‘Once Upon A Time’ Review “Labor of Love”

Sometimes an episode will give you what you want. More often than not, if the writers hit the spot, however, an episode will give you what you need. And that’s exactly what Once Upon A Time did in “Labor of…

5 Reasons We Hope That ‘Shadowhunters’ Is Renewed

We know that an announcement of some type is coming and we’re pretty sure that it’s going to be about a renewal. What else could it be about? Now, we could be wrong, but we’re going to prepare ourselves for…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×08 Review: 'Night of the Hawk'

First off, I’d like to address The CW and their constant need for hiatuses during times when it’s the most inconvenient: That’s right, after leaving Sara, Ray, and Kendra stranded in 1950s Oregon – you know, a literal monster movie…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×09 Synopsis: 'Left Behind'

What happens when you get left behind in the past? We’re about to find out when three of our Legends find themselves abandoned in the past. The CW has released an official synopsis for episode 1×09 of DC’s Legends of…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×07 Review: 'Marooned'

If anything, Legends of Tomorrow continues to prove that it knows how to take a story in an entirely different direction than we expect it. And it’s not afraid to make shocking moves on behalf of the cast of characters…

‘Supergirl&’1×14 Review: “Truth, Justice and the American Way”

Supergirl continues to push Kara to important moral places where she’s forced to learn lessons about what it takes to be a hero. In “Truth, Justice, and the American Way,” Kara was pushed to her moral breaking point as she…

'The Flash' 2×15 Review: 'King Shark'

The Flash managed to bring forth several of my favorite elements of the show, including heart, Arrow crossovers, and a post-credits scene that was a game changer in every sense of the word. While I’ve been critical of The Flash…

‘The Originals’ Roundtable: Does Klaus Remember He’s A Daddy?

The Originals broke our heart this past week in ways we didn’t know we were capable of feeling. In a show that has us hooked on every word, we think sometimes it’s so under rated and when it comes down…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×05 Recap: ‘Moo Shu To Go’

Five episodes in, Shadowhunters finally seems to be hitting its stride. While Moo Shu To Go was far from perfect, it was still much more enjoyable than previous episodes, with better dialogue, acting and chemistry. Let’s take a look at some…

‘The 100’ 3×02 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Wanheda Part Two’

Following in Fangirlish tradition we’re starting a roundtable for The 100 where we discuss the crazy, game changing, and cringe worthy moments of the week. We’re starting it all off by exploring ‘Wanheda Part Two.’ This episode gave us the…

‘Shadowhunters’ Round Table: WTF Was Last Weeks Episode?

We’ve never held back our feelings when it comes to Shadowhunters and this week won’t be any different. As you prepare for tonight’s episode, we’re revisiting last weeks with something we call Shadowhunters Roundtables. Let’s talk Simon. Do you love…

'Arrow': The Many Faces of Olicity

A look can say a thousand words. In four seasons of Arrow we’ve seen Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak convey a variety of emotions through their eyes and expressions. In a way they have their own silent language that no…

Exclusive Interview with ‘Agent Carter’ Composer, Christopher Lennertz

The moment when a character is running for their life or a couple we adore are finally getting together, it usually permeated by a music. Some chords, struck together to cause a reaction out of us – anxiety, fear, warmth,…

New Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Featurette

A Celebration of Harry Potter 2016 is just the gift that keeps on giving! One day after getting information about four new wizarding schools located around the world, we now get an exciting sneak peek behind the scenes at Fantastic Beasts…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×03 Recap: “Dead Man’s Party”

In some ways, episode three of Shadowhunters was an improvement over the first two. The dialogue was less cringe-worthy, the acting a bit better and the plot less rushed. The story seems to be coming together very nicely, and the…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×01 Recap: The Mortal Cup

It’s hard to get a good feel for a show based on the pilot. They’re often rushed and disjointed, with everyone from the cast to the writers adjusting to their new roles. They’ll try to cram a little bit too…

‘The 100’ at TCA ’16: Women, Sexuality, and More

The 100 Television Critics Association (TCA) Panel was a incredible showcase of all the badass women on the show with Jason Rothenberg, the creator/executive producer, along for the ride. They discussed a range of topics that included women on TV,…