Turning the Pages: ‘The Dirty Book Club’ by Lisi Harrison

The Dirty Book Club By: Lisi Harrison Release Date: October 10th Synopsis: M.J. Stark’s life is picture-perfect—she has her dream job as a magazine editor, a sexy doctor boyfriend, and a glamorous life in New York City. But behind her…

ABCS of Ships: Hayley and Elijah of ‘The Originals’

If there is one couple we’ve been holding out for on The Originals it’s Halijah. We love these two. We know that they have issues. We know the road to get there won’t be easy, but we’re holding out hope…

‘Arrow’: The ABC’s of Original Team Arrow

Looking back at Arrow’s first season, it was a show I enjoyed but always felt there was something missing. Something that made me care. Something that made me care if I missed an episode. Something that made me care if…

‘Home Again’ Review: We Laughed, We Cried, We Embraced Our Future Inner Cougar

I’ve loved Reese Witherspoon movies forever – from Cruel Intentions to Legally Blonde to Sweet Home Alabama to Walk the Line and so many more, I have never missed one of her movies. She’s always been an actress that is…

How ‘Game of Thrones’ Failed Arya and Sansa Stark – and sisters everywhere

If you’re like me you’ve been looking forwards to Starks reuniting, in any capacity, since they were first separated, back in Season 1. Hell, if you’re like me one of the top moments of the series so far is Jon…

‘The Bold Type’ Episode 3 Roundtable: Trolls, Trolls, Trolls

It’s episode 4 of The Bold Type tonight, which means it’s time for the round table from episode 3. Or as we like to call it – so much respect to our favorite trio of friends. Jane, Kat, and Sutton…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×06 Review: Whiskey Lullaby

Wynonna Earp continues to prove that you can have a female led drama with a twist of humor and family without drowning in hero angst that weighs down the main character and everyone around them. This week’s episode, “Whiskey Baby”,…

‘Black Lightning’: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC 2017

While The CW is home to many DC Comics television shows, the newest addition to the lineup is something we haven’t seen before: a retired superhero. Cress Williams will play Jefferson Pierce, aka Black Lightning, who is a retired superhero…

‘The X Files’: Why Every Show Needs a Diverse Writers Room

The X-Files has never been a truly diverse show — in front or behind the cameras. And yet, it felt like this was the time, like we’ve finally gotten to a point where that could change, where our favorite show…

'Arrow' Season 5 Review: Even Adrian Chase Couldn’t Save This Disaster

Nothing could’ve prepared me for Arrow’s fifth season. Arrow has always been that one show I never have to worry about. Even in its imperfections, Arrow has always managed to deliver on what its promised; to do right by its…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×04 Review: She Ain’t Right

Wynonna Earp‘s “She Ain’t Right” saw the discovery of Dolls, more teasing on what’s actually lurking behind the scenes of Purgatory, and a truly awkward kiss between Wynonna and Waverly. Amongst all this crazy/terrifying/hilarious chaos, what truly stood out are…

8 Superhero TV Couples We Love to Love

When it comes to superhero television shows, there is so much to love. Sure, we’ll initially drawn to the story due to their superhero persona. But when it comes down to it, we care as much as we do about…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×02 Review: Shed Your Skin

Wynonna Earp‘s second episode, Shed Your Skin, follows in it’s premieres footsteps by delivering a strong episode full of drama, relationship woes, treachery, one of a kind one-liners, and slow motion babes with weapons. I foresee a future of more of the…

'Supergirl' 2×22 Review: 'Nevertheless She Persisted'

If there’s one thing that you should know about Kara Danvers, it’s that she’s one of the strongest heroes in this DCTV universe. And I’m not referring to physical strength. I’m referring to the emotional strength that she has that…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×23 Review: “Fork in the Road”

Honestly, you’d think that I’d be better prepared for Chicago P.D. season finales. But I so am not. While I thought I was ready for the conclusion to what’s been a sensational fourth season, I most certainly was not. There’s…

'Arrow' 5×21 Roundtable: 'Honor Thy Fathers'

Arrow continues to deliver in its revival tour that progressed with “Honor Thy Fathers,” which took a look at the similarities and differences between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase. It was an episode where Oliver got some real character growth,…

'Arrow' 5×20 Roundtable: 'Underneath'

There wasn’t an episode of Arrow more anticipated this season than “Underneath,” which focused on matters of trust between Olicity and Dyla. It was an episode that was incredibly hyped. And it was an episode that did not disappoint. Our…

'Supergirl' 2×20 Review: 'City of the Lost Children'

The theme of a hero doesn’t always wear a mask or have superpowers is a theme that has been explored on multiple occasions on Supergirl. And I’m glad that is has been because it’s a message that cannot be conveyed…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×19 Review: “Last Minute Resistance”

On a show like Chicago P.D. where nearly all of its episodes are mind-blowing, there are episodes that really take it to another level. “Last Minute Resistance” was one of those episodes. On the surface this episode appeared to be…

We Spoke With Author Jennifer Smith To Celebrate Windfall

  Authors are our rockstars. We geek out over them. We love them. And one that we love in particular is Jennifer Smith. If you haven’t read her books, you are missing out. It’s like being transported into a different…

Timeless Roundtable: Why NBC should #RenewTimeless

There were many great new shows in the past TV season, but if there’s one that stole the hearts of us here at Fangirlish – in a rather surprising way – it was Timeless, the time-travel extravaganza with common sense,…