Lyra Hale
2108 Articles6 Comments

Lyra Hale likes geeking over scifi, fantasy, and all things spooky. Let's stalk and nerd out together to our hearts content.

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×08 Review: “Barely Breathing”

Roswell, New Mexico‘s “Barely Breathing” saw the rise of the MVP known as Michael Guerin, Alex standing up to the dumpster fire that is his father, and a race against time to save Isobel from a body that has turned…

‘Deadly Class’ Interview with Liam James on Billy, Domestic Violence, and Found Family

One look at Deadly Class’ Billy and you’d think you’ve got this young man all figured out. You’d make assumptions about him from his hair, his attitude, and his wild & enthusiastic flair. You’d brush him aside and not pay…

17 Latinx Artists You Should Check Out in 2019

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘American Gods’ 2×01 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “House on the Rock”

Our fears at the fate of American Gods season two have been laid to rest in “House on the Rock.” This premiere, put simply, was awesome. It was just as wild, crazy, and visually stunning as season one was. And…

‘Supernatural’ 14×14 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Ouroborus”

Supernatural’s “Ouroboros” gave us all the Winchester family feels as Jack said it loud and proud that HE IS A WINCHESTER! Did you guys in the back hear that? OUR NOUGAT SON IS A WINCHESTER. I think my heart grew…

7 Favorite Moments from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “The Golden Child”

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s appearance on Brooklyn Nine-Nine gave us one of the most iconic guest appearances EVER! David Santiago is a welcome addition and we’re absolutely down for more sister/brother antics, Amy being a dancing queen, and Jake having Amy’s back…

8 Things We Can’t Stop Talking About in ‘Roswell, New Mexico’s “I Saw the Sign”

Roswell, New Mexico’s “I Saw the Sign” saw Liz meeting the “murderer” of her sister on the streets of her home, more Maria DeLuca than I’ve seen the entire season, and the first of hopefully many scenes between Maria and…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×08 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “The Clampdown”

Deadly Class “The Clampdown” broke my heart while showing me that change, love, and found family are there if you just look. The heartbreak is absolutely due to my girl squad of Maria and Saya falling apart. The divide growing…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×02 Review: “The Czech List”

Whiskey Cavalier‘s “The Czech List” gave us more soft Will, strengthened the bonds between these two new partners, and showed us that every character matters. Seeing Frankie call Will her “partner” felt well paced, timed, and like a natural reaction…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 74: Why We Want to See ‘Captain Marvel’

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

We Need to Talk About the Anti-Gay Assault on ‘Roswell, New Mexico’

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

5 Favorite Moments from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “He Said, She Said”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “He Said, She Said” proved that even though this show is a comedy it can still tell, film, and discuss hard hitting stories that matter to us. The #MeToo movement is still in full swing and we love…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×07 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Rise Above”

Jealousy, self preservation, and found family are at the heart of Deadly Class‘ “Rise Above.” Master Gao, Master Lin’s sister, is letting the past weigh her down and strip her of any compassion she might still hold because she’s jealous…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 73: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Oscars 2019

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

Queerly Not Straight: 10 Oscars Looks That Fed Our Bisexual Hearts

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘American Gods’ Season 2 Preview Promises to Be Bigger, Darker, and Stranger

The wait is almost over, American Gods fam. The Starz adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s world renowned book is only weeks away from hitting our screens and hearts with all the feels coming our way. Because there are, feels all over.…

‘Roswell’ 1×05 Roundtable: “Don’t Speak”

As always, Roswell, New Mexico made us feel all the things in its fifth episode of the season, titled “Don’t Speak.” Will there ever be a time when this show doesn’t throw a twist or five our way? Honestly, we…

7 Favorite Moments from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “The Honeypot”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “The Honeypot” is the BEST episode of season six. There. I said it, and I don’t regret it! Also, imagine living in a world without this glory? A world where Holt and Jake don’t wear ridiculous mustaches and…

‘Wynonna Earp’ Season 4 is Delayed and We Are Not Ok!

#Earpers and #Wayhaught fam, we are gathered here today because the news is out about Wynonna Earp season 4 and we’re not ok! Hold hands, sisters and brothers, as we dive into this mess. But remember, keep the faith and…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×06 Review: “Stigmata Martyr” & Its Portrayal of Bipolar Disorder

Deadly Class’ “Stigmata Martyr” made me cry in a way that I haven’t in years. Let me explain. I’m bipolar. Newly diagnosed and on the way to finding the medicine that works for me and the fire that goes on…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 72: What Makes Foreign TV So Good

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…