Netflix Announces ‘The Crown’ Season 3 Premiere Date

My royal loving heart is so excited. Why? Netflix has announced the premiere date for Season 3 of The Crown. November 17th, my ass is prepared to be sitting on my couch, binge watching what is one of my favorite…

Fangirlish Talks: Our Dream Emmy Nominations

Emmy Nominations are right around the corner, and every year, the collective internet goes into an uproar about who should have been nominated, and somehow got snubbed. And no, we’re not gonna get into how Emmy voters love some shows…

Talking to a Tennis Ball: ‘Lost in Space’ stars share behind-the-scenes stories

I love remakes and revivals. I always have. For some reason, the idea of someone taking something beloved and making it their own has always appealed to me. Which is why when the new Lost in Space show first appeared…

12 LGBTQ+ Musicians You Should Listen To in 2019

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

Pop Culture Fans Take Over Orlando

The annual comic book convention, MegaCon, descended upon the nation’s tourist capital this month. True to it’s name, this event welcomes more than 100,000 fans every year. And this year’s convention featured appearances from some of the biggest names in…

‘The 100 6×02 Review: “Red Sun Rising”

It’s time to face your demons on The 100 and between Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and literally every other character, there’s a lot of demons to go around. This episode was completely insane, but it a good way. With the eclipse…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×02 Roundtable: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”

Well, color me delighted, and shocked and utterly terrified. Because that was probably the most emotionally satisfying episode in the whole of Game of Thrones, and that doesn’t seem like it bodes well for the upcoming battle. But let’s not…

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Cher Martinetti Talks Giving Women Their Voice Back in ‘Forgotten Women of Genre’

It’s a tale as old as time. Woman creates something spectacular, something game changing and like we’ve never seen before. And along comes a man ready to take the spotlight with no regard for the woman’s contribution that got him…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×15 Review: ‘King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd’

On this week’s episode of The Flash, a talking shark in pants took on a psychic gorilla. Meanwhile, Joe West returns looking refreshed and rejuvenated to have some wonderful moments with Cecile and Iris, S.T.A.R. Labs becomes a little Shape…

Spotlight On: Timeless Art by Maartje van Hoorn

Often one of the best things about fandom is the fanfic, the fanart, the creations surrounding a show, a book or a movie. Because yes, there’s some magic in loving the same thing and dissecting it over and over, but…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 72: What Makes Foreign TV So Good

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

Why You Should Be Watching ‘Sorry For Your Loss’

Did you know that Facebook offers original streaming content? I know, Facebook has become such an evil in our society lately, and we all collectively want nothing to do with it, which is probably not many knew that Facebook Watch, which…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ is Coming to AMC and BBC America This April

After the breakout performance of A Discovery of Witches on Sundance Now and Shudder, the book adaptation of Deborah Harkness’ All Souls trilogy is coming to AMC TV and BBC America. Set to be a simulcast, A Discovery of Witches…

5 LGBTQ+ Web Series You Should Binge in 2019

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ Season 1 Review: The Next Generation of Women on TV is Here

A Discovery of Witches is the show that stole our hearts with it’s multi-faceted collection of witches, vampires, and demons. It’s the show that brought two unlikely creatures together and allowed them to fall in love. And it’s also the…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ 1×08 Review: The Princess Fights Back in This One

A Discovery of Witches rounded off it’s first season with a power house episode that reiterated the fact that these witches, vampires, and demons on Bishop land, are the future for creatures all over the world. They are the future,…

Clockblockers Never Stop: ‘Timeless’ does LACC

Clockblockers just won’t quit. They don’t know how to. That’s not just an euphemism. They really, really have no idea – and no reason, either. They got a second season after cancellation was announced, then got a movie after cancellation…

‘Murphy Brown’ 11×01 Review: ‘Fake News’

There is nothing fake about my joy in seeing Murphy Brown back on my TV. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this revival for months, and the premiere did not disappoint. From the opening montage of the 2016 presidential campaign (over a…

‘Fierce Fairytales’ by Nikita Gill Reinvents Classic Fairytales in the #MeToo Era

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘PinkSlipped’ Webseries Interview: Tokenism, Equal Pay and Latinx Voices

Photo Credit: Emerson Lee Photo. In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx community since…

MTV Greenlights ‘The Hills: New Beginnings’

The rest is still unwritten, right? Well when it comes to The Hills, it looks like they are ready to write more and to be honest, I am on the fence. But it doesn’t matter what side of the fence…