‘Booksmart’ Is The Smartest Movie You Will See This Year

High School is a time of my life that I like to pretend never happened. It was a nightmare time in my life and maybe that is why I love to watch coming of age stories. Because I either like…

‘American Gods’ 2×01 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “House on the Rock”

Our fears at the fate of American Gods season two have been laid to rest in “House on the Rock.” This premiere, put simply, was awesome. It was just as wild, crazy, and visually stunning as season one was. And…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ Season 1 Review: The Next Generation of Women on TV is Here

A Discovery of Witches is the show that stole our hearts with it’s multi-faceted collection of witches, vampires, and demons. It’s the show that brought two unlikely creatures together and allowed them to fall in love. And it’s also the…

5 Reasons Why You Should Watch ‘A Discovery of Witches’

A Discovery of Witches IS the show that you should be watching in 2019. It’s the story of a 30 something witch who finds out she’s got more power in her than ever expected and the love that starts to…

Our Favorite Movies of 2018

2018 was a landmark year for some of our favorite movies. From Black Panther to To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, diversity has become something more than just people talking about change. Studios, writers, and creators are MAKING change…

‘A Christmas Prince: Royal Wedding’ Review: Bring Back The Cheese Please

I can’t. I know, I say that a lot, but in all reality – I just can’t. It really just fits sometimes, because I think that sometimes studios are stupid. They don’t pay attention to fandoms, the don’t pay attention…

‘Party of Five’ Reboot Casts It’s Four Leads

Brandon Larracuente (13 Reasons Why), Emily Tosta (Mayans M.C.), Niko Guardado (The Goldbergs) and newcomer Elle Paris Legaspi have been cast as the four older Buendía siblings in the reboot of Party of Five. Now, I will be one of…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 3×10 Review: The Other Woman

Anna Silk’s guest appearance on Wynonna Earp‘s “The Other Woman” made me forget what show I was watching. No lie. It also felt like I was watching the holy trinity of the women that I love and worship when Kevin,…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 3×07 Review: “I Fall to Pieces”

Wynonna Earp broke the dreaded curse that plagues all shows that have main characters in relationships but still have family around, in “I Fall to Pieces.” They proved that characters can have multiple relationships and not forget about each other…

‘Timeless’ Fans Plan Big SDCC Gesture

Timeless seems like the little show that could. Cancelled? Wait …not, it’s back. Cancelled again? Well, fans are certainly not giving up on the possibility of getting some sort of closure for their favorite show. And they’re taking to the…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×21 Review: Target

Look, I watched through this entire hour of Designated Survivor and I had things to say about how once again shit goes right for Kirkman or how once again we get a variation of the “I can only do what…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 60: Women’s Bodies & TV’s Skewed Perception of Them

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×19 Review: It’s All Coming Back To Me

See, Designated Survivor, I knew you had it in you. For someone who’s been asking for drama (the good kind of drama, not the OMG I HAVE A KID I NEVER TOLD YOU ABOUT kind) and for characters to make…

‘Designated Survivor 2×18 Review: Kirkman Agonistes

Well, that was …surprising. Really, really surprising. Especially considering that this season has felt more like a slog than a sprint. We’ve survived, more than thrived, and there have been many times where I have groaned at the mere thought…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×15 Review: Summit

There are two big problems with Designated Survivor right now, or at least two big ones – the smaller ones are just too numerous to count and I just don’t have the time or inclination to list them. Let’s focus…

‘Timeless’ 2×01 Roundtable: “The War to End All Wars”

At this point, you’re probably wondering, is there anything else to discuss about Timeless episode 2×01 that we haven’t discussed yet? The answer is, of course, that when you love a show as much as we love this one, there…

Legends of Tomorrow 3×10 Review : “Daddy Darhkest”

A little recap to catch you up on all things Legends before we get into “Daddy Darhkest” After a trip to Nazi Earth-X, Firestorm is no longer with the team due to Prof.Stein’s death and Jax’s quitting. The Leonard Snart…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×13 Review: This Should All be Really Sad

…if we, you know, cared? Harsh, I know, but had to be said. Designated Survivor’s winter finale ended with a not-so-shocking (if you’d heard the news of Natascha McElhone’s departure) death that feels way less emotional and anticlimactic than it…

Movie Ships We Loved in 2017

There is nothing quite like the movies. I love sitting in a dark theater with an irresponsibly large bucket of popcorn and a fountain drink that will all but ensure I will be wishing for a bathroom break well before…

‘The Flash’: The Ugly and Racist Treatment of Iris West

Like all West-Allen shippers, my heart is exceedingly full thinking about The Flash wedding. All that our favorite television couple has been through has set the stage for this magical moment.  Through unimaginable tragedy, Barry Allen and Iris West have managed…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×06 Review: Human Connections

For weeks, there has been something missing with Designated Survivor. The show hasn’t been bad, not even close to bad, and the level of emotion Tom Kirkman routinely manages to elict in me, in us, is about as high as…