‘Sweet Magnolias’ 1×02 Rewatch: ‘A United Front’

Let’s revisit the second episode of Sweet Magnolias, “A United Front,” where our ladies started to get their business underway, Ty handles his parents’ separation about as well as you’d think and Maddie finds a cute flirtation with Cal.

‘Sweet Magnolias’ 1×01 Rewatch: ‘Pour It Out’

Let’s revisit the pilot of Sweet Magnolias, which introduced us to three strong, independent and vibrant women and their town of Serenity.

‘The 100’ 7×09 Review: “The Flock”

After that mind-blowing prequel episode, it’s back to business as usual on The 100 7×09 “The Flock.” Which means dealing with a hostage situation on Sanctum and filling in the missing time on Bardo. I was hoping that after seeing…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ Re-watch Roundtable: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Glitch”

We love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist around here. A whole lot. And, well, we are in the middle of a quarantine, with very few new content coming till 2021. So, yes, we are doing a re-watch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and yes, we are…

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: ‘Warrior Nun’ Showrunner Simon Barry Talks BAMF Nuns, Christianity and More

Warrior Nun is a fun wild ride chock-full of BAMF nuns, terrifying demons, and twists and turns that play on a mythology known to many. Simon Barry, the show-runner of Warrior Nun, was responsible for bringing Ben Dunn’s comic book…

Gone Too Soon: Galavant

I always have feelings attached to the shows that I have deemed Gone Too Soon. Some shows I am a little bitter about their cancelation (Stitchers and Class) and some deserved better endings (Ravenswood and iZombie). This week’s show doesn’t…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 5×14 Review: “The One Where We’re Trapped on TV”

After almost five seasons, it’s still amazing when a show can shock and surprise the viewers on a regular basis. Legends of Tomorrow does this every week, and “The One Where We’re Trapped On TV” highlights how silly and wonderful this show can be.

‘Killing Eve’ 3×07 Review: “Beautiful Monster”

I’ve never shipped Villaneve. I know, you’ve got your pitchforks ready after a statement like that. But hear me out. I’ve never shipped Villaneve because I’m the kind of person that sees things in black and white, or good and…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Season 6 Review: A Fabulous Ending

In the final season of Schitt’s Creek, we said goodbye to the Rose family. Each episode brought us character moments that reminded us why we fell in love with the show in the first place. In the lead up to…

‘Reprisal’ Season 1 Review: Thank You, Abigail Spencer

“I come from bad blood. Bad blood and dark days.” Doris. Reprisal is a slow burn, and it should be enjoyed as such. You must watch this show like you are savoring a good wine or bourbon. I binged it,…

‘Bluff City Law’ 1×09 Review: See you later, Alligator

When this show started, Lyra and I decided we both liked it enough to review it, so being friends and all, instead of fighting to the death for it, we agreed to split it. That means that today is my…

2019 Diverse YA Books That Give Us All The Feels

Everyone has books that they anticipate being released each year. Those titles that make you giddy and excited every time you think about finally getting your greedy grabby hands on that perfect, pristine copy, with that delicious new book smell.…

Our 10 Favorite Britney Spears Songs

Britney Spears stepped onto the musical stage in 1999 with her hit “Baby One More Time” and she’s been releasing hit after hit ever since. Her number ones are amazing but she’s created so many outstanding songs among her nine…

DCTV Round-Up Week of 5/5/19: 'Supergirl,' 'Legends of Tomorrow,' 'Arrow' & 'The Flash'

As the summer television hiatus fast approaches, our DCTV shows are fast approaching their season’s end. For some, like Arrow, that signals a huge change coming in the form of losing the heart of your show in Felicity Smoak. For others, like Flash,…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×03 Roundtable: “The Long Night”

Well, THAT happened. And by that, we mean, of course, the thing with Arya stabbing the Night King and ending the Long Night, but also absolutely every other second of this episode. Because love it or hate it, I think…

The ABCS Of Understanding and Reaching Fandom

Fandom is a complicated beast, but we love it. Want to understand how to reach fandom? We break it down for you.

‘Arrow’ 7×08 Review: ‘Unmasked’

Arrow’s “mid-season” finale did everything it needed to do heading into its winter hiatus. Which is weird, given that the crossover event is next week. But on the strictly Arrow front, we’re done until January. Oliver returned home from Slabside…

‘I Feel Bad’ 1×08 Review: Finally, I Feel Good!

Finally, I Feel Bad gives us a good episode! The freshman show reverts back to what worked in the pilot episode and even extends it a bit through the smart use of Lily and David as key characters. I Feel Bad…

‘Doctor Who’ 11×07 Review: “Kerblam!” is Making Everyone Side-eye Bubble Wrap

Doctor Who‘s “Kerblam!” gave us creepy robots and a new fear for bubble wrap. Neither being anything I wanted right about now around Christmas and present shopping & shipping. “Kerblam!” also made us take a step back and understand that…

Queerly Not Straight: Bye, Bye, Bye Misconceptions. Hello Eleanor Shellstrop!

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

Why You Should be Watching ‘Gran Hotel’

Foreign TV is scary sometimes. They’re speaking another language! It’s another culture! Maybe I won’t like it. Maybe I won’t relate. A thousand things go through our minds when we find ourselves facing something that’s so far out our comfort…