A Series of Unfortunate Events Renewed for Season 2

While it was a forgone conclusion that Netflix would bring more of the Baudelaires’ unfortunate lives to our small screens, it feels pretty good (or bad, if Lemony Snicket were to tell you) that Netflix has officially renewed A Series…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×11 Roundtable: “Tougher Than The Rest”

Once Upon A Time is finally back! And, so are we – because, as usual, we have a lot of feels about what happened in this episode. Good feels, bad feels, uh feels. This show usually delivers in all respects!…

Supernatural 12×15 Review: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

Supernatural’s ‘Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell’ was a deceptively “basic” episode that used blasts from the past via hellhounds, sexy glasses, the Winchesters, an ex crossroads demon, and Lucifer himself, to make you believe that it was nothing but a…

Famous in Love: Binge the Whole Season After Premiere

Fans of Pretty Little Liars Marlene King and actress Bella Thorne are in for a surprise when Freeform’s upcoming series Famous in Love premieres April 18. According to Variety the show will be available to watch in it’s entirety after…

Legends of Tomorrow Review 2×13 : “Land of the Lost”

Legends of Tomorrow has been a much different and better show this season thanks to Legends being able to mix seriousness with the absurdness of it all. In “Land of the Lost”, we get to see again this in full…

Designated Survivor Review: Trust No One Cause People Are Cray

Politics. It’s like – do you want to be frustrated? Then pay attention to politics. Well, we are paying attention in real life and we’re paying attention on Designated Survivor. The series returned tonight after the hiatus and it can…

More Gilmore Girls? YES PLEASE.

Unpopular opinion – I like Rory Gilmore. I didn’t mind her relationship with Logan, her attitude, her woah is me attitude, and I didn’t even mind the fact that she couldn’t remember her boyfriend.  Maybe that’s because I have just…

The Kennedy’s Have Been Cast on The Crown

We’re dying for season 2 of The Crown right now. Michael C. Hall has been added to the cast of the Netflix series for it’s second season. Hall will be playing JFK. We die of excitement. Also cast was Jodi…

Matthew Goode Added to the Cast of The Crown

We’ve never made a secret that we’re obsessed with any and all things royal. Whether it be the real royal family or the ones from The Crown, we’re obsessed. As we sit here and eagerly await the second season of…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 15: Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…

Marvel’s Luke Cage 1×10 Review: ‘Take it Personal’

The tenth episode of Luke Cage, ‘Take it Personal’ gave us a lot of answers with regards to the relationship between Luke and Willis Stryker. The last episode ended with a cliffhanger as Claire and Noah almost lost Luke, but…

Marvel’s Luke Cage 01×08 Review: ‘Blowin’ Up the Spot’

For this entire season we have heard rumblings about Diamondback, almost as if he is some form of Boogieman within in Harlem, calling the shots, but we never get to see his face – until now, in ‘Blowin’ Up the…

See What Shows Made Our Top 10 New Shows of 2016

We’ve had a hard time narrowing down our favorite new television shows of 2016. Some of the shows that we have loved for years seemed to have gone down hill, but we’re so glad that we have been able to…

‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ Review: “Spring”

After sobbing through Richard’s funeral in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’s “Winter,” “Spring” is one of the more uplifting portions of the revival. While this episode deals with Lorelai and Emily continuing to work through their issues, and…

Gilmore Girls Review: “Winter” (Are we lost? We are)

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? In a way it feels like it’s been too long, and yet, it also feels like it was yesterday. Maybe it’s because Gilmore Girls is such a big part of who we are –…

Arrow 5×07 Roundtable: The Season So Far

This season of Arrow has been a whirlwind to say the least. A whirlwind as in a horrific storm that has terrorized our television experience or a terrible alien-induced nightmare that reigns supreme. Kind of like what awaits Oliver Queen…

The Crown Episode 2: There’s A New Queen

Elizabeth sure was ready to conquer the royal tour for her father and we applauded her for it. The thing about The Crown is that every single time Claire Foy takes the screen, we can’t help but be entranced and…

The Crown Episode 1: Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown

Buckingham Palace. Now I don’t know about you, but I have always been intrigued by what lies behind the gates. Maybe that’s why I was willing to sit down for 10 hours and not move as I watched every episode…

21 Of Our Favorite Fan Reactions to Gilmore Girls Last Four Words

Those last four words. We don’t know if you have watched Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life yet, so we won’t put them here – but OMG those last four words. The Gilmore Girls revival was supposed to give…

Pitch 1×06 Roundtable: ‘Wear It’

Here at Fangirlish, we are absolutely smitten with FOX’s new baseball drama Pitch. A hopeful, empowering story with phenomenal production value, lots of positive representation and an entire cast of relatable characters, it stole our hearts in episode one and still…

Luke Cage 1×06 Review: Suckas Need Bodyguards

What Luke Cage does effectively is that it is very clear that the show does not function in a bubble, it has a very clear place amongst the other Netflix/Marvel shows and helps to build the world up. This is…