Rants & Raves from Episode 1×03 of “Shadowhunters”

I am a really huge fan of The Mortal Instruments books, so I am adjusting to the changes made to television adaptation. Now that that is out of the way: I am invested in the show and interested to see…

'Arrow': The Many Faces of Olicity

A look can say a thousand words. In four seasons of Arrow we’ve seen Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak convey a variety of emotions through their eyes and expressions. In a way they have their own silent language that no…

Exclusive Interview with ‘Agent Carter’ Composer, Christopher Lennertz

The moment when a character is running for their life or a couple we adore are finally getting together, it usually permeated by a music. Some chords, struck together to cause a reaction out of us – anxiety, fear, warmth,…

Snowzilla Didn’t Stop Us at HVFF NY/NJ

Heroes and Villains Fanfest (HVFF) promised to be a weekend of panels, fantastic artwork, and meeting up with other lovers of comics/books/movies/television. I had high expectations. Then Blizzard Jonas aka Snowzilla hit the East Coast with a vengeance. He covered…

‘Once Upon A Time’ – I’m Thankful for Henry

Remember the first episode? Remember that wide-eyed kid who knocked on Emma’s door and brought with him magic and adventure? Remember that looking at him and realizing he really, really believed? Remember that little face full of hope and trust…

‘The 100’ 3×02 Review: Wanheda Part Two

It’s only episode two and we’re already craving for more angst riddled and ugly crying goodness that is The 100. In ‘Wanheda: Part Two’ family finds it’s way back to each other, the glimmer of new enemies emerge, and Lexa…

'Arrow' 4×11 Recap: 'A.W.O.L.'

While Arrow might be a superhero show make no mistake that the show’s true superpower rests with the characters that have defined this show over the course of its four seasons. And in Wednesday’s episode, two of the fandom’s favorites…

The X-Files “Founder’s Mutation” Review

Welcome back, The X-Files. Welcome back unexplained phenomena, welcome back Skinner with his awful poker face, welcome back Mulder jumping to conclusions. Welcome back, The X-Files. We’d really, really missed you. Episode Two couldn’t have been more different from the…

'Arrow' 4×10 Roundtable: Discussing 'Blood Debts'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 10 of…

‘The Boy’ Review: A Woman and Her Creepy Doll

‘The Boy‘ tells the story of an American nanny named Greta (Lauren Cohan) who escapes to the English countryside. What seems like an ordinary job turns into confusion when she finds out her charge is a doll. Yes, you heard…

‘Arrow’ 4×10 Review: Darkness vs. Light

Since Arrow‘s inception this show has been about Oliver Queen’s story of redemption as he braved the darkness that we found him with in the series’ first episode to become a hero that lives in the light in present day…

‘Once Upon A Time’ – I’m Thankful for Robin Hood

More than a Disney kid, I was a books kid. Sure, I watched the pre-requisite Disney movies, but even when I was very, very young, I didn’t need visuals to fall in love with a character. Words worked just fine…

‘Once Upon A Time’ – I’m Thankful for Belle

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time, and fell in love with Belle. It was easy back then, she was kind, smart, and she LIKED BOOKS. I…

Fangirlish Remembers: Alan Rickman

‘The thing about remembering….” I read once, “is that you don’t ever forget.” And that’s especially true for the people who touch us.  The ones who inspire us. Alan Rickman, was one of those. Not only because he was a brilliant…

Tributes Pour in for Alan Rickman

When you lose one of your icons, it’s hard to find the words. It’s hard to contain the emotions. It’s just …hard. And that’s us from the outside. The people who knew and loved Alan Rickman the best are now…

Beloved Actor Alan Rickman dies at 69

The beloved Alan Rickman, the bad guy from Die Hard, the good guy from Sense and Sensibility and the Professor that we all loved to hate from Harry Potter has passed away. He was 69. His death was confirmed on…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×01 Recap: The Mortal Cup

It’s hard to get a good feel for a show based on the pilot. They’re often rushed and disjointed, with everyone from the cast to the writers adjusting to their new roles. They’ll try to cram a little bit too…

‘Once Upon A Time’ – I’m thankful for Rumplestiltskin

Strangely enough, it’s easier for me to write this post about Rumple today than it would have been a month ago. For years I’ve been asking Once Upon A Time to do exactly what they did in the midseason finale…

‘The 100’ at TCA ’16: Women, Sexuality, and More

The 100 Television Critics Association (TCA) Panel was a incredible showcase of all the badass women on the show with Jason Rothenberg, the creator/executive producer, along for the ride. They discussed a range of topics that included women on TV,…

‘Shadowhunters’ Review: The Pilot Shows Potential, But Lacks Heart

Heading into watching the Pilot episode of Shadowhunters, there is one thing that mattered to me. While I get it – there is an expectation that I am going to come down on this show because of my love of…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from The Legend of Tarzan Trailer

‘The Legend of Tarzan’ is about more than loin cloths and Jane being rescued by Tarzan. Let’s talk about the Life Lessons learned from the trailer.