Prison Break : 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC

It has been seven years since the fan-favorite FOX drama, Prison Break, ended its original run, but not a day goes by that fans don’t miss Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell), Sara Tancredi (Sarah Wayne Callies) and…

Game of Thrones 6×09 Roundtable ‘Battle of the Bastards’

So, the battle of the bastards happened. And it was nerve-wracking and anxiety inducing and altogether one of the best episodes of television we have seen in a very long time. And we’re here to break it down for you…

Life Lessons We Learned from Independence Day: Resurgence Trailer

Independence Day: Resurgence sees an old foe return to show the humans who really runs this universe. Little do the aliens know that the humans have adopted their technology for their own means and taught a generation that they could…

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Review: A Bumpy Freshman Season Full of Promise

With a crop of superhero shows popping up throughout the major networks, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow looked to forge its own unique path as it brought together heroes and villains for the ultimate super team-up. Legends relied heavily on its…

Game of Thrones 6×08 Roundtable “No One”

We’re getting close to the end, people. And we’re both scared and excited. Though mostly scared. Vaguely nauseous even. Because Game of Thrones is known for going all out in the last two episodes, and there’s been plenty of happiness…

BrainDead Interview with Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Aaron Tveit

As if working in Washington, DC wasn’t hard enough, the brilliant minds behind The Good Wife have decided to throw an invasion into the mix in CBS’s BrainDead. Fangirlish got a chance to sit down with the stars of BrainDead,…

Game of Thrones 6×07 Roundtable “The Broken Man”

Well, that was sort of …anticlimactic? And slow. Two words that can’t usually be applied to Game of Thrones. But the end of the season is coming, so we’re pretty sure this is a one-off. From now on, Game of…

We Talk With ‘Breaker’ Author, Kat Ellis

Books are amazing. They give insight to new worlds. Some are worlds that we are used to and some are worlds that we aren’t. Now, I will admit – that books about serial killers, ghosts, and anything scary – well,…

Game of Thrones 6×06 Roundtable “Blood of My Blood”

Sing me a song of a ….wait, wrong show. Blame Tobias Menzies for the mix-up, as he will always, always, be Black Jack Randall to us. Nothing more. (Not even Frank) Game of Thrones, however, has much more in store…

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Poldark

Summer is here. With it’s arrival comes the dreaded realization that your favorite shows have ended. Don’t enter panic mode just yet. Poldark will save you! This BBC production, spanning eight episodes, tells the story of Ross Poldark and his return…

Game of Thrones 6×05 Roundtable “The Door”

The most famous of the memes I saw going around after last week’s episode said, “Not all heroes hold weapons, some just hold the door” – and, oh, Hodor. How will we miss you. Join us as we discuss this…

‘The 100’ 3×16 Roundtable: Perverse Instantiation Part Two

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode…

Arrow 4×22 Roundtable: 'Lost in the Flood'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×22 of…

Game of Thrones 6×04 Roundtable “Book of the Stranger”

Well, a picture is starting to emerge. And it’s a much happier one than we expected. Because, alas, the Starks have reunited. Or, at least, two of them. But that’s more than we thought we were going to get. Ramsay…

‘The 100’ 3×16 Finale Review: Perverse Instantiation Part Two

The 100 “Perverse Instantiation Part Two” marks the death of ALIE, the scourge that has plagued the Grounders and Skaikru for ages, and the start of a new path of our heroes. No longer will they just stand back and let…

Arrow 4×22 Review: ‘Lost in the Flood’ [Oh Frack]

What has happened to Arrow lately? And I mean that in the best way possible because these last several episodes have been some of the show’s best in years. As far as penultimate episodes on Arrow go, “Lost in the…

Fear the Walking Dead 2×06 Review: “Sicut Cervus”

Our survivors have finally hopped off the boat and are treading land in Fear the Walking Dead’s “Sicut Cervus.” As usual everything’s not as it seems almost immediately. (Did we really expect anything else?) Parishioners have been killed by the…

Arrow 4×21 Roundtable: 'Monument Point'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×21 of…

'Game of Thrones' 6×04 Review: 'Book of the Stranger'

‘Book of the Stranger’ did something that a Game of Thrones episode hasn’t done in a long time – made me feel happy. Not to say that it’s always a sob-fest, but usually even the good parts have a tinge…

88 Not So Deep Thoughts From Outlander 2×06 – ‘Best Laid Schemes’

1 – I need to think of a drinking game for the opening song. 2 – I wonder what life would be like without Outlander. 3 – Never mind – bad thoughts. 4 – I wouldn’t have survived, fire scares…

‘Game of Thrones’ 6×03 Roundtable “Oathbreaker”

Jon is alive! So is Rickon! A battle is brewing in the North.  Daenerys is a captive in Vaes Dothrak. Jamie and Cersei face open revolt. Arya is “No One.” And we have all the theories, all the speculations, and…