Lyra Hale
2104 Articles6 Comments

Lyra Hale likes geeking over scifi, fantasy, and all things spooky. Let's stalk and nerd out together to our hearts content.

Starz ‘Vida’ Season 2 is Premiering in May with All 10 Episodes!

YOU HEAR THAT NOISE? THAT SCREAMING IN THE DISTANCE? THAT’S ME FREAKING OVER STARZ VIDA SEASON COMING MAY 23RD! As if my queer Latina heart couldn’t handle anymore goodness in my life, all 10 episodes of Vida will drop in…

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Cher Martinetti Talks Giving Women Their Voice Back in ‘Forgotten Women of Genre’

It’s a tale as old as time. Woman creates something spectacular, something game changing and like we’ve never seen before. And along comes a man ready to take the spotlight with no regard for the woman’s contribution that got him…

‘American Gods’ 2×03 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Muninn”

American Gods “Muninn” introduced us to the hella talented Kahyun Kim and Devery Jacobs, the first playing New Media and the latter playing Sam Blackcrow. And seriously, after one episode of having them in my life, if anything happens to…

‘Supernatural’ 14×16 Review: “Don’t Go In the Woods”

Supernatural‘s “Don’t Go In the Woods” gave us the quality Jack Kline we’re always her for and Sam & Dean fighting a big ugly Groot looking thing while keeping secrets from Jack. Fun times, right? *insert wince face here* With…

‘Supernatural’ to End After 15 Seasons and We’re Not Ok!

Supernatural is set to end after 15 seasons and we’re not ok! Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins posted a video across their social media accounts where they were clearly holding back tears during the announcement. And as they…

5 Favorite Moments from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “The Therapist”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “The Therapist” gifted us with one of the best presents we’ve had since Holt’s amazing shirts in the first episode of season six. We got to meet Rosa’s girlfriend Jocelyn, played by Cameron Esposito! It was well worth…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×04 Review: “Mrs. and Mr. Trowbridge”

Whiskey Cavalier‘s “Mrs. and Mr. Trowbridge” saw the fake newlyweds trope straight out of our hearts fanfiction actually coming to life. Oh and we loved it. *swoon alert* We loved how Frankie was trying to keep her emotions on check,…

‘Stranger Things’: 20 Things You Missed from the Season 3 Trailer

Stranger Things gave us a lot to unpack in it’s season 3 trailer. From Eleven seemingly slipping into the upside down (again) to someone hurting our best mom Steve Harrington, we’re here to break down all the goodies of this…

‘Deadly Class’ Season 1 Finale Review: “Sink with California” Was a Shit Show

The Deadly Class season one finale left us SCREAMING, HOLLERING, AND WONDERING WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT! Because we have to get a second season. We have to get more of Marcus, Maria, Saya, Billy, Petra, Willie, and…

Queerly Not Straight: It’s Not a Shame When Someone Comes Out as Gay

SARAH DUNN/CONTOUR In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.)…

‘American Gods’ 2×02 Review: “The Beguiling Man”

American Gods is slowly but surely making us fall in love with Laura Moon and Mad Sweeney in “The Beguiling Man.” We could resist. I could resist…but I won’t. There’s a spark there, a bond, that I don’t think I’ve…

5 Hilarious Moments from ‘Supernatural’s “Peace of Mind”

Supernatural‘s “Peace of Mind” sees Sam & Castiel stumbling upon a Pleasantville situation & Sam into a ponytail, glasses, and cardigan! And yes, things aren’t perfect and Sam’s got deeper issues that made him fall easily into Pleasantiville life. But…

‘American Gods’ Season 3 is a Go w/ a New Showrunner!

American Gods, the hit Starz show in its second season, will be coming back for a third round! Starz has confirmed that the series will be returning for a third season with a new show-runner. Charles ‘Chic’ Eglee, our newest…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 6×10 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Gintars”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “Gintars” saw the arrival of Nikolaj’s weird as hell father and the disappearance of Terry’s eyebrows and sanity because of his obsession with the mites/tiny buggers that live on us without our knowledge. I mean, I’m with you…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×09 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Kids of the Black Hole”

Deadly Class‘ “Kids of the Black Hole” saw the divide between Maria & Saya widening because of a young man (Talk about predictable), the death of Master Lin’s wife, and the kickoff to the shit show of epic proportions that…

Netflix Cancels ‘One Day at a Time’ and We Call Bullshirt!

After weeks of contemplation, Netflix has decided to cancel One Day at a Time. And we’re furious. Correction, we’re livid! One Day a Time told the story of a Cuban single mom living with her two kids, mother, and a…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 75: When Comedy Gets Serious and Kicks Ass At It!

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×08 Review: “Barely Breathing”

Roswell, New Mexico‘s “Barely Breathing” saw the rise of the MVP known as Michael Guerin, Alex standing up to the dumpster fire that is his father, and a race against time to save Isobel from a body that has turned…

‘Deadly Class’ Interview with Liam James on Billy, Domestic Violence, and Found Family

One look at Deadly Class’ Billy and you’d think you’ve got this young man all figured out. You’d make assumptions about him from his hair, his attitude, and his wild & enthusiastic flair. You’d brush him aside and not pay…

17 Latinx Artists You Should Check Out in 2019

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘American Gods’ 2×01 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “House on the Rock”

Our fears at the fate of American Gods season two have been laid to rest in “House on the Rock.” This premiere, put simply, was awesome. It was just as wild, crazy, and visually stunning as season one was. And…