like a man with a tiger named Shiva, a bustling school in a gazebo, choir practice, horse riding, and gardening! Note: Garden has…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×05 Roundtable: “Street Rats”

This savior business is not as cool as advertised, is it? After all, it’s not just one big moment of …saving. It’s a constant struggle to save and save and just …save. People. Things. Savior is something you are 24/7.…

Rape is Not Your Plaything – How TV Contributes to Rape Culture

Let’s talk about consent. More to the point, let’s talk about consent and rape as it is portrayed in media. Rape has come into the spotlight several times in big ways this past year – mainly in the awful stories…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×04 Review: “Strange Case”

At its best, Once Upon A Time can take a familiar story, turn it on its head and teach us a lesson at the same time. At its best this show can intertwine the stories from the people we’ve known…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 Roundtable: “The Other Shoe”

Well, that was a good episode, wasn’t it? The flashbacks were engaging, the present stuff was interesting, moving and it gave the actors a chance to show their range. Oh, yes, and the Evil Queen and the Not-so-evil-stepsister’s outfits slayed. There’s…

‘Pitch’ 1×04 Review: ‘The Break’

Tonight’s episode of Pitch proved to me why this show can appeal to non sports fans while being basically a dream come true to people who like sports. It’s about baseball, yes, but it’s not just about the games themselves.…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 Review: “The Other Shoe”

Who would have thought? (Everyone). When you bring in the familiar faces, focus on the couples we’ve followed on this journey for five seasons and involve the characters we care about in the untold story, you have a pretty good…

Fear the Walking Dead 2×13 Review: Date of Death

Madison dishes out some hard truths, Chris loses his mind, and Travis joins the gang in Fear the Walking Dead’s penultimate episode titled “Date of Death.” With the final stretch ahead of us, the degrees of separation between Travis, Chris,…

‘Pitch’ 1×1 Review: ‘Pilot’

I’m not sure I’ve ever started a show with such high expectations as I had going into Pitch. I may not be much of a baseball fan, but sports and feminism are two of my favourite things, and a show…

Once Upon A Time: Henry Has Two Moms (but he could have a Dad too)

Henry Mills has two mothers. In a way, you could say he’s a lucky child.  Despite Regina’s darkness, despite Emma’s initial reluctance, right now Henry has two mothers who love him more than anything in the world and who would…

Shadowhunters: Our 12 Hopes for Season 2

As avid fans of Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, we’ve been missing the lovable cast of Freeform’s Shadowhunters following its first season finale. Luckily Freeform saw potential in the show and answered fans’ desires to bring Shadowhunters back for a…

Nine Things You Didn’t See from the Once Upon A Time Cast at SDCC

Yes, you’ve seen the videos of the panel. The cast of Once Upon A Time was as delightful as ever, Yvette Nicole Brown fangirled for all of us and the good questions were asked. But being there was a completely…

Game of Thrones Season 6 as Told by the Cast's Social Media Accounts

Game of Thrones is a show with an extremely large cast, and this season in particular they were on point with their tweeting and Instagramming about the show, so much so that we decided to do a little round up…