‘Stranger Things’ Season 3: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Stranger Things season 3 is the best season out of all the others and is the result of careful planning and wonderful storytelling. From Steve Harrington continuing to be the best mom to El and Max having the kind of…

‘The Blacklist’ Season 6 Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Season 6 of The Blacklist was a wild ride from start to finish. We had the fallout from Liz’s big betrayal of Red, a new government conspiracy leading all the way up to the President, Mozhan Marno’s exit from the…

‘New Amsterdam’ Season One Review: The Good, the Bad, and What We Want to See More Of

You all know I absolutely loved New Amsterdam’s first season and I am dying for season two already. But it’s time to breakdown the entire thing and see what they did right, what they did wrong, and what we can’t…

‘Shadowhunters’ Series Finale Review: ‘Alliance’ and ‘All Good Things…’

Well. There we go. Just like that, it’s all over. The end of an era. A strange, frustrating era, in which I for some reason committed to reviewing a show that’s mildly amusing at best and downright offensive at worst.…

‘American Gods’ 2×08 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Moon Shadow”

If there’s anything that American Gods “Moon Shadow” left us with it’s a desperate need to see more of the characters we have fallen in love with over two seasons. In the season two finale Shadow Moon and Laura Moon…

‘American Gods’ 2×06 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Donar the Great”

American Gods “Donar the Great” made me feel something mysterious and completely brand new when it comes to the pain in the ass known as Mr. Wednesday. I felt empathy. For the entirety of American Gods, I’ve never felt this…

‘American Gods’ 2×03 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Muninn”

American Gods “Muninn” introduced us to the hella talented Kahyun Kim and Devery Jacobs, the first playing New Media and the latter playing Sam Blackcrow. And seriously, after one episode of having them in my life, if anything happens to…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 6×10 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Gintars”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “Gintars” saw the arrival of Nikolaj’s weird as hell father and the disappearance of Terry’s eyebrows and sanity because of his obsession with the mites/tiny buggers that live on us without our knowledge. I mean, I’m with you…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×09 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Kids of the Black Hole”

Deadly Class‘ “Kids of the Black Hole” saw the divide between Maria & Saya widening because of a young man (Talk about predictable), the death of Master Lin’s wife, and the kickoff to the shit show of epic proportions that…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×08 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “The Clampdown”

Deadly Class “The Clampdown” broke my heart while showing me that change, love, and found family are there if you just look. The heartbreak is absolutely due to my girl squad of Maria and Saya falling apart. The divide growing…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×07 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Rise Above”

Jealousy, self preservation, and found family are at the heart of Deadly Class‘ “Rise Above.” Master Gao, Master Lin’s sister, is letting the past weigh her down and strip her of any compassion she might still hold because she’s jealous…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 73: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Oscars 2019

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

‘Outlander’ 4×13 “Man of Worth” Review: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF

We’ve reached the end of another season of Outlander, a season of high highs and low lows, a season where, at times, the show broke mercifully away from the books, and yet in so many important things, it stuck very…

‘Supernatural’ 14×11 Review: “Damaged Goods” All Around!

Supernatural‘s “Damaged Goods” saw Dean learning (once more) that HE IS NOT ALONE! He has Sam, Mary, Donna, Jack, and Cas. And it’s unfair to all of them that Dean wants to go at it all alone. This episode also…

'Arrow' 7×03 Review: Crossing the Line for the Greater Good

The heroes that we’ve met on Arrow — from Oliver Queen to Felicity Smoak-Queen to John Diggle to Roy Harper to Thea Queen to Laurel Lance to Quentin Lance to Dinah Drake to Rene Ramirez to Curtis Holt — they’ve…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 3×05 Review: Jolene’s Baked Goods Bring All the Earps to the Yard

Jolene’s cupcakes, pies, and baked goods brought all the Earps to her yard in Wynonna Earp‘s “Jolene.” With the way that those baked goods were looking on our TV’s, we really aren’t surprised that Wynonna & Co. fell under Jolene’s…

‘The Originals’ 5×13: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of “When the Saints Go Marching In”

The Originals series finale titled “When the Saints Go Marching In” was more disappointing than The Vampire Diaries series finale, which was a clusterfuck, while somehow managing to flip the bird at Haylijah and Klaroline shippers that have been following their…

The Good & the Bad of 2×10 of ‘Famous in Love’

Another season of Famous in Love has come to a close, and this season finale was full of drama and one major cliffhanger. There was a lot to love and a lot to dislike in this episode, so let’s get…

The Good and the Bad of 2×09 of ‘Famous in Love’

The penultimate episode of the second season of Famous in Love gave me what I’ve been asking for since the second season started. I wanted more character-driven stories and less overt Hollywood drama. This week delivered. Let’s get into all…

‘Supernatural’ 13×23 Season Finale Review: “Let the Good Times Roll”

Lucifer proves that he’s not changed AT ALL (shocker alert), Dean accepts Michael into his body, and Jack continues being the nougat son we all know and love. Let’s dive into Supernatural’s “Let the Good Times Roll.’ Fuck Yeah, Michael…

The Good and the Bad of 2×08 of ‘Famous in Love’

This episode did exactly what I want the show to do more often. It focused on the characters and their lives and the ways they interact with each other. There were mentions of scripts, parties were held, photoshoots were done,…