‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ 1×09/1×10 Review: “Awakening; Austin, We Have a Problem”

This week viewers were treated to a double episode season finale of 9-1-1: Lone Star. There was not a dull moment in these episodes. TK makes a decision about his future; Michelle finds her sister; and the entire city deals…

‘The Walking Dead’ 10×11 Review: “Morning Star”

This week’s episode of The Walking Dead titled “Morning Star” marks the beginning of the war with the Whisperers, and even though it’s been building to this for a while – we are not ready! The first part of the…

International Women’s Day: Fictional Ladies Who Rock

This International Women’s Day we want to celebrate the characters that defined us as girls, teenagers, and women. The characters who set the stage for what is badass, what is brave, what is kind, or what is compassionate in this…

I Will Go Down With This Ship: Densi Edition

Ships. In entertainment, and especially, in fandom, we live and die by them. Which is why every Friday, we’ll be focusing on a couple, analyzing why we ship them, and overall, just proclaiming our eternal love for those couples that…

Self Care for Everyone

I’m learning more ways to care for my self, that don’t always require spending money.
Self Care is defined as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.” and “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” None of that says you have to buy a lot to participate!

‘Altered Carbon’ Season 2 Review: The Scifi POC Deserve & Need in 2020

There’s no use in denying it. Coming into season 2 of Altered Carbon and we were worried. Joel Kinnaman had done such an amazing job as Takeshi Kovacs in season 1. He blew it out the water, in fact, in…

‘The Witcher’ Casting News: Vesemir is Coming!

We have more casting news for The Witcher season two from Netflix. Kim Bodnia (Killing Eve, The Bridge) has been cast as Vesemir. The official character description is: a charming relic of the witcher Golden Age. Vesemir is the oldest…

The Flash’s (Not-So-) Killer Frost Problem

The Flash may be hitting its stride in Season 6, but it only serves to highlight the problem in their treatment of Killer Frost and Caitlin.

‘The Walking Dead’ Episode 10×09 Review: “Squeeze”

This week’s episode of The Walking Dead was called “Squeeze,” because the group had to get out of some tight spots, but the name could also represent how much they fit into this episode. Because it was a lot. The…

‘Doctor Who’ 12×09 Review: “Ascension of the Cybermen”

The Doctor and her companions face off against the Cybermen in a terrifying episode titled “Ascension of the Cybermen” that sees the world destroyed, humans almost extinct, and everyone scattered across the universe. Oh, and the return of The Master.…

Book Review: Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl

I read this book hoping it would help with the book hangover caused by Turtles All the Way Down, and instead it exacerbated it. Let’s dive right into this Neverworld Wake review!

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 5×05 review: “A Head of Her Time”

The past can be a very painful thing. Everyone has done things in the past that you can look upon with regret, or second thoughts. “A Head of Her Time” shows us that one Legend is forever haunted by their…

Gone Too Soon: ‘Daybreak’:The Teenage Post-Apocalyptic Playground

Look, I fall hard, fast. I can tell you within the first few episodes if I’m going to love a show or give it up. I think that’s why it hurts so much when shows get canceled before their time,…

‘Batwoman’ 1×12 Review: “Take Your Choice”

Who are these characters? That’s what I find myself asking myself week after week when it comes to Batwoman and I found myself asking this same question in “Take Your Choice.” Who are these characters and do they even know…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 7×03: “Pimento”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “Pimento” saw the return of fan favorite Adrian Pimento. Or maybe he’s just my favorite. With his crazy hair, disposition, and adventures, he’s always a wild ride to be seen and admired…from afar. We also saw Jake kind…

‘Legacies’ 2×12 Review: “Kai Parker Screwed Us”

The infamous and wicked Kai Parker returns to the TVD Universe on Legacies Season 2 Episode 12, “Kai Parker Screwed Us.” Kai brings so many twists that this episode could have been a season finale. There’s some payoff regarding Ric’s…

‘Deputy’ 1×06: “Do No Harm”

Last week, I thought that Deputy was finding it’s footing and then this week, there was regression. And I hate it. If we’re being honest Deputy‘s biggest problem is that it revolves around Bills story. Sure, it is trying hard…

We Need to Talk About That ‘Locke & Key’ Ending and Why It Had to Happen

[SPOILERS AHEAD] [Read our spoiler free review here] Locke & Key just premiered and already we’re blown away by that season one ending and what it means for the future of the hit series by Joe Hill. To start off,…

I Will Go Down With This Ship: Jamie and Claire Edition

Ships. In entertainment, and especially, in fandom, we live and die by them. Which is why every Friday, we’ll be focusing on a couple, analyzing why we ship them, and overall, just proclaiming our eternal love for those couples that…

‘Legacies:’ Kai Parker’s Return and the Sphinx’s Prophecy

Legacies fans got an exclusive first look at TVD alum Kai Parker’s return thanks to Entertainment Weekly. EW reported that Kai’s return will be a part of a two-parter, which starts with his return in Legacies Season 2 Episode 12,…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 5×02 Review : “Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me”

“Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me” is a perfect example of when Legends of Tomorrow is running on all cylinders, no other show can match it’s heart and silliness.