Five Life Lessons From the ‘Resident Evil: The Final Chapter’ Trailer

Ambitious. Unmatched. Resilient. We can go on about how much we love Alice in the trailer for Resident Evil: The Last Chapter. Over six movies we’ve watched this woman kick ass and take names. She’s proof that a female lead can tear…

Would Dakota Johnson Ever Regret Fifty Shades of Grey?

One movie that I am looking forward to is Fifty Shades Darker. I loved Fifty Shades – the books and the movies. And I am okay with that. Fifty Shades Darker opens in theaters February 10th, which means that there…

‘Timeless’ 1×12 Review: For You, A Thousand Times Over

This phrase from “The Kite Runner,” by Khaled Hosseini kept playing in my mind over and over again as I watched the episode. It’s not a romantic phrase, or at least, it’s not used in that context in the book…

Life Lessons From Trailers: Snatched Edition

We aren’t surprised that any Amy Schumer movie is one our list of movies that we can’t wait to see. Team Amy Schumer with Goldie Hawn and yes – it’s like take all my money. Cause it just seems like…

Rogue One: Rebel Captain (or the art of appreciating what could have been)

Do I ship this is, legit, the first question I ask when I see two people who have the amount of chemistry Diego Luna and Felicity Jones have. Sometimes, the answer is no. Most times, however, if chemistry + plot…

8 Life Lessons We Learned from the Underworld: Blood Wars Trailer

Lycans, vampires, and humans beware. Selene, played by Kate Beckinsale, is back in Underworld: Blood Wars. This time around she’s leveling up and going toe to toe with old and new foes out to get her blood. This isn’t going…

Movie Review: Why Him? More Like “Why Did We Watch That?”

You know when you go to a movie and you really want to like the movie, but you end up wondering how the hell you can get the hours of your life back that you just wasted? Yes – that’s…

Fangirlish Writers Talk What Carrie Fisher Meant to Them

This year at New York Comic Con, Alyssa and I were standing backstage with a YA author, waiting for her car to arrive. We were talking about the panel that we had all attended earlier in the day and about…

Thank You, Carrie Fisher, For Being A Mental Health Advocate

I was never much into Star Wars as a kid. It was a “boys” thing and I really didn’t have the patience for those kind of things. I was too busy with my Barbie dolls and my play makeup to…

Iconic Actress Carrie Fisher Dead at 60

It’s hard to see our idols leave us, and today, we’re sad to report that Carrie Fisher has indeed left. She was 60 years old. Family spokesman Simon Halls released a statement to PEOPLE on behalf of Fisher’s daughter, Billie Lourd:…

27 Women That Have Aged Like a Fine Wine

Sometimes perfection comes with age. Like a fine wine it takes time to unravel and reveal it’s complexities, beauty, and distinct nature. The women of this list have only gotten better with age and continue to steal hearts as they go…

Rogue One Review: A New (New) Beginning

How does it feel, someone was asking their companion as I left the movie theater, to know that the entire galaxy was saved because of a woman? I didn’t hear the answer, but I have mine – pretty damn good.…

Life Lessons From the Fifty Shades Darker Trailer

Fifty Shades of Grey may not be your thing – you inner goddess may not be in need of an explosion. We’ll applaude you for that. And even if you inner goddess gets to explode a lot – doesn’t mean…

27 Men That Have Aged Like a Fine Wine

Sometimes perfection comes with age. Like a fine wine it takes time to unravel and reveal it’s complexities, beauty, and distinct nature. The men of this list have only gotten better with age and continue to steal hearts as they…

An Open Letter to Comic Book Fans

Hello, hello. I’d ask how you are, but you’re probably fine. Better than fine. You’re seeing your favorite characters come to the screen, be it in TV or movies, and you’re pumped. It’s a good thing. Even if they don’t…

BROTPs That Ruled 2016

As fans, we tend to focus a lot on the romance in movies, books and TV shows. But sometimes, it’s the friendships that provide the most heartwarming moments and, let’s be honest, the most solid relationships. Even if your OTP…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 10: Disney Podcast

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can feel  happy…

Arrow 5×07 Roundtable: The Season So Far

This season of Arrow has been a whirlwind to say the least. A whirlwind as in a horrific storm that has terrorized our television experience or a terrible alien-induced nightmare that reigns supreme. Kind of like what awaits Oliver Queen…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×08 Review: “I’ll Be Your Mirror”

Love is weakness, Cora said once, a long time ago, but a show like this never forgets. And when I say it doesn’t forget, I mean it never loses an opportunity to prove that phrase wrong – again and again…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 7: Book to Movie Adaptations

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

A Live Action Snow White Is Coming

While we sit back and wait for the live action Beauty and the Beast, Disney has decided to up the anty and announce that they are working on a live action Snow White. We’re not talking that Snow White and…