See The Trailer For The Netflix Rom-Com ‘Set It Up’

Who doesn’t love a good romantic comedy? We do and think that there needs to be more of them in the world, especially if they star Zoey Deutch. Her energy is just inviting and fun. We love that Netflix is…

‘The Flash’ 4×23 Review: “We Are the Flash”

Finales are always bittersweet. On the one hand, they should (ideally) wrap up loose ends, give ongoing arcs a satisfactory conclusion, and tease fans with hints of what to expect in the future. On the other hand, there’s that long,…

The Cast Of ‘She-Ra and the Princesses of Power’ Has Been Announced

Not gonna lie – when I was a kid I hated that my brother used to make me watch He-Man and She-Ra with him. The show wasn’t my cup of tea, but looking back – I am glad I was…

‘Krypton’ 1×10 Review:  For Here, I Hope, Begins Our Lasting Joy

Ah, TV. How I love you sometimes. How I hate you at others. Krypton was, a few days ago, renewed for the Season 2 that I was always convinced it would get, considering the ratings and the fact that it…

10 Things We Want To See In ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season Six

Now that Brooklyn Nine-Nine has officially wrapped its fifth year with a whopping finale, we can officially start going crazy about what season six has in store for us when the show returns. Don’t blame us, after the emotional roller…

‘Krypton’ Has Been Renewed At Syfy

You know how you get bad news that you don’t want to talk about, but it’s necessary cause you wonder why? Like you have to ask yourself a million times what someone was thinking and how things like this could…

Queerly Not Straight: 7 Things I Learned at Queer Camp

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community. Welcome to Queerly Not Straight! Enjoy and leave a comment below if…

'Supergirl' 3×19 Review: Is Honesty Selfish?

I have to say, Supergirl has impressed me these past few episodes. It’s hard to believe there was a point this season where I was questioning whether this show had forgotten its heart. Focusing on the characters that breathe life…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×22 Review: To Jake And Amy

Guys, we made it. After five long, arduous seasons of will-they-won’t-they, after Sophias and undercover missions, after mob bosses and Florida, hell, even after jail, we finally made it. Jake and Amy are married. And I am still a crying…

‘Vida’ 1×03 Review: Setting the Standard for the Female Form on TV

Starz “Vida” delivered the hottest lesbian sex scene I’ve ever seen (let’s get that out there first) in its 3rd episode, made it clear that Lyn needs a stern wake up call where she understands it’s time to stop depending…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ Season 5 Finale Review: ‘The End’

So how’s everyone doing after that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series…..excuse me, SEASON finale? Because those last 15 minutes gave me so much emotional whiplash that I’m going to charge Marvel for my hospital bills. I was up, then I was…

‘Timeless’ 2×09/2×10 Roundtable: “The General”/”Chinatown” Part 2

Here we are again, with the last of our Timeless feels for Season 2. What a joyful, strange, bumpy ride it’s been. But we made it. You made it. Now we just have to wait and see if NBC wants…

‘Supernatural’ 13×23 Season Finale Review: “Let the Good Times Roll”

Lucifer proves that he’s not changed AT ALL (shocker alert), Dean accepts Michael into his body, and Jack continues being the nougat son we all know and love. Let’s dive into Supernatural’s “Let the Good Times Roll.’ Fuck Yeah, Michael…

‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ 2×05 Review: Bloodbath

Hope – a tiny, whispered seedling of hope – emerges from The Handmaid’s Tale 2×05 “Seeds,” in its final breaths. The episode is another stunning depiction of the impacts of oppression under a repressive theocratic regime. “Seeds,” like “Other Women,”…

‘Blindspot’ 3×22 Review: “In memory “

Blindspot season is over! But before we get sentimental thinking about the hellatus that awaits us, there are many things to comment on the season finale. Last week’s episode already prepared us for what was going to be a roller…

‘Timeless’ 2×09/2×10 Roundtable: “The General”/”Chinatown” Part 1

Was there any way to do a short round-table for our last round-table of the season? The answer to that, of course, is no. There was no way. Timeless is not the type of show that leaves us with lukewarm…

The Good and the Bad of 2×08 of ‘Famous in Love’

This episode did exactly what I want the show to do more often. It focused on the characters and their lives and the ways they interact with each other. There were mentions of scripts, parties were held, photoshoots were done,…

Seven Reasons We Will Miss ‘The Originals’

Have you heard the news? Even though The Originals is ending this season, we haven’t quite seen the end of this world just yet. CW announced Thursday, May 17, that there will be a spin off called Legacies. This spin off…

Five Reasons We’re Excited for the ‘Charmed’ Reboot

Every time a show we loved gets a reboot, we worry. The reasons for this are two-fold: some things, we recognize, are not perfect, no matter how much we loved them back in the day and yet, there’s always the…

'Arrow' 6×23 Review: Let’s Start A New Chapter

Arrow is like the weather. One day it’s sunny skies and breezy, the next it’s either sweltering hot or storming like the apocalypse. You never really know what to expect. Though I blame that on the current (now past) showrunners.…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×22 Review: ‘Sutton Ross’

The identity of the bones in the duffle bag was finally revealed in the season 5 finale, “Sutton Ross,” and it’s definitely a game changer, albeit one that the fans called ages ago. The Raymond Reddington we’ve known since the…