‘New Amsterdam’ 3×01 Review: “The New Normal”

New Amsterdam 3×01 “The New Normal” hits it out of the park, in every respect. Bring Kleenex, you’re going to need them.

‘Bridgerton’ ABC’s Of Ships: Simon & Daphne Edition

We still can’t stop thinking about Bridgerton! Now you know why we love this show so much. We know this family has its own obsession with the alphabet, but guess what? Us too!  So we decided to do an ABC about Simon…

21 Books We’re Looking Forward to in 2021

Here at Fangirlish, we’ve spent the last month talking about the few things that redeemed this hellish year for us. Books were a pretty big part of that. But 2020 is almost over, and now we’re ready to look ahead…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ Re-watch Roundtable: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Dad”

We love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist around here. A whole lot. And, well, we are in the middle of a quarantine, with very few new content coming till 2021. So, yes, we are doing a re-watch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and yes, we are…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ Re-watch Roundtable: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Outburst”

We love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist around here. A whole lot. And, well, we are in the middle of a quarantine, with very few new content coming till 2021. So, yes, we are doing a re-watch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and yes, we are…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ OTP Series: Missed Opportunities in “Zoey’s Extraordinary Night Out”

When it comes to OTP moments between our favorite characters and ships, let’s be honest. We shippers can never get enough. So as we go through our weekly rewatch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (not for the first time), Fangirlish author…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ Re-watch Roundtable: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Failure”

We love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist around here. A whole lot. And, well, we are in the middle of a quarantine, with very few new content coming till 2021. So, yes, we are doing a re-watch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ Re-watch Roundtable: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Boss”

We love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist around here. A whole lot. And, well, we are in the middle of a quarantine, with very few new content coming till 2021. So, yes, we are doing a re-watch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ OTP Series: Missed Opportunities in “Zoey’s Extraordinary Boss”

When it comes to OTP moments between our favorite characters and ships, let’s be honest. We shippers can never get enough. So as we go through our weekly rewatch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (not for the first time), Fangirlish author Lizzie and I thought…

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Roundtable – “Zoey’s Extraordinary Best Friend”

Our love for Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is never ending. Sadly lacking word of a renewal and with no anticipated new content on television, we at Fangirlish decided to do a series rewatch as though viewing each episode for the first time. Because…

‘Outlander’ 5×12 Review: “Never My Love”

Outlander 5×12 “Never My Love” is, sadly, the episode we expected it to be. There’s nothing surprising about what happens, and there really shouldn’t be, all things considered. The books are there, and the show has never really deviated from…

‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Part 5 Review: A New Beginning

Our heroes have saved the world! Or did they? I must admit it was surprising that Legends of Tomorrow got the final episode of this massive 5-episode crossover. Surely since Arrow was the start of this whole franchise, it would…

Fangirlish End Of Year Lists: 20 Books We’re Looking Forward to in 2020

So many books, so little time. Lately it feels like it’s all we can do to keep up with stacking books in our TBR pile. But with 2020 right around the corner, we had to take a second to think…

Decade Roundtable: Best Shows Of The Decade

Television sure has changed over the years. It’s funny because what had started at the beginning of this decade is being remade, rebooted, and such. However, we get it – because there are so many shows that are just so…

‘His Dark Materials’ 1×08 Review: “A Great Betrayal”

So, here we are. This journey, is complete, and it’s time for another one. Except, the next one will not be the same.  It never could. Lyra isn’t the same person who started on this path, Will isn’t the same…

‘Arrow’ 8×07 Review: “Purgatory”

We’re here again! This week Arrow delights us with “Purgatory,” the best episode of the show. It is a complete hour, full of emotional conflicts, goodbyes, tributes to Oliver’s entire journey and tears because yes, they have managed to move…

‘The Knight Before Christmas’ is Perfect, Delightful, Holiday Cheese

If I’d ordered a perfect Christmas movie, the end result might have been The Knight Before Christmas, and no, that’s not even hyperbole. What makes a perfect holiday movie? The answer isn’t really as complicated as the year 2019 might…

Movies To watch To Get In The Fall/Winter Spirit

Holiday season has officially begun. You know what that means, it’s time for the cheesy holiday movies.  Now don’t get me wrong, I have watched a few Hallmark Christmas movies before, but they are just not my jam. (Don’t tell…

‘Arrow’ 8×04 Review: “Present Tense”

Welcome back one more week to Arrow! “Present tense” is one of the best episodes of the entire show, and one of my favorites. The emotional background they have shown us in this episode has been deep, real, raw, and…

‘New Amsterdam’ 2×1 Review: Your Turn

Alright, DamFam, things ended with a bang (literally) last season and we’ve been waiting all summer to find out who didn’t survive the crash. We have the answer now and even though it’s the one we were most ok with,…

‘The Bold Type’ 3×08 Review: “Revival”

Welcome back to Scarlet! This episode of the Bold Type was packed with drama for our three favorite ladies. With exes returning, boyfriends going on tour and a new seminar, the Bold Type has been a mess of emotion and…