Lyra Hale
2108 Articles6 Comments

Lyra Hale likes geeking over scifi, fantasy, and all things spooky. Let's stalk and nerd out together to our hearts content.

‘A Discovery of Witches’ Season 1 Review: The Next Generation of Women on TV is Here

A Discovery of Witches is the show that stole our hearts with it’s multi-faceted collection of witches, vampires, and demons. It’s the show that brought two unlikely creatures together and allowed them to fall in love. And it’s also the…

‘Supernatural’ 14×11 Review: “Damaged Goods” All Around!

Supernatural‘s “Damaged Goods” saw Dean learning (once more) that HE IS NOT ALONE! He has Sam, Mary, Donna, Jack, and Cas. And it’s unfair to all of them that Dean wants to go at it all alone. This episode also…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 6×03 Review: The Tattler, Getting Kinky, and Bisexual Woes

Brooklyn Nine-Nine just lost a star, an icon, an inspiration, to bigger and greater things in “The Tattler.” Gina Linetti, the rascal of the Nine-Nine is saying goodbye for now as the actress moves on in a different direction in…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×08 Review: The Princess Fights Back in This One

A Discovery of Witches rounded off it’s first season with a power house episode that reiterated the fact that these witches, vampires, and demons on Bishop land, are the future for creatures all over the world. They are the future,…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×02 Review: “Noise, Noise, Noise”

Deadly Class “Noise, Noise, Noise” was a lesson in learning who not to fuck with. You don’t fuck with Saya because that girl is on point and has your death probably measured and timed already. You don’t fuck with Maria…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 68: Our Love Letter to ‘A Discovery of Witches’

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×07 Review: The Princess Goes Home in This One

The princess (Diana) goes home in this one, has the best sex of her life, and uncovers the truth about why and how she was bound, thanks to a magical house, in episode 7 of A Discovery of Witches. And…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×06 Review: The Princess Saves Herself In This One

Just in case you needed a reminder, family is at the heart of everything that happens on A Discovery of Witches. Family is what helped Diana survive Satu. Family is what brought Matthew, his brother & mother together to find…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×05 Review: The Princesses Prince Says “I Love You” in This One

The hesitation that I had during my last A Discovery of Witches review is over and done. #Bishmont is the name of the game and I’m 100% behind them. This is love, this is forever, and this is exactly what…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×04 Review: The Princess Says ‘I Love You’ in This One

Diana probably didn’t think she’d be meeting the family yet, but here we are in the fourth episode of A Discovery of Witches. She’s afforded a look at a different side of Matthew, where he comes from, and where his…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×03 Review: The Princess Runs Away w/ Her Prince in This One

A Discovery of Witches continues blowing right past my expectations with an episode that proves how sexy consent and respect truly are. In the third episode of season one, our main heroes run away together, not because they’re suddenly in…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from the ‘John Wick 3’ Trailer

John Wick 3, starring the never aging Keanu Reeves, just dropped their premiere trailer and we’re practically speechless. Seriously, and what could you possibly say to fully comprehend the badassery that is John Wick and everything that he does? Nothing.…

‘Supernatural’ 14×10 Review: “Nihilism” and the Freedom of Dean Winchester

Supernatural‘s “Nihilism” was a lesson in love for Michael, aka the biggest douche of all. After 14 years and countless apocalypses stopped by Sam, Dean, and Cass, we know that love is the ultimate weapon. It’s what keeps them, and…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×02 Review: The Princess Has No Time for Bigots in This One

If there’s anything that we can learn from Diana, Matthew, this episode, and Deborah Harkness’ writing for A Discovery of Witches, it’s that a woman’s value is not dependent, goes away, or is brushed aside for the man in the…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 6×02 Review: Still Not Over “Hitchcock & Scully” Being Hot

To everyone’s surprise, including my own, Hitchcock & Scully really were the studs of the Nine-Nine in this week’s new episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, appropriately titled “Hitchcock & Scully.” They put their life on the line, and their arteries, to…

New ‘Five Feet Apart’ Trailer Promises Love, Tears, and Risks Being Taken

From director Justin Baldoni (Jane the Virgin) comes a romantic comedy that is on the same line of The Fault in Our Stars, where you know things are going to get bad, it’s gonna hurt, but you’re still going to…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×01 Review: The Princess Finds a Dangerous Book in This One

Witches, vampires, demons. They’re classics when it comes to TV, movies, or books. Classics make it so we know what happens and what story-lines need to be traversed, especially if there’s a human in the picture, as is often the…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×01 Review: Reagan Youth, Assassins, and A New Life

Syfy’s Deadly Class is a vivid portrayal of survival with a protagonist supported by a cast that is just as important as him. Every person is a complex amalgamation of the world they inhabit, the circumstances they find themselves in,…

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Syfy’s ‘Deadly Class’

Deadly Class is not your typical comic to TV adaptation. There are no super suits and the “heroes” of the story are young women and men trained in the art of killing. The school they find themselves in, where they’re…

Queerly Not Straight: LGBT Representation on ‘A Discovery of Witches’

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 6×01 Review: “Honeymoon” for Three, Hoots, and Peraltiago

I’m glad that we don’t have to live in a world where Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 6 didn’t happen. It did. We’re here. And dear lord was it good! The Nine-Nine returned to our hearts, minds, and funny bone in “Honeymoon,”…