‘The Flash’ 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.…

‘Arrow’ 6×05 Review: ‘Deathstroke Returns’

While Arrow’s sixth season has managed to get the show back to its winning formula, its fifth hour has failed this fan. I have to say, any episode that succeeded last week’s incredible hour was bound to be a letdown…

‘Arrow’: Why Olicity Isn’t Ruining the Show

“Romance is killing the show!” If you’re a fan of any of the DCTV shows (but notably Arrow, The Flash, or Supergirl), you’ve probably come across that sentiment a hundred times online. It isn’t unique to the fandom of the…

Team-Ups We’d Love to See on DCTV

The shared DCTV universe can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the shared universe allows for massive plot holes. For example, dramatic cliffhangers lose some impact when the easy solution is to call in the…

'The Flash' 4×03 Review: 'Luck Be A Lady'

Honestly, I feel like I need to pinch myself sometimes because The Flash — my Flash — has returned stronger and better than ever. Because it feels like I’m dreaming sometimes — because this is exactly what I wanted from…

These Women of ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash’ Deserve Better 

In every show I’ve ever loved, there has been at least one woman that has stolen my heart. And in almost every fandom with which I’ve ever been involved, the female characters have been the most controversial and divisive. Sometimes…

‘Blindspot’: 3×01 Spoilers Roundup

In recent days it seems like Blindspot fans have had even more reasons to get excited than usual, with all the news and teases coming out about our favorite show. It’s been literally one scoop after another and although we love it because…

‘The Flash’ 4×01 Review: ‘The Flash Reborn’

Since its first season, The Flash has thrived on its lighthearted tone where family is the focus. Barry Allen has always been the lighthearted hero of the DCTV universe, along with Supergirl, and that was something that we were severely…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 39: Toxic Masculinity on TV

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

DCTV: Triumph from So. Much. Tragedy

In anticipation of the season premieres, I’ve been going through a series rewatch of all four of the DCTV shows. In retrospect, it would have been wise to start it earlier in the summer. However, in revisiting these shows so…

Hulu Releases Teaser for ‘Marvel’s Runaways’

There’s been a lot of buzz about Hulu‘s Marvel’s Runaways, mostly thanks to a pretty awesome cast, but as far as actual, real, tangible information, we didn’t really have much. Until now, that is. Conventions, the gift that keeps on…

Arrowverse Crossover: Russell Tovey to Play LGBTQ Character

Russell Tovey is coming to the CW as The Ray! The Quantico vet has been tapped to play gay superhero The Ray in the four-part Arrowverse crossover, TVLine reported. He will also voice the role in CW Seed’s forthcoming animated…

‘Arrow’: The ABC’s of Original Team Arrow

Looking back at Arrow’s first season, it was a show I enjoyed but always felt there was something missing. Something that made me care. Something that made me care if I missed an episode. Something that made me care if…

5 Things We Want From ‘The Flash’ Season 4

In The Flash’s third season finale, we found ourselves nearly escaping the black hole that was the darkness of Season 3 after we learned that — by the grace of God — Iris West hadn’t been killed by Savitar. Just…

Superheroes Can Fall in Love & Save the Day at the Same Time

We learn a lot about life from the media that we consume, particularly TV shows and movies. They step in, fill the gaps, and offer us life lessons and advice that become part of who we are. In many instances…

The ABC’s of Ships: Malec Edition

We’ve long been fans of Cassie Clare’s books. Her books have changed our lives. One of our favorite ships is Malec. A complicated couple with so much love to give and we can’t get enough of them. So this weeks…

'The Flash' Season 4: Barry & Iris Are Getting Married…But Is There Trouble Ahead?

Following a somewhat depressing season as far as The Flash is concerned, it sounds like Season 3 is going to return The Flash to its lighter roots once Team Flash overcomes this whole “Barry being lost to the Speed Force”…

‘Blindspot’ Season 3 Promises Fulfilling Jeller

Blindspot fans are in luck! We have fresh spoilers thanks to TVLine. And special attention Jeller and Zapata/Reade fans, we have very good news for you! (To give you an idea, as a fan of these two wonderful couples I’m…

ABC’s of Ships: Nathan and Haley of ‘One Tree Hill’

Nathan and Haley – their love wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. And they will forever be one of our favorites.

5 Years and 5 Fandoms We’ve Pissed Off

When we look back on the past 5 years, it’s been one hell of a ride. Some of that has been because of the fandoms that haven’t liked what we’ve had to say. But we’re always going to be honest…

Why It’s Time For The Arrowverse To Have An All Female Team Up

We’ve been living in the Arrowverse for almost six years now and there’s still something missing. Something fundamental that hasn’t dawned on the writers of our favorite CW superhero shows. It’s time for an Arrowverse all female team up. We’ve…