‘Younger’ 6×07 Review: “Friends with Benefits”

We return with another episode of Younger! “Friends with Benefits” is an episode where the emotional conflicts of the characters advance more than ever. While some couples move forward, others get stuck between denial and division of feelings. Where will…

‘Younger’ 6×06 Review: It Was About Damn Time, Charles!

A new episode of Younger is here! Again, it has basically been a transitional episode, not one of my favorites to tell the truth, since dream-based situations are not to my liking. That said, the episode titled “Merger, She Wrote,”…

‘Younger’ 6×05 Review: “Finally, Liza!”

Welcome back to Younger! I think it’s no secret to anyone that this episode is transitional. In fact, what is really important happens at the last minute. It isn’t my favorite of this wonderful series. In that last minute I…

‘Younger’ 6×04 Review: “Secrets, secrets and…more secrets”

Welcome one more week to Younger’s world! After a small hiatus, we’re back to seeing what happens in Liza’s life. This episode has treated the secrets from a new perspective, since this time it was not Liza who had to…

‘Younger’ 6×03 Review: “The Unusual Suspect”

We’re here once more to discuss everything about Younger! “The Unusual Suspect” has been like a second part of last week’s episode. That’s how I’ve taken it. It has not been of my favorites, but the truth is that it…

‘Younger’ 6×02 Review: “Broken Fairy Tale”

Welcome to Younger reviews! It’s pleasure to share my feelings with all of you. I love this show. It is light, fresh, fun and full of characters so emotionally complex that it is impossible not to love them. From now…

10 Reasons You Should Be Watching ‘Younger’

Younger returns for Season 6 on June 12th at 10/9c on TV Land and we could not be more excited! For any of you who are living in a land of foolishness and aren’t yet watching the fun and flirty…

Who Is The Younger, More Beautiful (Queen) On Game of Thrones?

At the end of Game of Thrones season six, with the offing of Margaery Tyrell at the hands of Cersei Lannister’s Sept Kaboom!, it seemed that Cersei has finally put the kibosh on the “younger, more beautiful (queen)” prophecy she received…

‘Younger’ 5×08 Review: The First Time

It was always going to be difficult (perhaps impossible) to live up to the expectation and anticipation of Charles and Liza’s first time sleeping together.  Younger 5×08 “The Bubble,” unsurprisingly misses the mark for me with the couple’s bedroom activities,…

‘Younger’ 5×07 Review: A Few of My Favorite Things

YODEL-AY-HEEHOO! Younger 5×07 “A Christmas Miracle” really is a MIRACULOUS episode! “A Christmas Miracle” is a snow flurry of my favorite things about Younger, including its ability to make a magical PG kiss just raunchy enough with the little booty…

‘Younger’ 5×04 Review: Salty Pork Chops and Sweet Wine

Younger 5×04 “The Talented Mr. Ridley” balances the salty with the sweet but is still not satisfying enough to last the two weeks until the next episode. I’m hungry for more Younger! The Sweet Diana’s attempt to re-enter the dating scene…

‘Younger’ 5×03 Review: The Heart of the Detour

Younger 5×03 “The End of the Tour” takes a pink highlighter and rests it on my most well-worn passages until it messily bleeds all over the words, then it rips out pages from my final chapters and crumples them up,…

‘Younger’ 5×01 and 5×02 Review: We Will Go Down with This Ship

Younger has made an egregious error with Season 5: The episodes are TOO DANG SHORT! Thirty minutes isn’t nearly enough time with these fantastic characters and relationships. I DREAD seeing “Darren Star” pop up on my screen because it means I have…

‘Younger’ Renewed For Season 6

The thing about Younger is that when you start watching it, you can’t turn it off. It’s highly addictive, captivating, and just plain fun. This season has just started, but we’ve already gotten great news. Season 6 is coming. That’s…

Laura Benanti Cast In Season 5 Of ‘Younger’

We’re suckers for Younger and can’t wait for the season premiere. It feels like this season it’s going to be about Liza trying to find her relationships and how to maintain them in the midst of keeping her lie. Which…

Younger Season 5 First Look- Time Jump Speculations and More!

When it comes to my feelings about Younger I am what one might call thirsty. I eagerly await each new episode when it is airing and when it’s not, I regularly, irresponsibly, rewatch my favorites. So, when Darren Starr hints at a…

‘Younger’ Recap: “The Gift of Maggie”

The thing about Younger is that I feel like it figures out when you have to be hit in the feels and it decides that it is going to slap you right across the face and tell you that you…

‘Younger’ Review: ‘Forged In Fire’

The latest episode of Younger is still dealing with the aftermath of Liza telling Kelsey her big secret. While we knew the fallout would be extensive between these two, we’re really missing the Liza and Kelsey friendship we know and love. Younger’s…

‘Younger’ Review: Lies, Lies, LIESa

Friendship. If there is one thing that I have learned in life, it gets complicated as you get older. Nothing gets easier. I mean you would think so, because everyone is growing and maturing. But with growth and maturity, there…

Younger Gets A Season 4 Premiere Date

If there is one show that we fell in love with, it’s Younger. Binge watched the shit out of that show and didn’t regret a second. If you haven’t you need to get on it. You won’t regret a second.…

Younger: 5 Reasons We Are Team Josh

We’ve already covered why we are Team Charles, but hey – that doesn’t mean that we don’t realize just how great Josh is. We love Josh. We feel bad for Josh and all the things that he has gone through.…