‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 45: Holiday Special 2017

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

'The Flash' 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.Our…

‘The Flash’ 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.…

Gear Up for the Holidays with Jill Shalvis

Can’t wait to deck the halls and sing carols? Ready to snuggle under a blanket and watch the twinkling lights? Light a fire, grab a mug of hot chocolate, and gear up for the holidays with Jill Shalvis! Don’t miss…

‘Arrow’ 6×04 Review: “Reversal” Or The One Where Everyone Ships Olicity

It’s been a while since I’ve written an Arrow review. Well, not that long in Arrow time, but in real world time, it’s been a while. (*waves* I’m filling in for Alyssa. Don’t run. I promise this review is still…

‘Outlander’ 3×05 Review: “Freedom and Whisky”

We are one step closer to the infamous “Print Shop” scene and I literally have zero chill. Outlander dives deep into the idea of impossible choices for Claire and Brianna. While Jamie isn’t present until the very end of the episode,…

6 Reasons We’ve Accepted The ‘One Direction’ Never Ending Hell-atus

We’ve always used the term “hell-atus” referring to when our favorite shows go on a break. But why can’t we use that term when it comes to music. No one says we can’t. We’ve been dealing with One Direction on…

‘Famous In Love’ 1×03 Recap: ‘Not So Easy A’

I learned one very important thing from this week’s episode: Jake doesn’t really own any shirts. Well, maybe he owns five of them but he definitely prefers to go without one. I’m not complaining or anything, because he also makes…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 2×16 Review: “Doomworld”

In TV, shows in their second seasons are always worried about the “sophomore slump”. For those wondering, that is the phrase used when a show has a subpar second season compared to its really good first season. It makes me…

Ten Ways To Make It Through This Epic #Droughtlander

Drought-lander: /drout,landər/  noun: a prolonged period of time without new episodes of Outlander. noun: an exceptional amount of time to not see Jamie and Claire Fraser A few weeks ago, Outlander fans were given the sad news that the show would not return…

The Progressive Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

The Incomplete Yet Ultimate Guide To Surviving This Political Shit Storm! In no way is this list exhaustive. It is a beginner’s introduction to what you can expect as the world comes to a screaming halt one Cheetos not-president at…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×11 Review: ‘Turncoat’

Legends of Tomorrow sends us back to 1776 this week and indirectly are able to save the world from losing “Hamilton: The Musical” forever. Oh and also the United States of America is saved as well but that’s besides the point.…

Our Holiday Wish-List for the Characters of Once Upon A Time

Christmas is a joyful time. A time of family, a time of laughter, and a time of presents. We give presents to the people we love because we love them, because we want them to have a good time. We…

The Flash 3×08 Review: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Aliens? ALIENS? You’d think that the premise that a species of aliens known as The Dominators coming to take over Earth would make this latest Arrowverse crossover ludicrous. But surprisingly ludicrous works especially when you have a group of heroes…

The Crown Episode 1: Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown

Buckingham Palace. Now I don’t know about you, but I have always been intrigued by what lies behind the gates. Maybe that’s why I was willing to sit down for 10 hours and not move as I watched every episode…

10 Things That Define My Basic Bitchness

Being a basic bitch sometimes gets a bad rap. Now, I take offense because I am as basic as they come. I view being basic as two different levels – the high maintenance basic bitch and the low maintenance basic…

Totally Drunk Movie Reviews: How to Be Single

Let’s be honest – the fact that there needs to be a movie to teach you How to be Single is some seriously fucked up shit. If you don’t know how to be alone you’ve got more issues than this…

Interview with GISHWHES Founder Misha Collins

GISHWHES. You’ve seen the word floating around Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook attached to pictures of people in odd clothes made out of food or animal hair. And all the while you’ve been wondering what the hell is going on. Have…

TV Shows That Made Me Who I Am Today

I grew up in a world of magic. A world where female characters are strong and brave, true love exists and the possibilities are endless. Most children grow up wanting to play a sport or play an instrument or a…

Starz Renews Outlander With “Book 3” and “Book 4” Commitment

Is it Christmas? Cause it feels like Christmas! Starz just announced that they have renewed Outlander with a “Book 3” and “Book 4” commitment. “Book Three” will be based on the third of the eight books in the Outlander series,…

Let’s Catch Up On Some ‘Outlander’ Stuff…

Outlander returns this week – and we’re super excited. This is the time of the year when we feel like we are getting Christmas presents – in the form of Jamie and Caitriona. Who can reject that gift? Not us!…